Deptford, England, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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Other Academic Areas
  • Escrivá de Balaguer, Josemaría, Cartas (I) (review)
    Mayéutica 47 (103): 215-216. 2021.
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    Gzella, Holger, Aramaic. A History of the First World Language (review)
    Mayéutica 47 (103): 205-207. 2021.
  • DeClaissé, Nancy L., Psalms Books 4-5 (review)
    Mayéutica 46 (102): 488-488. 2020.
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    Emotional Assessment in Spanish Youths With Antisocial Behavior
    with Juan García-García, María José Gil-Fenoy, Leticia de la Fuente-Sánchez, Elena Ortega-Campos, Flor Zaldívar-Basurto, and Encarna Carmona-Samper
    Frontiers in Psychology 12 671851. 2021.
    Impaired emotional capacity in antisocial populations is a well-known reality. Taking the dimensional approach to the study of emotion, emotions are perceived as a disposition to action; they emerge from arousal of the appetitive or aversive system, and result in subjective, behavioral, and physiological responses that are modulated by the dimensions of valence, arousal, and dominance. This study uses the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) to study the interaction between the type of …Read more
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    Hannah Arendt: la singularidad humana como efecto de lo político
    Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 6 19-28. 2015.
    The aim of this article is to explore the perspective of Hannah Arendt on the relationship between politics and singularity as a way to counteract the fall in the control and predictability of humanity by the totalitarian and commercial companies.The question about the meaning of human singularity highlights the postmetaphysical character of human identity and the distinction to include women, this make more complex the Arendt's conception about the public space that changes from agonist to asso…Read more
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    Hannah Arendt: la singularidad humana como efecto de lo político
    Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 6 19-28. 2015.
    The aim of this article is to explore the perspective of Hannah Arendt on the relationship between politics and singularity as a way to counteract the fall in the control and predictability of humanity by the totalitarian and commercial companies.The question about the meaning of human singularity highlights the postmetaphysical character of human identity and the distinction to include women, this make more complex the Arendt's conception about the public space that changes from agonist to asso…Read more
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    The Way We See Others in Intercultural Relations: The Role of Stereotypes in the Acculturation Preferences of Spanish and Moroccan-Origin Adolescents
    with Ana Urbiola, Lucía López-Rodríguez, Marisol Navas, and Isabel Cuadrado
    Frontiers in Psychology 11. 2021.
    Although the relationship between stereotypes and acculturation preferences has been previously studied from the majority perspective among adults, the perspective of adolescents and minority groups is understudied. This research analyzed the contribution of four stereotype dimensions to the acculturation preferences of Spanish adolescents and adolescents of Moroccan-origin, the moderating role of stereotypes in intergroup acculturation discrepancies, and the interaction of stereotypes with accu…Read more
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    Systematic Review of the Literature About the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Lives of School Children
    with Javier Cachón-Zagalaz, Déborah Sanabrias-Moreno, Gabriel González-Valero, Amador J. Lara-Sánchez, and María Luisa Zagalaz-Sánchez
    Frontiers in Psychology 11. 2020.
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    Brief report Effects of spinal cord injuries on the subjective component of emotions
    with Pilar Cobos, Nieves Pérez, and Jaime Vila
    Cognition and Emotion 18 (2): 281-287. 2004.
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    The Challenge of Greening Religious Schools by Improving the Environmental Competencies of Teachers
    with Rafael Robina-Ramírez, Héctor V. Jiménez-Naranjo, and Carlos Díaz-Caro
    Frontiers in Psychology 11. 2020.
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  • Alexis de Tocqueville: nuevas miradas
    with Nere Basabe
    Araucaria 21 (42). 2019.
    Tocqueville, como todos los grandes clásicos, es inagotable. A man for all seasons, como lo prueba su reciente éxito en China y Japón, dos países y dos sistemas políticos tan alejados de la historia europea y del modelo democrático que él describió que le hubiera parecido sorprendente que le utilizaran como referencia. Ser un clásico inagotable con solo dos obras de obligada lectura es un logro del que pocos pueden vanagloriarse. Quizá Hobbes, quizá John Locke, dos de los autores que menciona Lu…Read more
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    A expulsão dos judeus da espanha nas crônicas cristãs da época
    Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 42 (3): 711-717. 1997.
