•  493
    Do Indicative Conditionals Express Propositions?
    Noûs 47 (1): 49-68. 2011.
    Discusses how to capture the link between the probability of indicative conditionals and conditional probability using a classical semantics for conditionals.
  •  157
    Modularity and intuitions in formal semantics: the case of polarity items
    with Emmanuel Chemla and Vincent Homer
    Linguistics and Philosophy 34 (6): 537-570. 2011.
    Linguists often sharply distinguish the different modules that support linguistics competence, e.g., syntax, semantics, pragmatics. However, recent work has identified phenomena in syntax (polarity sensitivity) and pragmatics (implicatures), which seem to rely on semantic properties (monotonicity). We propose to investigate these phenomena and their connections as a window into the modularity of our linguistic knowledge. We conducted a series of experiments to gather the relevant syntactic, sema…Read more
  •  29
    Presupposition projection and logical equivalence
    Philosophical Perspectives 22 (1): 473-497. 2008.
  •  215
    Indexical Predicates
    Mind and Language 24 (4): 467-493. 2009.
    We discuss the challenge to truth-conditional semantics presented by apparent shifts in extension of predicates such as ‘red’. We propose an explicit indexical semantics for ‘red’ and argue that our account is preferable to the alternatives on conceptual and empirical grounds.
  •  24
    Draft of a paper for the Sinn und Bedeutung 14 conference. Explains how to capture the link between conditionals the probability of indicative conditionals and conditional probability using a classical semantics for conditionals. (Note: some introductory material is shared with a twin paper, "Capturing the Relationship Between Conditionals and Conditional Probability with a Trivalent Semantics".).
  •  107
    Exhaustivity in Questions with Non-Factives
    with Nathan Klinedinst
    Semantics and Pragmatics. forthcoming.
  •  81
    Yablo’s semantic machinery
    Philosophical Studies 174 (3): 787-796. 2017.
    Yablo’s Aboutness introduces powerful new set of tools for analyzing meaning. I compare his account of subject matter to the related ideas employed in the semantics literature on questions and focus. I then discuss two applications of subject matter: to presupposition triggering and to ascriptions of shared content.
  •  114
    On the Dynamics of Conversation
    Noûs 51 (2): 24-48. 2017.
    There is a longstanding debate in the literature about static versus dynamic approaches to meaning and conversation. A formal result due to van Benthem is often thought to be important for understanding what, conceptually speaking, is at issue in the debate. We introduce the concept of a conversation system, and we use it to clarify the import of van Benthem's result. We then distinguish two classes of conversation systems, corresponding to two concepts of staticness. The first class corresponds…Read more
  •  310
    Expressing Credences
    Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 112 (1pt1): 99-114. 2012.
    After presenting a simple expressivist account of reports of probabilistic judgements, I explore a classic problem for it, namely the Frege-Geach problem. I argue that it is a problem not just for expressivism but for any reasonable account of ascriptions of graded judgements. I suggest that the problem can be resolved by appropriately modelling imprecise credences