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    On possibilising genealogy
    Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy. forthcoming.
    In this paper, I argue that the vindicatory/unmasking distinction has so far prevented scholars from grasping a third dimension of genealogical inquiry, one I call possibilising. This dimension has passed unnoticed even though it constitutes a crucial aspect of Foucault’s genealogical project starting from 1978 on. By focusing attention on it, I hope to provide a definitive rebuttal of one of the main criticisms that has been raised against genealogy in general, and Foucauldian genealogy in part…Read more
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    Foucault, the Iranian Uprising and the Constitution of a Collective Subjectivity
    with Laura Cremonesi, Orazio Irrera, and Martina Tazzioli
    Foucault Studies 25 299-311. 2018.
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    Introduction: Davidson and His Interlocutors
    with Richard Neer
    Critical Inquiry 45 (2): 255-259. 2019.
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    Foucault, the Iranian Uprising and the Constitution of a Collective Subjectivity
    with Laura Cremonesi, Orazio Irrera, and Martina Tazzioli
    Foucault Studies 25 299. 2018.
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    La force du vrai: De Foucault à Austin
    La bord de l'eau. 2017.
    Cet ouvrage propose une lecture originale du projet foucaldien d'une histoire de la vérité qui vise à en mettre clairement en lumière les enjeux éthiques et politiques, grâce à l'établissement d'une confrontation entre les analyses de Foucault sur la parrêsia antique, les travaux de J.L. Austin sur l'énoncé performatif et l'étude de l'énoncé passionné par Stanley Cavell. Le problème qui est ainsi posé, en lien mais également en décalage avec les réflexions traditionnelles sur le pouvoir des mots…Read more
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    Quel rapport est-il possible de tracer entre l'ethique et la politique? Michel Foucault, Pierre Hadot et Stanley Cavell, a partir de trois positions philosophiques tres differentes, ont elabore des strategies de reponse a cette question que le present ouvrage se propose de rendre explicites et d'explorer. Ainsi, l'esthetique de l'existence, les exercices spirituels et le perfectionnisme moral y sont combines afin de construire un arriere-plan conceptuel et pratique permettant de saisir a la fois…Read more
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    Governmentality, subjectivity, and the neoliberal form of life
    Journal for Cultural Research 22 (2): 154-166. 2018.
    In this paper, I argue that the appropriate answer to the question of the form contemporary neoliberalism gives our lives rests on Michel Foucault’s definition of neoliberalism as a particular art of governing human beings. I claim that Foucault’s definition consists in three components: neoliberalism as a set of technologies structuring the ‘milieu’ of individuals in order to obtain specific effects from their behavior; neoliberalism as a governmental rationality transforming individual freedom…Read more
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    Confessional Subjects and Conducts of Non-Truth: Foucault, Fanon, and the Making of the Subject
    with Martina Tazzioli
    Theory, Culture and Society 35 (1): 71-90. 2018.
    This article puts Michel Foucault and Frantz Fanon into dialogue in order to explore the relationships between the constitution of subjects and the production of truth in modern Western societies as well as in colonial spaces. Firstly, it takes into account Foucault’s analysis of confessional practices and the effects of subjection, objectivation, and subjectivation generated by the injunction for the subject to tell the truth about him or herself. Secondly, it focuses on the question of interpe…Read more
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    In this article I reconstruct the philosophical conditions for the emergence of the notion of counter-conduct within the framework of Michel Foucault’s study of governmentality, and I explore the reasons for its disappearance after 1978. In particular, I argue that the concept of conduct becomes crucial for Foucault in order to redefine governmental power relations as specific ways to conduct the conduct of individuals: it is initially within this context that, in Security, Territory, Population…Read more
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    Foucault and the Making of Subjects (edited book)
    with Laura Cremonesi, Orazio Irrera, and Martina Tazzioli
    Rowman & Littlefield International. 2016.
    Explores a Foucaultian understanding of the subject in relation to truth and power.
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    Must We Do What We Say?
    European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 2 (2): 16-34. 2010.
    The central argument of this paper is that moral perfectionism cannot be understood in its radical philosophical, ethical and political dimensions unless we trace its tradition back to the ancient Greek conception of philosophy as a way of life. Indeed, in ancient Greece, to be a philosopher meant to give importance to everyday life and to pay attention to the details of common language and behaviour, in order to actively transform oneself and one’s relationship to others and to the world. Truth…Read more
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    Sainte-Beuve, Tocqueville e la religione della libertà
    In Olivia Catanorchi & David Ragazzoni (eds.), Il destino della democrazia: attualità di Tocqueville, Edizioni Di Storia E Letteratura. pp. 43--61. 2010.
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    Foucault, Christianity, and the Genealogy of the Regimes of Truth
    Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 25 (2): 391-402. 2012.
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    This article tries to highlight the explicit political aim and the importance for our present of the thought of the «late» Michel Foucault. Through the analysis of the role that truth plays in the pagan and Christian techniques of the self, it opposes a truth that we have to discover in ourselves in order to refuse it (Christianity) or to adhere to it (ethics of authenticity) to a truth conceived as a force of transformation of logos into ethos , of the discourse into a way of life