Filip Ivanovic

Center for Hellenic Studies
  •  4
    Review of: Sigurd Bergmann (ed.), _Eschatology as Imagining the End: Faith between Hope and Despair_, New York: Routledge, 2018.
  • Dionysius the Areopagite on Justice
    Studia Patristica 68 231-236. 2013.
    As one of the names attributed to God, justice is defined by Dionysius as something which assigns to everything what is appropriate to it, and preserves the nature of each being in its due order. In this way, it is through divine justice’s definitions that every being is assigned its own proper essence. The same role of justice is applied to the ecclesiastical hierarchy, which, in its conformity to God, is an image of divine justice, and ‘gives to each as he deserves and grants an appropriate sh…Read more
  • Педагошка и терапеутска улога философије код Климента Александријског
    Гласник Одјељења Хуманистичких Наука Црногорске Академије Наука И Умјетности: Bulletin of the Department of Humanities of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts 4 199-217. 2018.
    Clement of Alexandria (150-215) is one of the first Christian thinkers to offer a detailed account of the relationship between Christian faith and Greek philosophy. As a philosophically educated man himself, Clement claimed that philosophy is necessary for reaching the complete knowledge of God, and that Greek philosophy, being of divine origin, was God’s gift to the Greeks, acting as a preparation for the Gospel. Since it concerns the comprehension and contemplation of truth, philosophy is a pr…Read more
  • In Platonic terms “all things to which we apply the term ‘many’ participate” in something beyond the world of matter, while for Neoplatonists there is a higher aspect that is unparticipated (One) and the “lower” aspect which is participated (Henads). In Christian sphere, since God is the cause of all things, then all things have a share (participate) in God, and so Dionysius the Areopagite claims that God communicates himself to those who participate in him. this does not mean that there is some…Read more