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    Internet research ethics (edited book)
    with Helene Ingierd
    CappelenDamm Academic. 2015.
    This anthology addresses ethical challenges that arise within the field of Internet research. Among the issues discussed in the book are the following:When is voluntary informed consent from research subjects required in using the Internet as a data source?How may researchers secure the privacy of research subjects in a landscape where the traditional public/private distinction is blurred and re-identification is a recurring threat?What are the central ethical and legal aspects of Internet resea…Read more
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    The role of magic in Republic X
    Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 43 (2): 129-135. 2008.
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    In our tradition, Socrates, as he figures in the work of Plato, stands for rationality. In one way, of course, the tendency to treat him as rationality incarnate is not too far of the mark; for Socrates does indeed introduce into our thought and discussions a demand for argument, for stringency and consistency. However, the manner in which Socrates carries out his historically influential elenctic activity belies the shortcomings of this oft-quoted and inspirational picture. It is these irration…Read more
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    The Philosophy of Computer Games (edited book)
    with J. R. Sageng and T. M. Larsen
    Springer. 2012.
    Computer games have become a major cultural and economic force, and a subject of extensive academic interest. Up until now, however, computer games have received relatively little attention from philosophy. Seeking to remedy this, the present collection of newly written papers by philosophers and media researchers addresses a range of philosophical questions related to three issues of crucial importance for understanding the phenomenon of computer games: the nature of gameplay and player experie…Read more
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    The Ideals of Inquiry: An Ancient History (review)
    Philosophical Quarterly 66 (265): 857-859. 2016.
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    On Plato's Use of Socrates as a Character in his Dialogues
    Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 5 239-263. 2008.
    In this essay, it is first argued that there are several important motivations for considering as wholly legitimate the question concerning the presence of Socrates in Plato’s work. After sketching how reason in Plato’s dialogues is generally portrayed as embedded in the soul as a whole, I then apply these insights in arguing that this relation between character and thinking should inform our understanding of Plato’s Socrates as well. Socrates is present in the texts because reason, according to…Read more
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    The Quest for the Good Life: Ancient Philosophers on Happiness (edited book)
    with Øyvind Rabbås, Eyjólfur Kjalar Emilsson, and Miira Tuominen
    Oxford University Press UK. 2015.
    How should I live? How can I be happy? What is happiness, really? These are perennial questions, which in recent times have become the subject of diverse kinds of academic research. Ancient philosophers placed happiness at the centre of their thought, and we can trace the topic through nearly a millennium. While the centrality of the notion of happiness in ancient ethics is well known, this book is unique in that it focuses directly on this notion, as it appears in the ancient texts. Fourteen pa…Read more