• Feminitate și occultism
    Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (5): 127-142. 2003.
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    Eniko Magyari-Vincze, Excluderea socială la intersecţia dintre gen, etnicitate şi clasă. O privire din perspectiva sănătăţii reproducerii la femeile Rome / Social Exclusion at the Crossroads of Gender, Ethnicity and Class. A View through Romani Women’s Reproductive Health
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    Aspects Concerning the Crisis of Philosophy in the University System from Romania
    with Sandu Frunza
    Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 8 (24): 329-349. 2009.
    The present text discusses several aspects of the institutional crisis of philosophy in the Romanian educational system after 1989. On the one hand, at the level of university educational system, one may note the marginalization of philosophy programs, due to young people’s decrease of interest for those specializations that do not provide immediate benefits for rapid integration in and well-paid jobs on the labor market. This entails direct consequences for the type of financing and creates fun…Read more
  • Femininity and occultism
    Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (5): 127-142. 2003.
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    Ethical and Legal Aspects of Unrelated Living Donors in Romania
    Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 8 (22): 3-23. 2009.
    In this paper I investigate, from an ethical perspective, the legal prospects of unrelated living donors from Romania. In the present-day shortage of organs necessary for transplantation, the organs from living donors represent an alternative to the organs from deceased ones. Worldwide, unrelated living donors begin to be considered as a promising category among overall living donors. However, their situation raises many ethical questions that need to be addressed by adequate regulations and pro…Read more
  • Discuţia despre valori în termenii unei “filosofii a valorii” conştientă de limitele dar şi de autonomia sa în cîmpul teoriilor filosofice este una de dată recentă. Chiar dacă o cercetare a precursorilor acesteia ar detecta astfel de preocupări la majoritatea filosofilor o disciplină independentă preocupată exclusiv de statutul valorilor există de cel mult două secole
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    An Ethical Herstory of Giving Birth
    Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 9 (25): 206-209. 2010.
    Mihaela Miroiu, Otilia Dragomir (eds.), Naşterea. Istorii trăite (Giving Birth. Life-stories), Iaşi: Polirom, 2010
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    Etica, superstitie si laicizarea spaţiului public/ Ethics, Superstition and the Laicization of the Public Sphere
    with Sandu Frunza
    Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 8 (23): 13-35. 2009.
    In Romania, the debate on the electronic passports has raised controversies having ethical, religious, ideological implications, as well as consequences for the political practice. The debate has as premise the general background of the crisis that modernity brings in the reception of values in Christian communities. The discussions on the consequences of secularization, the metaphor of “cultural wars” and the new perspective brought by modernity to the state and the public policies it requests …Read more
  • Between religiousness and marketing: analysis literary phenomenon
    Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 28-38. 2005.
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    Advertising, Gender Stereotypes and Religion. A Perspective from the Philosophy of Communication
    Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 14 (40): 72-91. 2015.
    Feminist authors claim that many of the advertising messages are promoting stereotypical images of the genders. However, if in social sciences, gender stereotypes have been facilitated and enforced by religious ideologies, the connections between gender stereotypes in advertising and religious ideologies remain to be investigated. The purpose of this paper is to analyze these connections. Using the tools and methods of philosophy of communication, the paper attempts to emphasize a double discour…Read more
  • Ethics, Superstition and the Laicization of the Public Sphere
    with Sandu Frunza
    Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 8 (23): 13-35. 2009.
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    Christopher Partridge, The Re-Enchantment of the West. Volume II. Alternative Spiritualities, Sacralization, Popular Culture, and Occulture T&T Clark, New York, 2005