• Quantum objects are vague objects
    Sorites 6 (1): 21--33. 1996.
    Is there vagueness in the world? This is the central question that we are concerned with. Focusing on identity statements around which much of the recent debate has centred, we argue that `vague identity' arises in quantum mechanics in one of two ways. First, quantum particles may be described as individuals, with `entangled' states understood in terms of non-supervenient relations. In this case, the vagueness is ontic but exists at the level of these relations which act as a kind of `veil'. Sec…Read more
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    Sobre uma fundamentação não reflexiva da mecânica quântica
    with Newton Carneiro Affonso da Costa, Jonas Rafael Becker Arenhart, and Jaison Schinaider
    Scientiae Studia 10 (1): 71-104. 2012.
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    Paraconsistent logics are logics that can be used to base inconsistent but non-trivial systems. In paraconsistent set theories, we can quan- tify over sets that in standard set theories, if consistent, would lead to contradictions, such as the Russell set, R = fx : x =2 xg. Quasi-set theories are mathematical systems built for dealing with collections of indiscernible elements. The basic motivation for the development of quasi-set theories came from quantum physics, where indiscernible entities …Read more
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    Uma Lógica da Indistinguibilidade
    with J. R. Arenhart
    Disputatio 4 (34): 555-573. 2012.
  • A Negação Clássica
    O Que Nos Faz Pensar 31-39. 2008.
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    In this paper we make some general remarks on the use of non-classical logics, in particular paraconsistent logic, in the foundational analysis of physical theories. As a case-study, we present a reconstruction of P.\ -D.\ F\'evrier's 'logic of complementarity' as a strict three-valued logic and also a paraconsistent version of it. At the end, we sketch our own approach to complementarity, which is based on a paraconsistent logic termed 'paraclassical logic'.
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    This paper is the sequel of a previous one where we have introduced a paraconsistent logic termed paraclassical logic to deal with 'complementary propositions'. Here, we enlarge upon the discussion by considering certain 'meaning principles', which sanction either some restrictions of 'classical' procedures or the utilization of certain 'classical' incompatible schemes in the domain of the physical theories. Here, the term 'classical' refers to classical physics. Some general comments on the log…Read more
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    Introdução aos fundamentos axiomáticos da ciência
    Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 6 (2): 315-319. 2002.
    Review of the KRAUSE, Décio "Introdução aos Fundamentos Axiomáticos da Ciência" São Paulo EPU, 2002
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    The problem of identity and a justification for a non-reflexive quantum mechanics
    Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 (2): 186-205. 2014.
    In this paper we try to justify our way of looking for an alternative approach to quantum mechanics, which is based on a non-classical logic. We consider two specific questions related to quantum theory, namely, entanglement and the indiscernibility of quanta. We characterize individuals, and then explain in what sense entanglement is a concept which can be applied to individuals in a restricted sense only. Then, we turn to indiscernibility and, after realizing that this concept is of a fundamen…Read more
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    Quantum vagueness
    Erkenntnis 59 (1). 2003.
    It has been suggested that quantum particles are genuinelyvague objects (Lowe 1994a). The present work explores thissuggestion in terms of the various metaphysical packages that areavailable for describing such particles. The formal frameworksunderpinning such packages are outlined and issues of identityand reference are considered from this overall perspective. Indoing so we hope to illuminate the diverse ways in whichvagueness can arise in the quantum context.
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    Brigitte Falkenburg, Editor, Between rationalism and empiricism. Selected Papers in the Philosophy of Physics; Erhard Scheibe, Springer, Berlin (2001) ISBN 0-387-98520-4 (627pp. Euro 88.76) (review)
    with N. Dacosta
    Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 36 (1): 210-217. 2005.
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    Questões a uma teoria de quase-objetos
    Manuscrito 32 (2): 399-436. 2009.
