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    Thinking Through Dialogue (edited book)
    Practical Philosophy Press. 2001.
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  • In Why We Are in Need of Tails, we learn how we all used to have tails that helped us connect to each other and the world around us. When we lost our tails, we also lost our most nuanced way of communicating, so the story goes. Best friends Huk and Tuk explore ways we can compensate for this loss. They discover that by telling stories — tales — and by discussing the intriguing questions they raise, we're able to create a deeper understanding of ourselves, each other and the world we live in. Al…Read more
  • In Why We Are in Need of Tails — the first book in the Huk and Tuk series — we learn how we all used to have tails that helped us connect to each other and the world around us. But then we lost our tails — and with that loss went our most nuanced way of communicating with the world. In Why We Are in Need of Tales, Parts I through III, Huk and Tuk find a way to compensate for this loss. They discover that by discussing stories — or tales, if you like — they can recreate that deeper understanding …Read more
  • The Early Days of the Philosophical Practice Movement
    Agora - the History of Philosophical Practice. 2015.
    An excerpt from chapter one of my dissertation: Philosophical Counseling and Teaching: "Holding the Tension" in a Dualistic World (May 1998)
  • Aporia and Picture Books
    Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 39 (2): 11-22. 2019.
    Here is an example using a picture book story: A New House, in Grasshopper on the Road: by Arnold Lobel Grasshopper sees an apple on top of a hill and decides, yum! lunch, as he takes a big bite out of the apple. This, however, causes the apple to start rolling down the hill. Grasshopper hears a voice inside the apple, telling him to keep his house from being destroyed as it is rolling down the hill. My bathtub is in the living room; my bed is in the kitchen. Grasshopper is trying to catch the a…Read more
  • My latest book is now out in paperback, hardcover and ebook. Huk and Tuk the main characters in “Why We Are in Need of Tails” discuss 6 picture books by authors Leo Lionni and Arnold Lobel in "Why We Are in Need of Tales," Part I. Join them on their philosophical journey. Drawings are made by the children in my philosophy classes at El Toyon Elementary in San Diego, CA.
  • Philosophical Counseling and Teaching: "Holding the Tension" in a Dualistic World
    Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 1998.
    In this dissertation, I develop a theory of philosophical counseling and teaching. It is the outcome of my holding the tension of my practical and theoretical viewing points. Holding the tension is a term which Maurice Friedman coined to counter the idea of dichotomous either/or thinking and any attempt to synthesize thought into unity or fusion. ;This dissertation focuses on Buber's notion of the dialogical, which implies acknowledging the other's otherness. Buber's notion of other is diametric…Read more
  • Why Dreams Are Important There is a very important reason why we are in need of tales. Let me explain. See, a very, very long time ago, before we had tales, we had actual tails. These tails connected us to the world around us and to each other as well. We were able to communicate with each other with incredible nuance and accuracy — and just with the slightest touch or twitch of our tails. Imagine that! Over the course of time, as we developed tools, we started to lose the need for our …Read more