•  16
    Personhood – Workshop papers of the Conference ‘Dimensions of Personhood’ (edited book)
    with Heikki Ikäheimo, Jussi Kotkavirta, Arto Laitinen, Pessi Lyyra, and Petteri Niemi
    University of Jyväskylä, Publications in Philosophy. 2004.
    This volume contains the workshop papers of the philosophical conference Dimensions of Personhood held in August 13-15, 2004 at University of Jyväskylä, Finland. The conference was organized by the Finnish Academy research project The Concept of Person. In the call for papers, the theme of the conference was formulated as follows. Recent developments in neuroscience and information technology, in medicine and biotechnology, and in society and culture more broadly have made various questions conc…Read more
  • Recognitive Attitudes and Dimensions of Personhood
    In Heikki Ikäheimo, Jussi Kotkavirta, Arto Laitinen, Pessi Lyyra & Petteri Niemi (eds.), Personhood – Workshop papers of the Conference ‘Dimensions of Personhood’, University of Jyväskylä, Publications in Philosophy. 2004.
  • Kant, Hegel ja pragmatismi
    In Pihlström Sami, Rolin Kristina & Ruokonen Floora (eds.), Käytäntö, Yliopistopaino. 2002.
  • Tunnustusasenteet ja persoonuuden konstituutio
    In Jussi Kotkavirta & Petteri Niemi (eds.), Persoona. pp. 319-331. 2004.
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    Hegel, Heidegger ja meidän aikamme
    In Jussi Backman & Miika Luoto (eds.), _Heidegger – ajattelun aiheita_, Eurooppalaisen Filosofian Seura. pp. 137-155. 2006.
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    Die Anerkennung von Personen
    In Frank Kannetsky & Henning Tegtmeyer (eds.), Personalität - Studien zu einem Schuessel-Begriff der Philosophie, . pp. 275-298. 2007.
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    Reconnaissance et inclusion sociale
    In Christian Lazzeri & Soraya Nour (eds.), De L’Inclusion – Reconnaissance et Identification Sociale. pp. 101-122. 2009.
  •  3
    Riconoscimento e personalità
    In Italo Testa & Luigi Ruggiu (eds.), Lo spazio sociale della ragione. Da Hegel in avanti. pp. 193-218. 2009.
  • Anerkennung und inklusive Bildung
    with Heikki Ikäheimo and Franziska Felder
    In Michael Quante, Silvia Wiedebusch & Heidrun Wulfekühler (eds.), Ethische Dimensionen Inklusiver Bildung. 2018.
  •  53
    Recognition is one of the most debated concepts in contemporary social and political thought. Its proponents, such as Axel Honneth, hold that to be recognized by others is a basic human need that is central to forming an identity, and the denial of recognition deprives individuals and communities of something essential for their flourishing. Yet critics including Judith Butler have questioned whether recognition is implicated in structures of domination, arguing that the desire to be recognized …Read more
  •  40
    A recently widely accepted view has it that the nature-spirit distinction in Hegel is to be understood as a distinction between a space or realm that is not normative or does not involve norms, and one that is or does. Notwithstanding the merits of this view, it has tended to create a separation between nature and spirit which is both philosophically troubling and difficult to reconcile with the picture of Hegel as the arch enemy of abstract or unreconciled dualisms. In this paper I aim to show…Read more
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    The concept of recognition (Anerkennung in German) has been in the center of intensive interest and debate for some time in social and political philosophy, as well as in Hegel-scholarship. The first part of the article clarifies conceptually what recognition in the relevant sense arguably is. The second part explores one possible route for arguing that the „recognitive attitudes‟ of respect and love have a necessary role in the coming about of the psychological capacities distinctive of persons…Read more
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    This article begins by tracing two issues to be kept in mind in discussing the theme of love as far back as Aristotle: on the one hand the polysemy of the term philia in Aristotle, and on the other hand the fact that there is a focal or core meaning of philia that provides order to that polysemy. Secondly, it is briefly suggested that the same issues are, mutatis mutandis, central for understanding the discussion of love or Liebe by Hegel, the central classic reference in debates on recognition.…Read more
  • Recognition
    with Heikki Ikäheimo and Arto Laitinen
    In Robin Celikates, Rahel Jaeggi & Martin Saar (eds.), Handbuch Kritische Theorie: Werke – Begriffe – Wirkung, J.b. Metzler. 2019.
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    What is the nature of the social reality? How do the major social institutions like money or law exist? What are the limits of individualistically-oriented social theories?These and related problems are intensely discussed in philosophy, in legal theory and in the methodology of social sciences. This collection brings together the different traditions of the contemporary discussion. It includes thought-provoking articles by John Searle, Margaret Gilbert, Ota Weinberger, Raimo Tuomela, Eerik Lage…Read more
  •  28
    Dimensions of Personhood
    Imprint Academic. 2007.
    A resale copy of a special issue of Journal of Consciousness Studies (Volume 14, Issue 5-6, 2007). This collection of original articles considers the perennial question ‘What are persons?’ It aims first of all to clarify the nature of the question and its relation to associated questions such as the nature of the human animal; how the concepts of human being, person, subject, and self are related; the persistence and unity of persons; and questions as to the conditions for personhood and persona…Read more
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    According to a widely shared view, a radical change took place in the role of intersubjectivity in Hegel's philosophy somewhere between Jena and Berlin. For instance, Jürgen Habermas's judgement is that whereas in the Jena writings – in the JenaRealphilosophien, and perhaps still in the 1807Phenomenology of Spirit– Hegel conceived of intersubjectivity as an essential element in the constitution of subjectivity and of objectivity, in Berlin Hegel's intersubjectivist conception was replaced by a m…Read more