• Phenomenology and Marxism
    with Bernhard Waldenfels and Ante Pazanin
    Studies in Soviet Thought 32 (3): 233-238. 1986.
  • Strukturalismus
    Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 34 (2): 379-379. 1972.
  •  6
    Philosophie als Erfahrungswissenschaft
    with Hermann Wein
    M. Nijhoff. 1965.
    die Behandlungsweise kann jedoch sehr verschieden sein. Diese letztere charakterisiert nicht nur eine bestimmte Auffassung von Philosophie, sondern ebenso den Philosophen, der sie anwendet. In dem Sinne ist jede Erörterung eines philosophischen Gedankens zugleich eine bio graphische Notiz. Der erfahrungswissenschaftliche Charakter der in diesem Band ge sammelten philosophische Gedankengänge entstammt zu einem er heblichen Teil der Kenntnisnahme der (ursprünglich amerikanischen) Kulturanthropolog…Read more
  • Konkrete Reflexion, Festschrift für Hermann Wein zum 60
    with Jan Knopf
    Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 39 (2): 349-349. 1977.
  • Phänomenologie und Egologie. Faktisches und transzendentales Ego bei Edmund Husserl
    Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 161 484-490. 1971.
  • Bioethics and law
    Rechtstheorie 28 (1): 1-20. 1997.
  •  28
    Intertwinements of law and medicine
    Leuven University Press. 1996.
    PREFACE Ubi bene, ibi patria. The proverb expresses an important feature of this book. 'Being somewhere' necessarily implies an orientation towards ...
  •  32
    Phanomenologie und Egologie: Faktisches und Transzendentales Ego Bei Edmund Husserl
    with Graham Bird
    Philosophical Quarterly 16 (65): 370. 1966.
  • Rosenzweig, F., Die Schrift. Aufsätze, Übertragungen und Briefe (review)
    Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 49 (n/a): 708. 1987.
  •  19
    Face to Face (II): Semiotics of Interactivity (review)
    International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 23 (1): 41-48. 2010.
    Faces challenge the sender-receiver model as the major scheme of thought for appropriately understanding interaction between human individuals. The openness and indeterminacy of faces lead to establish a semiotically relevant distinction between interaction and interactivity. The latter is our proposed articulation of the dynamic energy that thrives through the existence of signs and the uses of a semiotics. Facial expressions sustain and express the vital dynamism of making meaning in life. Thi…Read more
  •  11
    Is the European Union a new Walden? Although a contrast in form and format, the Union is surprisingly close to the latter's underlying philosophy. One can read this proximity in the Treaties or the many facets of the European idea which mirrors in the Union's emerging legal system. Today there is no longer a Union of a limited number of Nation States desiring to end divisions among themselves, to acquire mutual respect and prosperity or a higher standard of living and working conditions for its …Read more
  • Kremer, Kl. , Seele. Ihre Wirklichkeit, ihr Verhältnis zum Leib und zur menschlichen Person (review)
    Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 49 (n/a): 711. 1987.
  • A Phihsophy of European Union Law
    Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 62 (1): 182-182. 2000.
  •  19
    Introduction: Lawyers Making Meaning: The Roberta Kevelson Seminar on Law and Semiotics
    with William A. Pencak
    International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 22 (1): 1-10. 2009.
    The Roberta Kevelson Seminar on Law and Semiotics is integrated in the regular program of a US Law School and student enrollment is honored with credit points. Hitherto, the study of Legal Semiotics has mainly been located outside the Law Schools in the US and the Faculties of Law in the EU. Two important questions within the more general theme of Legal Semiotics and Legal Education arose: (1) the program requirements in an education context, and (2) the attention and interests of the students. …Read more
  • Mens en mensbeeld van ons recht. Over recht en antropologie. Deel I: Antropologie
    Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 44 (1): 179-180. 1982.
  •  18
    Face to Face
    International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 22 (1): 45-59. 2009.
    Peirce shows how he presupposes that a ‘most general science of semeiotic’ is entirely a matter of culture. Semiotics unfolds even beyond the debate on specific differences between nature and culture. The expression ‘semiotics of culture’ entails all components of a true pleonasm. Pierce finds his parallel in the philosophy of Hegel and both philosophers consider the close ties between expressiveness and consciousness as a specifically human, cultural and spiritual activity. That viewpoint leads…Read more