•  23
    Why God Is Not a Consequentialist
    Religious Studies 29 (2). 1993.
    Can there be a moral philosophy which combines Christianity and consequentialism? John Stuart Mill himself claimed that these positions were, at the least, not mutually exclusive, and quite possibly even congenial to one another; and some recent work by Christian philosophers in America has resurrected this claim. But there is a simple argument to show that consequentialism and orthodox Christianity are not so much as jointly assertible
  •  148
    Glory as an Ethical Idea
    Philosophical Investigations 34 (2): 105-134. 2011.
    There is a gap between what we think and what we think we think about ethics. This gap appears when elements of our ethical reflection and our moral theories contradict each other. It also appears when something that is important in our ethical reflection is sidelined in our moral theories. The gap appears in both ways with the ethical idea glory. The present exploration of this idea is a case study of how far actual ethical reflection diverges from moral theory. This divergence tells against mo…Read more
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    The incompleat projectivist: How to be an objectivist and an attitudinist
    Philosophical Quarterly 48 (190): 50-66. 1998.
    What is at stake in the dispute between moral objectivism and subjectivism is how we are to give a rational grounding to ethical first principles or basic commitments. The search is for an explanation of what if anything makes any commitments good. Subjectivisms such as Blackburn's quasi‐realism can give any set of commitments no ‘rational grounding’ in this sense except in considerations about internal consistency. But this is inadequate. Internal consistency is not sufficient for ethical ratio…Read more
  • EJ Bond Ethics and Human Well-Being
    Journal of Applied Philosophy 15 114-115. 1998.
  •  5
    Brill Online Books and Journals
    with Robert Wardy, Robert Heinaman, Katerina Ierodiakonou, Richard Gaskin, Richard J. Ketchum, Justin Gosling, Bob Sharples, and M. R. Wright
    Phronesis 38 (1). 1993.
  • Reading the o: Theaetetus 170c-171c
    Phronesis: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy 51 (2): 109-139. 2006.
  •  12
    An outline and discussion of Plato's changing views about the theory of knowledge
  •  24
    1. ‘Reason is and ought only to be the slave of the passions, and can pretend to no other office, but to serve and obey them.’ 2.3.3) Unfortunately, Hume uses ‘reason’ to mean ‘discovery of truth or falsehood‘ as well as discovery of logical relations. So suppose we avoid, as Hume I think does not, prejudging the question of how many ingredients are requisite for action, by separating these two claims out: A. Reason is and ought only to be the slave of the passions. B. Reason ) is and ought only…Read more
  •  51
    Eudaimonia, Happiness, and the Redemption of Unhappiness
    Philosophical Topics 41 (1): 27-52. 2013.
    In this paper I argue for five theses. The first thesis is that ethicists should think about happiness and unhappiness together, with as much detail and particularity as possible. Thinking about unhappiness will help us get clear about happiness, and distinguish the different things that come under that name. The second is that happiness and unhappiness can both be important positively valuable features of a worthwhile life. The third thesis is that Modern Eudaimonism, the claim that every reaso…Read more
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    Critical study
    International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 2 (1): 65-75. 2008.
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    Atheism and theism. J. J. C. Smart J. J. Haldane
    Mind 110 (439): 836-839. 2001.
  •  145
    Reading Plato’s Theaetetus
    Hackett Pub. Co.. 2004.
    Timothy Chappell’s new translation of the Theaetetus is presented here in short sections of text, each preceded by a summary of the argument and followed by his philosophical commentary on it. Introductory remarks discuss Plato and his works, his use of dialogue, the structure of the Theaetetus, and alternative interpretations of the work as a whole. A glossary and bibliography are provided
  •  679
    Moral perception
    Philosophy 83 (4): 421-437. 2008.
    I develop an account of moral perception which is able to deal well with familiar naturalistic non-realist complaints about ontological extravagance and ‘queerness’. I show how this account can also ground a cogent response to familiar objections presented by Simon Blackburn and J.L. Mackie. The familiar realist's problem about relativism, however, remains.
  •  78
    Why God is Not a Consequentialist: T. D. J. CHAPPELL
    Religious Studies 29 (2): 239-243. 1993.
    Can there be a moral philosophy which combines Christianity and consequentialism? John Stuart Mill himself claimed that these positions were, at the least, not mutually exclusive, and quite possibly even congenial to one another; and some recent work by Christian philosophers in America has resurrected this claim. But there is a simple argument to show that consequentialism and orthodox Christianity are not so much as jointly assertible
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  •  407
    Ethics Beyond Moral Theory
    Philosophical Investigations 32 (3): 206-243. 2009.
    I develop an anti-theory view of ethics. Moral theory (Kantian, utilitarian, virtue ethical, etc.) is the dominant approach to ethics among academic philosophers. But moral theory's hunt for a single Master Factor (utility, universalisability, virtue . . .) is implausibly systematising and reductionist. Perhaps scientism drives the approach? But good science always insists on respect for the data, even messy data: I criticise Singer's remarks on infanticide as a clear instance of moral theory fa…Read more
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    Biomedical politics
    Journal of Medical Ethics 19 (1): 54-55. 1993.
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    I compare the two main readings of the argument against Protagorean relativism that 'Socrates' presents at Theaetetus 170-171, argue against both of them, and present a third alternative reading
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    The article reviews two books by Bernard Williams including "Philosophy As a Humanistic Discipline" and "The Sense of the Past."
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    Knowledge of Persons
    European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 5 (4): 3--28. 2013.
    What is knowledge of persons, and what is knowing persons like? my answer combines Wittgenstein’s epistemology with levinas’s phenomenology. It says that our knowledge of persons is a hinge proposition for us. And it says that what this knowledge consists in is the experience that levinas calls ”the face to face’: direct and unmediated encounter between persons. As levinas says, for there to be persons at all there has, first, to be a relationship, language, and this same encounter: ”the face to…Read more