    No final do século XV, sob o reinado de Fernando e Isabel, houve a grande expulsão dos judeus espanhóis. Os cronistas da época tendem a silenciar sobre o fato, quando não a elogiar a atitude dos monarcas. No máximo, alguns apresentam o fato como um mal menor. Também os intelectuais da época, e até a universidade de Paris, tiveram palavras de louvor à atitude dos reis.
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    O Saber E os centros de Saber nas sete partidas de Alfonso X o sábio
    Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43 (3): 577-592. 1998.
    O período medieval é longo e de grande efervescência. Nele o saber foi se desenvolvendo e organizando aos poucos, acentuando-se sempre mais a importância da natureza. A partir do século XII, organizam-se escolas, no século XIII, as universidades. Nas "Siete Partidas" o rei Alfonso X idealiza e define o que seria o generale.
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    Cuidar la casa común. La encíclica Laudato Si’ y San Agustín (review)
    Mayéutica 44 (98): 507-508. 2018.
  • Bibilical Hebrew. An Introductory Grammar, 2ª edition (review)
    Mayéutica 44 (98): 489-490. 2018.
  • Early Jewish Literature, vol.1 (review)
    Mayéutica 44 (98): 481-484. 2018.
  • Entre 1830 y 1847 el proyecto para instalar en Argelia una colonia de población europea tuvo que afrontar la realidad de los pueblos que habitaban el territorio. Más allá de la violenta conquista militar, filósofos, políticos y científicos sociales, intentaron analizar las costumbres y la cultura de árabes y bereberes y su futuro en la Argelia francesa. Entre todas las voces destacaron las de Alexis de Tocqueville, que visitó Argelia en 1841 y 1846 para apoyar el proyecto, Amédée Desjobert, dipu…Read more
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    Mini Review of the Use of the Mobile Phone and Its Repercussion in the Deficit of Physical Activity (review)
    with Javier Cachón-Zagalaz, María Sánchez-Zafra, and Amador Lara-Sánchez
    Frontiers in Psychology 10. 2019.
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    Rapid tomographic reconstruction through GPU-based adaptive optics
    with Carlos González Gutiérrez, Ramón Ángel Fernández Díaz, José Luis Calvo Rolle, Nieves Roqueñí Gutiérrez, and Francisco Javier de Cos Juez
    Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (2): 214-226. 2019.
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    Unlocking data: Where is the key?
    with Antonio Sarría‐Santamera
    Bioethics 33 (3): 367-376. 2019.
    Health‐related data uses and data sharing have been in the spotlight for a while. Since the beginning of the big data era, massive data mining and its inherent possibilities have only increased the debate about what the limits are. Data governance is a relevant aspect addressed in ethics guidelines. In this context, the European project BRIDGE Health (BRidging Information and Data Generation for Evidence‐based Health policy and research) strove to achieve a comprehensive, integrated and sustaina…Read more
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    Introducción al pensamiento filosófico. Filosofía y Modernidad (review)
    Mayéutica 44 (97): 229-230. 2018.
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    In Via Scoti. La sediciosa alquimia del ser (review)
    Mayéutica 44 (97): 229-229. 2018.
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    Señor, nada sin ti. Reflexiones agustinianas para el camino (review)
    Mayéutica 44 (97): 211-212. 2018.
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    Algunas consideraciones éticas sobre la regulación de la pornografía
    Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 51 211-254. 2016.
    El objetivo de este artículo es proponer cuatro condiciones éticas para la regulación de la pornografía en un Estado con tendencia liberal democrática: las dos primeras se relacionan con la producción del material pornográfico, la tercera con el contenido de dicho material y la cuarta con su repercusión social. De acuerdo con ello, en primer lugar, se presenta una definición de pornografía que incluye las perspectivas de las feministas radicales y liberales. En segundo lugar, se desarrolla un ma…Read more