• VU University Amsterdam
    Department of Philosophy
    Amsterdam University Medical Centres (location VUmc)
    Dimence Groep, hospital for mental healthcare
    Professor (Part-time)
Utrecht University
Department for Philosophy and Religious Studies
PhD, 1991
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
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    What is the purpose of Friesen’s 95 theses and what is the audience he has in mind? The title refers to a major church historical event and suggests that — like in 1517 — we are dealing with a concise statement of a new and radical doctrine that is unfolded in opposition to an established canon. But who is the opponent in this case? What is the established canon that is rejected? And what is new or radical in the summary? Dooyeweerd’s philosophy was definitely new and radical at the time of its …Read more
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    Christian philosophical anthropology. A reformation perspective
    Philosophia Reformata 75 (2): 141. 2010.
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    This is the last of three articles on the relationship between science, religion, and professional practice in psychology and psychiatry. The first article highlighted the importance of the distinction between four types of knowledge. In the second article the scope was broadened and amounted to an analysis of the normative structure of professional practices. I showed the relevance of this analysis by investigating its meaning for the notion of restoration, along the dimensions of structure and…Read more
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    Idem, Ipse, and Loss of the Self
    Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (4): 347-352. 2003.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 10.4 (2003) 347-352 [Access article in PDF] Idem, Ipse, and Loss of the Self Gerrit Glas The case histories of Dr. Wells and the comments on them require first of all more conceptual clarity. In this article I will first introduce, with Paul Ricoeur, a distinction between idem identity and ipse identity. Then, I will discuss the merits and pitfalls of applying narrative theory to pathologies of th…Read more