•  1236
    How were reliable predictions made before Pascal and Fermat's discovery of the mathematics of probability in 1654? What methods in law, science, commerce, philosophy, and logic helped us to get at the truth in cases where certainty was not attainable? The book examines how judges, witch inquisitors, and juries evaluated evidence; how scientists weighed reasons for and against scientific theories; and how merchants counted shipwrecks to determine insurance rates. Also included are the problem of …Read more
  •  362
    The leaders of the Scientific Revolution were not Baconian in temperament, in trying to build up theories from data. Their project was that same as in Aristotle's Posterior Analytics: they hoped to find necessary principles that would show why the observations must be as they are. Their use of mathematics to do so expanded the Aristotelian project beyond the qualitative methods used by Aristotle and the scholastics. In many cases they succeeded.
  •  48
    Donald Cary Williams
    In Ed Zalta (ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. pp. 0. 2012.
    Stanford Encyclopedia article surveying the life and work of D.C. Williams, notably in defending realism in metaphysics in the mid-twentieth century and in justifying induction by the logic of statistical inference.
  •  528
    Mental furniture from the philosophers
    Et Cetera 40 177-191. 1983.
    The abstract Latinate vocabulary of modern English, in which philosophy and science are done, is inherited from medieval scholastic Latin. Words like "nature", "art", "abstract", "probable", "contingent", are not native to English but entered it from scholastic translations around the 15th century. The vocabulary retains much though not all of its medieval meanings.
  •  318
    Catholic Thought and Catholic Action: Dr Paddy Ryan Msc
    Journal of the Australian Catholic Historical Society 17 44-55. 1996.
    An account of the life of Dr P.J. Ryan, Australian Catholic scholastic philosopher and anti-Communist organiser
  •  529
    Are dispositions reducible to categorical properties?
    Philosophical Quarterly 36 (142): 62-64. 1986.
    Dispostions, such as solubility, cannot be reduced to categorical properties, such as molecular structure, without some element of dipositionaity remaining. Democritus did not reduce all properties to the geometry of atoms - he had to retain the rigidity of the atoms, that is, their disposition not to change shape when a force is applied. So dispositions-not-to, like rigidity, cannot be eliminated. Neither can dispositions-to, like solubility.
  •  332
    Healthy Scepticism
    Philosophy 66 (257). 1991.
    The classical arguments for scepticism about the external world are defended, especially the symmetry argument: that there is no reason to prefer the realist hypothesis to, say, the deceitful demon hypothesis. This argument is defended against the various standard objections, such as that the demon hypothesis is only a bare possibility, does not lead to pragmatic success, lacks coherence or simplicity, is ad hoc or parasitic, makes impossible demands for certainty, or contravenes some basic stan…Read more
  •  379
    Stove's anti-darwinism
    Philosophy 72 (279): 133-136. 1997.
    Stove's article, 'So you think you are a Darwinian?'[ 1] was essentially an advertisement for his book, Darwinian Fairytales.[ 2] The central argument of the book is that Darwin's theory, in both Darwin's and recent sociobiological versions, asserts many things about the human and other species that are known to be false, but protects itself from refutation by its logical complexity. A great number of ad hoc devices, he claims, are used to protect the theory. If co operation is observed where th…Read more
  •  46
    Australia's wackiest postmodernists
    MercatorNet 0-1. 2006.
    Postmodernism is not so much a theory as an attitude. It is an attitude of suspicion – suspicion about claims of truth and about appeals to rational argument. Its corrupting effects must be answered by finding a better alternative, which must include a defence of the objecvity of both reason and ethics. Natural law thinking is necessary for the latter
  •  278
    Evaluating extreme risks in invasion ecology: learning from banking compliance
    with Mark Burgman, Scott Sisson, and J. K. Martin
    Diversity and Distributions 14 581-591. 2008.
    methods that have shown promise for improving extreme risk analysis, particularly for assessing the risks of invasive pests and pathogens associated with international trade. We describe the legally inspired regulatory regime for banks, where these methods have been brought to bear on extreme ‘operational risks’. We argue that an ‘advocacy model’ similar to that used in the Basel II compliance regime for bank operational risks and to a lesser extent in biosecurity import risk analyses is ideal f…Read more
  •  175
    The lure of philosophy in Sydney
    Quadrant 53 (10): 76-79. 2009.