    Discutimos algumas quest~oes relacionadas a uma possvel teoriade quase-objetos, isto e, objetos para os quais as condic~oes usuais de identidaden~ao se aplicariam. Desde que a principal motivac~ao para uma tal teoriae a mec^anica qu^antica, a discuss~ao e realizada tendo-se essa intepretac~ao pretendidaem mente.We discuss some questions related to a possible theory of quasiobjects,that is, objects for which the standard identity conditions should nothold. Since the main motivation for such a the…Read more
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    Recently, in the debate about the ontology of quantum mechanics some authors have defended the view that quantum particles are individuals in a primitive sense, so that individuality should be preferred over non-individuality (the alternative option). Primitive individuality involves two main claims: (1) every item is identical with itself and (2) it is distinct from every other item. Non-relativistic quantum mechanics is said to provide positive evidence for that position, since in every situat…Read more
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    Logical aspects of quantum (non-)individuality
    Foundations of Science 15 (1): 79-94. 2010.
    In this paper I consider some logical and mathematical aspects of the discussion of the identity and individuality of quantum entities. I shall point out that for some aspects of the discussion, the logical basis cannot be put aside; on the contrary, it leads us to unavoidable conclusions which may have consequences in how we articulate certain concepts related to quantum theory. Behind the discussion, there is a general argument which suggests the possibility of a metaphysics of non-individuals…Read more
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    Algebraic aspects of quantum indiscernibility
    with Hercules Araujo Feitosdea
    We show that using quasi-set theory, or the theory of collections of indistinguishable objects, we can define an algebra that has most of the standard properties of an orthocomplete orthomodular lattice, which is the lattice of all closed subspaces of a Hilbert space. We call the mathematical structure so obtained $\mathfrak{I}$-lattice. After discussing (in a preliminary form) some aspects of such a structure, we indicate the next problem of axiomatizing the corresponding logic, that is, a logi…Read more
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    Remarks on quantum ontology
    Synthese 125 (1-2): 155-167. 2000.
    Despite the discrepancies between quantum objects and `classical' ones, mainly with regard to the fact that the latter may be thought of as `individuals', contrary to the former, we still regard the quanta as `things' in our ordinary discourse as well as in the logico-mathematical basis of quantum theories. This paper considers some possibilities for accomodating the logico-mathematical framework of the theories which deal with such a strange ontology where the inhabitants are things devoid of i…Read more
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    Schrödinger Logics
    Studia Logica 53 (4). 1994.
    Schrödinger logics are logical systems in which the principle of identity is not true in general. The intuitive motivation for these logics is both Erwin Schrödinger's thesis (which has been advanced by other authors) that identity lacks sense for elementary particles of modern physics, and the way which physicists deal with this concept; normally, they understandidentity as meaningindistinguishability (agreemment with respect to attributes). Observing that these concepts are equivalent in class…Read more
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    Physics and ontology
    Discusiones Filosóficas 9 (12). 2008.
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    Quantifiers and the Foundations of Quasi-Set Theory
    Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 13 (3): 251-268. 2009.
    In this paper we discuss some questions proposed by Prof. Newton da Costa on the foundations of quasi-set theory. His main doubts concern the possibility of a reasonable semantical understanding of the theory, mainly due to the fact that identity and difference do not apply to some entities of the theory’s intended domain of discourse. According to him, the quantifiers employed in the theory, when understood in the usual way, rely on the assumption that identity applies to all entities in the do…Read more
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    Identity, indiscernibility, and philosophical claims
    with Antonio Mariano Nogueira Coelho
    Axiomathes 15 (2): 191-210. 2005.
    The concept of indiscernibility in a structure is analysed with the aim of emphasizing that in asserting that two objects are indiscernible, it is useful to consider these objects as members of (the domain of) a structure. A case for this usefulness is presented by examining the consequences of this view to the philosophical discussion on identity and indiscernibility in quantum theory.
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    H. Post's conception of quantal particles as non-individuals is set in a formal logico-mathematical framework. By means of this approach certain metaphysical implications of quantum mechanics can be further explored.