•  23
    Abstract: Flesh as embodied Diacritics
    Chiasmi International 11 262-262. 2009.
  •  85
    Prégnances du devenir. Simondon et les images
    Critique 816 356-371. 2015.
    Problématisation, individuation, (dés)adaptation L’inventivité du vivant : la « disparation » Mouvements à vide. La spontanéité selon Simondon La prégnance des images Ontogenèse, phylogenèse, eikogenèse. L’image comme médiation
  •  6
    Autorinnen und Autoren
    In Alice Lagaay & Emmanuel Alloa (eds.), Nicht(s) Sagen: Strategien der Sprachabwendung Im 20. Jahrhundert, Transcript. pp. 299-305. 2008.
  •  60
    Reflexiones del cuerpo: sobre la relación entre cuerpo y lenguaje
    Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 21 200-220. 2014.
    Aunque fueron muchos los intentos en la modernidad de superar el dualismo cuerpo y mente, las teorías filosóficas del lenguaje en muchos casos lo reintrodujeron de manera sutil pero no menos eficaz. El artículo discute varios teoremas para pensar la materialidad del signo y muestra la preponderancia, desde Kierkegaard hasta el estructuralismo post-Saussuriano, de pensar la materialización como algo necesario, pero arbitrario en su modalidad. En esta concepción, el cuerpo del lenguaje no es solam…Read more
  •  2
    L’apparaître appareillé
    In Marion Froger, Sylvestra Mariniello & Jean-Louis Déotte (eds.), Appareil Et Intermédialité, L’harmattan. pp. 17--29. 2007.
  •  42
    Bildwissenschaft in Byzanz. Ein iconic turn avant la lettre?
    Studia Philosophica: Jahrbuch Der Schweizerischen Philosoph Ischen Gesellschaft, Annuaire de la Société Suisse de Philosphie  69 11-36. 2010.
    As Hegel once said, in Byzantium, between homoousis and homoiousis, the difference of one letter could decide over the life and death of thousands. As the present essay would like to argue, Byzantine thinking was not only attentive to conceptual, but also to iconic differences. The iconoclastic controversy arose from two different interpretations of the nature of images: whereas iconoclastic philosophy is based on the assumption of a fundamental ‘iconic identity’, iconophile philosophy defends t…Read more
  •  17
    Vers Madrid. Le cinéma de l'approche de Sylvain George
    Multitudes 61 (4): 205-210. 2015.
    This article offers a reading of the last film by Sylvain Georges, Towards Madrid, dedicated to the movement of the Indignados. In its attempt to focus on the specificity of the documentary mode of filming, it explores three possible interpretations of the following proposition : “Sylvain Georges’s documentary films are to be understood as a cinema of the approach”, where the approach is successively described as a matter of apparatus, as a form of distancing and as a sensitive approximation.
  •  129
    Could Perspective ever be a Symbolic Form? Revisiting Panofsky with Cassirer
    Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 2 (1): 51-72. 2015.
    Erwin Panofsky’s essay “Perspective as Symbolic Form” from 1924 is among the most widely commented essays in twentieth-century aesthetics and was discussed with regard to art theory, Renaissance painting, Western codes of depiction, history of optical devices, psychology of perception, or even ophthalmology. Strangely enough, however, almost nothing has been written about the philosophical claim implicit in the title, i.e. that perspective is a symbolic form among others. The article situates th…Read more
  • Annette Hilt. Ousia -- Psyche -- Nous. Aristoteles' Philosophie der Lebendigkeit (review)
    Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 33 (1): 85-88. 2008.
  •  89
    Produktiver Schein. Phänomenotechnik zwischen Wissenschaft und Ästhetik
    Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 60 (2): 169-182. 2015.
    The notion of ‘phenomenotechnique’ which Gaston Bachelard introduced in the 1930’s has enjoyed popularity among historians of science who used it in order to insist upon the technical and social mediateness of scientific facts. In the wake of the current triumphal return to epistemological ‘realism,’ the idea of phenomenotechnique has been dismissed as an alleged relic of ‘constructivism.’ The article advocates for a different reading of ‘phenomenotechnique,’ which, rather than insisting on the …Read more
  •  5
    In Alice Lagaay & Emmanuel Alloa (eds.), Nicht(s) Sagen: Strategien der Sprachabwendung Im 20. Jahrhundert, Transcript. pp. 7-22. 2008.
    Das 20. Jahrhundert war durch eine radikale Rückbesinnung auf die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Sprache gekennzeichnet. Der neuzeitliche Traum einer restlosen Benennung des Weltganzen wird fraglich, wenn ihr Medium – die propositionale Aussagelogik – unter Verdacht gerät. Der Band wirft die brisante Frage auf, ob der für das Jahrhundert prägende linguistic turn nicht so sehr in einer Hinwendung, als vielmehr in einer »Abwendung« vom Sagen besteht, die sich in der Entsagungsgeste von Melvilles B…Read more
  •  72
    Iconic Turn: A Plea for Three Turns of the Screw
    Culture, Theory, and Critique 56 (3). 2015.
