•  44
    Harm Reduction: A Research Agenda
    Health Care Analysis 28 (4): 299-301. 2020.
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    The post-confinement phase of the COVID-19 pandemic will require that governments navigate more complex ethical questions than had occurred in the initial, ‘curve-flattening’ phase, and that will occur when the pandemic is in the past. By looking at the unavoidable harms involved in the confinement and quarantine methods employed during the initial phase of the pandemic, we can develop a harm reduction approach to managing the phase during which society will be gradually reopened in a context of…Read more
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    Should We Change How We Vote?: Evaluating Canada's Electoral System (edited book)
    with Andrew Potter and Peter Loewen
    Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2017.. 2017.
    An evaluation of the current electoral system in response to calls for its reform.
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    The political ethics of health
    Les Ateliers de L’Ethique 5 (1): 105-118. 2010.
    This paper seeks to provide an overview of some of the main areas of debate that have emerged in recent years at the interface between theories of justice and health care. First, the paper consi- ders various positions as to what the index of justice with respect to health ought to be. It warns on practical and principled grounds against conceptual inflation of the notion of "health" as it appears in theories of distributive justice. Second, it considers how various standards according to which …Read more
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    Review of Alain Renaut, Qu'est-Ce Qu'un Peuple Libre?: Libéralisme Ou Républicanisme (review)
    Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2007 (1). 2007.
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    Toward a Proceduralist Theory of Secession
    Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 13 (2): 251-262. 2000.
    Substantive theorists of secession face a problem explaining why the international community ought on their view to withhold recognition from secessions which involve a loss in terms of the substantive criteria they privilege; this is so because the normal electoral politics giving rise to such a loss should not in their opinion meet with any adverse international reaction. The substantive theory of David Miller uses criteria for the legitimacy of secessions which give rise to strangely amoral c…Read more
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    On the Complementarity of the Ages of Life
    Journal of Applied Philosophy 35 (S1): 47-59. 2018.
    In a pair of influential papers, Tamar Schapiro argues that childhood is a ‘predicament’, in that children lack stable characters that allow them to be subjects of ascriptions of moral responsibility. Comparing childhood to the political ‘state of nature’, Schapiro holds that childhood is a stage of life from which agents must be liberated. I argue that the comparison to the state of nature gives rise to the implication that ‘instantaneous adulthood’ would be a desirable state. Canvassing the na…Read more
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    Pour certains philosophes pluralistes politiques, accepter la thèse de pluralisme des valeurs entraîne le rejet de l’autonomie libérale en faveur d’une forme de libéralisme fondée sur l’idéal de la tolérance. Cette idée est fausse. D’abord le pluralisme des valeurs partage avec le relativisme la difficulté inhérente à toute tentative de tirer une conclusion normative d’une thèse descriptive. Chercher à soutenir l’argument en comblant les prémisses manquantes montre que le pluralisme des valeurs …Read more
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    There are at present two ways in which to evaluate religiously-based claims to accommodation in the legal context. The first, objective approach holds that these claims should be grounded in « facts of the matter » about the religions in question. The second, subjective approach, is grounded in an appreciation by the courts of the sincerity of the claimant. The first approach has the advantage of accounting for the difference between two constitutional principles : freedom of conscience on the o…Read more
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    Can Republicanism Tame Public Health?
    Public Health Ethics 9 (2): 125-133. 2016.
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    Freedom of Conscience and Freedom of Religion should be taken to protect two distinct sets of moral considerations. The former protects the ability of the agent to reflect critically upon the moral and political issues that arise in her society generally, and in her professional life more specifically. The latter protects the individual's ability to achieve secure membership in a set of practices and rituals that have as a moral function to inscribe her life in a temporally extended narrative. O…Read more
  • Démocratie et délibération
    Archives de Philosophie 63 (3): 405-421. 2000.
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    Introduction to Ethics and Global Health
    with Beatrice Godard, Slim Haddad, and Robert Huish
    BMC Medical Ethics 19 (S1): 51. 2018.
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    Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 6 (1): 1-4. 2003.
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    Political legitimacy and research ethics
    Bioethics 33 (3): 312-318. 2018.
    In democratic theory, “legitimacy” refers to the set of conditions that must be in place in order for the claims to authority of somebody to be deemed appropriate, and for their claims to compliance to be warranted. Though criteria of legitimacy have been elaborated in the context of democratic states, there is no reason for them not to be drawn up, with appropriate amendments, for other kinds of authority structures. This paper examines the claims to authority made over researchers by internati…Read more
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    Licensing Parents to Protect Our Children?
    with Jurgen De Wispelaere
    Ethics and Social Welfare 6 (2): 195-205. 2012.
    In this paper we re-examine Hugh LaFollette's proposal that the state carefully determine the eligibility and suitability of prospective parents before granting them a ?license to parent?. Assuming a prima facie case for licensing parents grounded in our duty to promote the welfare of the child, we offer several considerations that complicate LaFollette's radical proposal. We suggest that LaFollette can only escape these problems by revising his proposal in a way that renders the license effecti…Read more