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    Chapter VIII. Ackermann's strenge implikation
    with Nuel D. Belnap and Alan Ross Anderson
    In J. Michael Dunn, Nuel D. Belnap & Alan Ross Anderson (eds.), Entailment, Vol. Ii: The Logic of Relevance and Necessity, Princeton University Press. pp. 129-141. 2017.
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    Contradictory Information: Too Much of a Good Thing (review)
    Journal of Philosophical Logic 39 (4). 2010.
    Both I and Belnap, motivated the "Belnap-Dunn 4-valued Logic" by talk of the reasoner being simply "told true" (T) and simply "told false" (F), which leaves the options of being neither "told true" nor "told false" (N), and being both "told true" and "told false" (B). Belnap motivated these notions by consideration of unstructured databases that allow for negative information as well as positive information (even when they conflict). We now experience this on a daily basis with the Web. But the …Read more
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    Chapter IX. semantics
    with Nuel D. Belnap and Alan Ross Anderson
    In J. Michael Dunn, Nuel D. Belnap & Alan Ross Anderson (eds.), Entailment, Vol. Ii: The Logic of Relevance and Necessity, Princeton University Press. pp. 142-266. 2017.
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    Contradictory Information: Better Than Nothing? The Paradox of the Two Firefighters
    with Nicholas M. Kiefer
    In Can Başkent & Thomas Macaulay Ferguson (eds.), Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency, Springer Verlag. pp. 231-247. 2019.
    Prominent philosophers have argued that contradictions contain either too much or too little information to be useful. We dispute this with what we call the “Paradox of the Two Firefighters.” Suppose you are awakened in your hotel room by a fire alarm. You open the door. You see three possible ways out: left, right, straight ahead. You see two firefighters. One says there is exactly one safe route and it is to your left. The other says there is exactly one safe route and it is to your right. Whi…Read more
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    with Nuel D. Belnap and Alan Ross Anderson
    In J. Michael Dunn, Nuel D. Belnap & Alan Ross Anderson (eds.), Entailment, Vol. Ii: The Logic of Relevance and Necessity, Princeton University Press. 2017.
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    Analytical table of contents
    with Nuel D. Belnap and Alan Ross Anderson
    In J. Michael Dunn, Nuel D. Belnap & Alan Ross Anderson (eds.), Entailment, Vol. Ii: The Logic of Relevance and Necessity, Princeton University Press. 2017.
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    with Nuel D. Belnap and Alan Ross Anderson
    In J. Michael Dunn, Nuel D. Belnap & Alan Ross Anderson (eds.), Entailment, Vol. Ii: The Logic of Relevance and Necessity, Princeton University Press. 2017.
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    Symmetric generalized galois logics
    Logica Universalis 3 (1): 125-152. 2009.
    Symmetric generalized Galois logics (i.e., symmetric gGl s) are distributive gGl s that include weak distributivity laws between some operations such as fusion and fission. Motivations for considering distribution between such operations include the provability of cut for binary consequence relations, abstract algebraic considerations and modeling linguistic phenomena in categorial grammars. We represent symmetric gGl s by models on topological relational structures. On the other hand, topologic…Read more
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    Relevance logics and relation algebras
    with Katalin Bimbó and Roger D. Maddux
    Review of Symbolic Logic 2 (1): 102-131. 2009.
    Relevance logics are known to be sound and complete for relational semantics with a ternary accessibility relation. This paper investigates the problem of adequacy with respect to special kinds of dynamic semantics (i.e., proper relation algebras and relevant families of relations). We prove several soundness results here. We also prove the completeness of a certain positive fragment of R as well as of the first-degree fragment of relevance logics. These results show that some core ideas are sha…Read more
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    On the decidability of implicational ticket entailment
    Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (1): 214-236. 2013.
    The implicational fragment of the logic of relevant implication, $R_\to$ is known to be decidable. We show that the implicational fragment of the logic of ticket entailment, $T_\to$ is decidable. Our proof is based on the consecution calculus that we introduced specifically to solve this 50-year old open problem. We reduce the decidability problem of $T_\to$ to the decidability problem of $R_\to$. The decidability of $T_\to$ is equivalent to the decidability of the inhabitation problem of implic…Read more
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    The decidability of the logic of pure ticket entailment means that the problem of inhabitation of simple types by combinators over the base { B, B′, I, W } is decidable too. Type-assignment systems are often formulated as natural deduction systems. However, our decision procedure for this logic, which we presented in earlier papers, relies on two sequent calculi and it does not yield directly a combinator for a theorem of ${T_\to}$. Here we describe an algorithm to extract an inhabitant from a s…Read more
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    New Consecution Calculi for R→t
    Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 53 (4): 491-509. 2012.