    "Does life have a meaning, and if so what is it? What can I be certain of, and how should I act when I am not certain? Why are the established truths of my tribe better than the primitive superstitions of your tribe? Why should I do as I'm told? Those are questions it is easy to avoid, in the rush to acquire goods and prestige. Even for many of a more serious outlook, they are questions easy to dismiss with excuses like 'it's all a matter of opinion' or 'let's get on with practical matters' or '…Read more
  •  384
    Evidence gained from torture: Wishful thinking, checkability, and extreme circumstances
    Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law 17 281-290. 2009.
    "Does torture work?" is a factual rather than ethical or legal question. But legal and ethical discussions of torture should be informed by knowledge of the answer to the factual question of the reliability of torture as an interrogation technique. The question as to whether torture works should be asked before that of its legal admissibility—if it is not useful to interrogators, there is no point considering its legality in court.
  •  393
    A polemical account of Australian philosophy up to 2003, emphasising its unique aspects (such as commitment to realism) and the connections between philosophers' views and their lives. Topics include early idealism, the dominance of John Anderson in Sydney, the Orr case, Catholic scholasticism, Melbourne Wittgensteinianism, philosophy of science, the Sydney disturbances of the 1970s, Francofeminism, environmental philosophy, the philosophy of law and Mabo, ethics and Peter Singer. Realist theori…Read more
  •  342
    Mathematics, core of the past and hope of the future
    In Catherine A. Runcie & David Brooks (eds.), Reclaiming Education: Renewing Schools and Universities in Contemporary Western Society, Edwin H. Lowe Publishing. pp. 149-162. 2018.
    Mathematics has always been a core part of western education, from the medieval quadrivium to the large amount of arithmetic and algebra still compulsory in high schools. It is an essential part. Its commitment to exactitude and to rigid demonstration balances humanist subjects devoted to appreciation and rhetoric as well as giving the lie to postmodernist insinuations that all “truths” are subject to political negotiation. In recent decades, the character of mathematics has changed – or rathe…Read more
  •  771
    Pascal’s wager and the origins of decision theory: decision-making by real decision-makers
    In Paul F. A. Bartha & Lawrence Pasternack (eds.), Pascal’s Wager, Cambridge University Press. pp. 27-44. 2018.
    Pascal’s Wager does not exist in a Platonic world of possible gods, abstract probabilities and arbitrary payoffs. Real decision-makers, such as Pascal’s “man of the world” of 1660, face a range of religious options they take to be serious, with fixed probabilities grounded in their evidence, and with utilities that are fixed quantities in actual minds. The many ingenious objections to the Wager dreamed up by philosophers do not apply in such a real decision matrix. In the situation Pascal addres…Read more
  •  550
    An Argument Against Drug Testing Welfare Recipients
    Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 28 (3): 309-340. 2018.
    Programs of drug testing welfare recipients are increasingly common in US states and have been considered elsewhere. Though often intensely debated, such programs are complicated to evaluate because their aims are ambiguous – aims like saving money may be in tension with aims like referring people to treatment. We assess such programs using a proportionality approach, which requires that for ethical acceptability a practice must be: reasonably likely to meet its aims, sufficiently important in p…Read more
  •  27
    Dynamic context generation for natural language understanding: A multifaceted knowledge approach
    with James Franklin and S. W. K. Chan
    IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part A 33 23-41. 2003.
    We describe a comprehensive framework for text un- derstanding, based on the representation of context. It is designed..
  •  5067
    • It would be a moral disgrace for God (if he existed) to allow the many evils in the world, in the same way it would be for a parent to allow a nursery to be infested with criminals who abused the children. • There is a contradiction in asserting all three of the propositions: God is perfectly good; God is perfectly powerful; evil exists (since if God wanted to remove the evils and could, he would). • The religious believer has no hope of getting away with excuses that evil is not as bad as it …Read more
  •  20
    Is jensenism compatible with christianity?