    In the early 1990s, W.J.T. Mitchell and Gottfried Boehm independently proclaimed that the humanities were witnessing a ‘pictorial’ or ‘iconic turn’. Twenty years later, we may wonder whether this announcement was describing an event that had already taken place or whether it was rather calling forth for it to happen. The contemporary world is, more than ever, determined by visual artefacts. Still, our conceptual arsenal, forged during centuries of logocentrism, still falls behind the complexity …Read more
  •  7867
    In the constitution of contemporary image theory, Ludwig Wittgenstein’s philosophy has undoubtedly become a major conceptual reference. Rather than trying to establish what Wittgenstein’s own image theory could possibly look like, this paper would like to critically assess some of the advantages as well as some of the quandaries that arise when using Wittgenstein’s concept of ‘seeing-as’ for addressing the plural realities of images. While putting into evidence the tensions that come into play w…Read more
  •  74
    La chair comme diacritique incarné
    Chiasmi International 11 249-262. 2009.
    In 20th century thinking, few concepts have provoked as many misunderstandings as Merleau-Ponty’s notion of ‘Flesh’. Such misunderstandings (of which the article sketches the outline of an archaeology) rest on the initial assumption that the Flesh has to be derived from the body. The article suggests that the dominant readings of the Flesh can be organized along what could respectively be called the scenario of propriety and the scenario of expansion, beyond which a third way comes into view whi…Read more
  •  175
    Visual Studies in Byzantium. A pictorial turn avant la lettre
    Journal of Visual Culture 12 (1): 3-29. 2013.
    As Hegel once said, in Byzantium, between homoousis and homoiousis, the difference of one letter could decide the life and death of thousands. As this article seeks to argue, Byzantine thinking was not only attentive to conceptual differences, but also to iconic ones. The iconoclastic controversy (726-842 AD) arose from two different interpretations of the nature of images: whereas iconoclastic philosophy is based on the assumption of a fundamental 'iconic identity', iconophile philosophy defend…Read more
  •  46
    Leib und Sprache. Zur Reflexivität verkörperter Ausdrucksformen (edited book)
    with Miriam Fischer
    Velbrück. 2013.
    Die elf Beiträge dieses Bandes gehen aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln dem Problem der Verkörperung von Sinn nach: phänomenologische, psychoanalytische und sprachwissenschaftliche Ansätze bilden dabei den Schwerpunkt; sie werden aber durch Studien aus der Literaturtheorie, der politischen Theorie und der Filmwissenschaft ergänzt. Was heißt es – das ist die zentrale Frage –, den Körper als leibliches Medium aufzufassen, welches Sinn nicht nur verkörpert, sondern überhaupt erst entstehen lässt? Gibt …Read more
  •  91
    A simplistic image of twentieth century French philosophy sees Merleau-Ponty’s death in 1961 as the line that divides two irreconcilable moments in its history: existentialism and phenomenology, on the one hand, and structuralism on the other. The structuralist generation claimed to recapture the dimension of objectivity and impersonality, which the previous generation was supposedly incapable of. As a matter of fact, in 1962, Derrida’s edition of Husserl’s The Origin of Geometry was taken to be…Read more
  •  58
    Metaxu. Figures de la médialité chez Aristote
    Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 62 (2): 247. 2009.
    Depuis la renaissance des études aristotéliciennes avec Werner Jaeger, on a souvent observé la fréquence lexicographique des termes dénotant la médiété et la médiation dans le corpus aristotélicien. Cette récurrence a cependant généralement été traitée comme un effet homonymique, rien ne permettant de relier a priori la médiété éthique, le terme intermédiaire en logique ou encore le milieu perceptif. Et pourtant, le fait qu'Aristote s'interroge lui-même sur cette « plurivocité » du médium peut ê…Read more
  •  47
    Flected Bodies: on the relationship between body and language
    Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 21 200-220. 2014.
    Although in the modern age there were plenty of attempts to overcome the mind-body dualism, its philosophical theories of language reintroduced it in a subtle but not less effective way.In this article several theorems to think on the materiality of the sign are discussed, and, from Kierkegaard to the post-Saussurean structuralism, the prominent role of thinking the materialization as something necessary but arbitrary in its modality is shown. The body of language under this understanding is not…Read more
  •  8
    Buchkritik: Das unsichtbare Bild (review)
    Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 60 (5): 816-821. 2012.
    Christoph Asmuth: Bilder über Bilder – Bilder ohne Bilder. Eine neue Theorie der Bildlichkeit. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt 2011, 194 S.
  • Suspension et gravité. L’imaginaire sartrien face au Tintoret
    Alter. Revue de Phénoménologie 15 (15): 123-141. 2007.
  •  7
    Das 20. Jahrhundert war durch eine radikale Rückbesinnung auf die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Sprache gekennzeichnet. Der neuzeitliche Traum einer restlosen Benennung des Weltganzen wird fraglich, wenn ihr Medium – die propositionale Aussagelogik – unter Verdacht gerät. Der Band wirft die brisante Frage auf, ob der für das Jahrhundert prägende linguistic turn nicht so sehr in einer Hinwendung, als vielmehr in einer »Abwendung« vom Sagen besteht, die sich in der Entsagungsgeste von Melvilles B…Read more
  •  1
    Kunst. Werkästhetik als Ereignisästhetik
    In Dieter Thomä, Katrin Meyer & Hans Bernhard Schmid (eds.), Heidegger-Handbuch: Leben, Werk, Wirkung, J.b. Metzler. pp. 315-319. 2003.