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    Mathematics and the Biological Phenomena
    Aquinas 43 (2): 331-354. 2000.
    The first part of this paper highlights some key aspects of the differences in the use of mathematical tools in physics and in biology. Scientific knowledge is viewed as a network of interactions, some than as a hierarchically organized structure where mathematics would display the essence of phenomena. The concept of "unity" in the biological phenomenon is then discussed. In the second part, a foundational issue in mathematics is revisited, following recent perspective in the physiology of acti…Read more
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    Models of the Lambda Calculus
    Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (1): 284-285. 1987.
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    L’intelligence mathématique, l’infini et les machines
    Revue de Synthèse 120 (1): 111-138. 1999.
    Action dans l'espace, l'infini, la cognition humaine (link to the English text)
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    We propose a reflection on the construction of scientific knowledge and in so doing an image of this knowledge. This will allow us to develop a comparative analysis of some of the main principles underpinning the constitution of the different sciences. We will highlight the role of critical thought in science, or even “negative results,” which pose limits and hence open new trajectories. In particular, we will address a misleading point of view, based on some informal concepts taken from compute…Read more
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    Espace, temps et cognition
    with Francis Bailly
    Revue de Synthèse 124 (1): 61-118. 2003.
    La cognition humaine paraît étroitement liée à la structure de l'espace et du temps relativement auxquels le corps, le geste, l'intelligibilité semblent devoir se déterminer. Pourtant, ce qui, après les approches physico-mathématiques de Galilée et de Newton, fut caractérisé par Kant comme formes de l'intuition sensible, n'a cessé au cours des siècles qui suivirent de se trouver remis en cause dans leur saisie première par les développements théoriques. En mathématiques d'abord, avec les géométr…Read more
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    Scientific thought and absolutes
    with Translated by David Gauthier
    Angelaki 25 (3): 120-130. 2020.
    We propose a reflection on the construction of scientific knowledge and in so doing an image of this knowledge. This will allow us to develop a comparative analysis of some of the main principles u...
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    This authored monograph introduces a genuinely theoretical approach to biology. Starting point is the investigation of empirical biological scaling including their variability, which is found in the literature, e.g. allometric relationships, fractals, etc. The book then analyzes two different aspects of biological time: first, a supplementary temporal dimension to accommodate proper biological rhythms; secondly, the concepts of protension and retention as a means of local organization of time in…Read more
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    Géométrie et cognition
    Revue de Synthèse 124 (1): 1-10. 2003.
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    Brief an Alan Turing
    Internationales Jahrbuch Für Medienphilosophie 6 (1): 15-44. 2020.
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    Dans la mythologie grecque, Prométhée - le 'prévoyant' - déroba le feu aux dieux et le transmit aux hommes. Zeus, courroucé par ce transfert technologique, condamna Prométhée à un châtiment itéré à l'identique, à l'infini, algorithmique. Le problème que pose l'ancien mythe est celui des limites de la connaissance. En termes modernes, jusqu'à quel point pouvons-nous transformer la nature sans une connaissance des conséquences de nos actions sur elle? Cette question nous pousse à …Read more
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    Recensione di A.G. Biuso, Temporalità e differenza (review)
    Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 5 (1): 134-137. 2014.
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    The rich blend of theories and experiences that made the history of physics possible still now enlightens the scientific method. We stress the need to learn from this method the force of making its principles explicit, while developing a rich diversity of theories, which are often incompatible. Unity is preserved by common founding principles and their mathematical form, such as the understanding of conservation properties (energy, momentum etc.) in terms of symmetries. When moving from the iner…Read more
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    The mathematical continuum, from intuition to logic
    In Jean Petitot, Francisco J. Varela, Bernard Pachoud & Jean-Michel Roy (eds.), Naturalizing Phenomenology: Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology and Cognitive Science, Stanford University Press. 1999.
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    Zalamea’s book is as original as it is belated. It is indeed surprising, if we give it a moment’s thought, just how greatly behind schedule philosophical reflection on contemporary mathematics lags, especially considering the momentous changes that took place in the second half of the twentieth century. Zalamea compares this situation with that of the philosophy of physics: he mentions D’Espagnat’s work on quantum mechanics, but we could add several others who, in the last few decades, have elab…Read more
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    Review: C. P. J. Koymans, Models of the Lambda Calculus (review)
    Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (1): 284-285. 1987.
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    Proceedings of the Colloquium: Held in Florence, 23-28 Aug., 1982. 1982
    with Gabriele Lolli and Annalisa Marcja
    North Holland. 1984.
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    The ongoing MOOC revolution is bound to change the academic world on an unprecedented scale. It is in fact very likely that in the coming decades universities all over the world will shrink in size and number, while professors will assume more and more the role of specialized tutors looking after lectures delivered by a small number of world known academic “superstars”. In what follows we shall analyze some aspect of the phenomenon, focusing on the reasons why, like it or not, the academic world…Read more
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    Rhythms, Retention and Protention: Philosophical Reflections on Geometrical Schemata for Biological Time
    with Nicole Perret
    In David Danks & Emiliano Ippoliti (eds.), Building Theories: Heuristics and Hypotheses in Sciences, Springer International Publishing. 2018.
  • Andata e ritorno dalla finanza alle matematiche passando per la biologia
    Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 29 (4). 2011.
  • Matematica e scienze della natura, a partire da Enriques
    Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 21 (4): 19-38. 2003.