    Quadrant 48 (12): 30-31. 2004.
    A RECENT BIOGRAPHY of Marcus Loane, evangelical Anglican Archbishop of Sydney in the 1960s, records that as a student at Moore Theological College he would read during lectures to avoid having to listen to the liberal Principal. When you are committed to a closed system of thought, you can't be too careful when it comes to letting ideas in from the outside. But what about the ideas already inside? How does the Sydney Anglican interpretation of Christianity compare to what Jesus said?
  •  322
    The late twentieth century saw two long-term trends in popular thinking about ethics. One was an increase in relativist opinions, with the “generation of the Sixties” spearheading a general libertarianism, an insistence on toleration of diverse moral views (for “Who is to say what is right? – it’s only your opinion.”) The other trend was an increasing insistence on rights – the gross violations of rights in the killing fields of the mid-century prompted immense efforts in defence of the “inalien…Read more
  •  10
    Encounter (ABC Radio National) 0-0. 2006.
    Postmodernism is an attitude of suspicion, indeed of unteachable suspicion, in the face of evidence.
  •  84
    Reply to Armstrong on dispositions
    Philosophical Quarterly 38 (150): 86-87. 1988.
    Defends the arguments for the irredicibility of dispositions to categorical properties in "Are dispositions reducible to categorical properties?" (Philosophical Quarterly 36, 1986) against the criticisms of D.M. Armstrong (Philosophical Quarterly 38, 1988).
  •  16
    Australian Philosophy
    Sydney Philosophy Forum. 2010.
    Greek, Latin and Ancient History. Instead, after a good result in mathematics, I decided to pursue that instead. That left me with an extra subject to choose to fill up first year. What was this "Philosophy" on offer? I couldn't understand where there was something in the spectrum of knowledge for philosophy to be about. Biology was about cats, English was about language and literature, mathematics was about numbers (I was not yet philosophically smart enough to realise there was a problem as to…Read more
  •  137
    Book reviews (review)
    Sophia 42 (2): 135-136. 2003.
    Reviews David Stove's collection 'On Enlightenment", attacking Enlightenment shallowness, especially its attack on "superstition" when it had no alternative to offer.
  •  13
    Elected Ignorance (review)
    Quadrant 27 (12): 91-92. 1983.
    Reviews Lewis's account of the low interest Islamic culture has generally shown about other cultures, and suggests that Islamic openness caused by military weakness may be imitated by the Soviet Union.
  •  19
    publication and Now, it may well be that some wet-behind-the-ears bishops with little understanding of economics do use the term Governments relies on the “social justice” to give a colour of moral dignity to views that are a touch socialist. But what was missing in Abbott’s cannot pick winners generosity of its..
  •  40
    Symbolic connectionism in natural language disambiguation
    with James Franklin and S. W. K. Chan
    IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 9 739-755. 1998.
    Uses connectionism (neural networks) to extract the "gist" of a story in order to represent a context going forward for the disambiguation of incoming words as a text is processed.
  •  35
    Scepticism′s Health Buoyant
    Philosophy 69 (270). 1994.
    Replies to O. Hanfling, ‘Healthy scepticism?’, Philosophy 68 (1993), 91-3, which criticized J. Franklin, ‘Healthy scepticism’, Philosophy 66 (1991), 305-324. The symmetry argument for scepticism is defended (that there is no reason to prefer the realist alternative to sceptical ones).
  •  53
    Natural sciences as textual interpretation: The hermeneutics of the natural sign
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 44 (4): 509-520. 1984.
    There are close parallels between perception (the interpretation of sensory experience as representing physical objects) and hermeneutics (the interpretation of signs as having meaning). Perceptual illusions corresponds to ambiguities in texts; naive realism corresponds to fundamentalism; the scientist's reinterpretation of the "manifest image" to the global/local interplay of the "hermeneutic circle" in the interpretation of large texts.