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    Metaphysical Foundations of the History of Philosophy
    Review of Metaphysics 59 (1): 3-31. 2005.
    HEGEL EXPLICATES HIS THEORY of the history of philosophic thinking in several introductions to the various cycles of Lectures on the History of Philosophy held in Jena, Heidelberg, and Berlin. Only the introductions to the first cycle of Heidelberg lectures and to the second cycle of Berlin lectures survive in Hegel's own hand. Since the earlier of these is an integral part of the latter, an analysis of the 1820 Introduction provides a reliable account of Hegel's theory.
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    Aristotle in the Nineteenth Century
    Idealistic Studies 30 (2): 107-119. 2000.
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    The Parmenides And De Anima In Hegel's Perspective
    Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 53 51-68. 2006.
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    Rights-Pragmatism and the Right of Humanity
    Archiv Für Rechts- Und Sozialphilosphie 102 (1): 22-39. 2016.
    The article opens with the analysis of a 2013 legal memorandum of the U.S. Department of Justice that sanctions state ordered killings of citizens on foreign soil, as well as the violation of foreign sovereignty that may have to accompany such killings. This document, together with arguments of contemporary juridical pragmatist like M. Ignatieff, functions in the article as a prototype of the kind of juridical thinking that has been explicitly countered in classical philosophies of right. Sectio…Read more
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    Kant’s Shameful Proposition: A Hegel-Inspired Criticism of Kant’s Theory of Domestic Right
    International Philosophical Quarterly 40 (3): 297-312. 2000.
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    Spirit without the Form of Self
    Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 19 135-153. 2009.
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    Marx' und Engels' Rezeption der Hegelschen Kantkritik: ein Widerspruch im Materialismus
    Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften. 1983.
    Die absolut-idealistische Kritik an Kant warf ihm vor allem vor, er hätte sich von materialistischen Überresten nicht vollständig befreit. Um so auffallender ist es, dass der Marxismus diese Kritik nicht einer eingehenden materialistischen Untersuchung unterzogen, sondern sie für sich in Anspruch genommen hat. Diese Arbeit zeigt, wie sich ein solcher Materialismus durch die Inanspruchnahme Hegelscher Kerngedanken in Widersprüche verwickelt und weist auf Wege ihrer Lösung hin.
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    'And Yet It Moves': Hegel on Zeno's Arrow
    Journal of Speculative Philosophy 9 (4): 256. 1995.
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    The Place of Rousseau in Hegel’s System
    Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 16 121-141. 2003.
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    Being a subject and being conscious of being one are different realities. According to Hegel, the difference is not only conceptual, but also influences people's experience of the world and of one another. This book aims to explain some basic aspects of Hegel's conception of subjectivity with particular regard to the difference he saw in ancient and modern ways of thinking about and acting as individuals, persons and moral subjects.
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    Metaphysics and Oppression (review)
    Teaching Philosophy 24 (2): 169-175. 2001.
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    The Bloomsbury companion to Hegel (edited book)
    Bloomsbury Academic. 2013.
    A comprehensive reference guide to the key themes, major writings, context and influence of Hegel, one of the most important figures in 19th Century thought.
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    The article expresses skepticism on the alleged affinity between Hegel’s theory of conceptuality and conceptual pragmatism. Despite the intriguing philosophical impetus underlying the latter, the author formulates doubts about its compatibility with logical and metaphysical principles of absolute idealism. The criticism is articulated in four theses: pragmatism’s concerns with concept-acquisition and concept-application are largely alien to Hegel’s logical-metaphysical theory of conceptuality; t…Read more
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    The collective focus of the essays here presented consists of the attempt to overcome the deadlock between metaphysical and non- metaphysical Hegel interpretations. There is no doubt that Hegel rejects traditional and influential forms of metaphysical thought. There is also no doubt that he grounds his philosophical system on a metaphysical theory of thought and reality. The question asked by the contributors in this volume is therefore: what kind of metaphysics does Hegel reject, and what kind …Read more
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    Metaphysics and Oppression (review)
    Teaching Philosophy 24 (2): 169-175. 2001.