    The implicational fragment of the logic of relevant implication, $R_{\to}$ is one of the oldest relevance logics and in 1959 was shown by Kripke to be decidable. The proof is based on $LR_{\to}$ , a Gentzen-style calculus. In this paper, we add the truth constant $\mathbf{t}$ to $LR_{\to}$ , but more importantly we show how to reshape the sequent calculus as a consecution calculus containing a binary structural connective, in which permutation is replaced by two structural rules that involve $\m…Read more
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    Urquhart works in several areas of logic where he has proved important results. Our paper outlines his topological lattice representation and attempts to relate it to other lattice representations. We show that there are different ways to generalize Priestley’s representation of distributive lattices—Urquhart’s being one of them, which tries to keep prime filters in the representation. Along the way, we also mention how semi-lattices and lattices figured into Urquhart’s work.
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    On the Ternary Relation and Conditionality
    with Jc Beall, Ross T. Brady, A. P. Hazen, Edwin D. Mares, Robert K. Meyer, Graham Priest, Greg Restall, David Ripley, John Slaney, and Richard Sylvan
    Journal of Philosophical Logic 41 (3). 2012.
    One of the most dominant approaches to semantics for relevant (and many paraconsistent) logics is the Routley-Meyer semantics involving a ternary relation on points. To some (many?), this ternary relation has seemed like a technical trick devoid of an intuitively appealing philosophical story that connects it up with conditionality in general. In this paper, we respond to this worry by providing three different philosophical accounts of the ternary relation that correspond to three conceptions o…Read more
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    Kripke models for linear logic
    with Gerard Allwein
    Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (2): 514-545. 1993.
    We present a Kripke model for Girard's Linear Logic (without exponentials) in a conservative fashion where the logical functors beyond the basic lattice operations may be added one by one without recourse to such things as negation. You can either have some logical functors or not as you choose. Commutatively and associatively are isolated in such a way that the base Kripke model is a model for noncommutative, nonassociative Linear Logic. We also extend the logic by adding a coimplication operat…Read more
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    Negation in the Context of Gaggle Theory
    Studia Logica 80 (2): 235-264. 2005.
    We study an application of gaggle theory to unary negative modal operators. First we treat negation as impossibility and get a minimal logic system Ki that has a perp semantics. Dunn 's kite of different negations can be dealt with in the extensions of this basic logic Ki. Next we treat negation as “unnecessity” and use a characteristic semantics for different negations in a kite which is dual to Dunn 's original one. Ku is the minimal logic that has a characteristic semantics. We also show that…Read more
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    Generalized Galois Logics: Relational Semantics of Nonclassical Logical Calculi
    with Katalin Bimbó
    Center for the Study of Language and Inf. 2008.
    Nonclassical logics have played an increasing role in recent years in disciplines ranging from mathematics and computer science to linguistics and philosophy. _Generalized Galois Logics_ develops a uniform framework of relational semantics to mediate between logical calculi and their semantics through algebra. This volume addresses normal modal logics such as K and S5, and substructural logics, including relevance logics, linear logic, and Lambek calculi. The authors also treat less-familiar and…Read more
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    Four-valued Logic
    Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 42 (3): 171-192. 2001.
    Four-valued semantics proved useful in many contexts from relevance logics to reasoning about computers. We extend this approach further. A sequent calculus is defined with logical connectives conjunction and disjunction that do not distribute over each other. We give a sound and complete semantics for this system and formulate the same logic as a tableaux system. Intensional conjunction and its residuals can be added to the sequent calculus straightforwardly. We extend a simplified version of t…Read more
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    Two extensions of the structurally free logic LC
    with K. Bimbó
    Logic Journal of the IGPL 6 (3): 403-424. 1998.
    The paper considers certain extensions of the system LC introduced in Dunn & Meyer 1997. LC is a structurally free system , but it has combinators as formulas in the place of structural rules. We consider two ways to extend LC with conjunction and disjunction depending on whether they distribute over each other or not. We prove the elimination theorem for the systems. At the end of the paper we give a Routley-Meyer style semantics for the distributive extension, including some new definitions an…Read more