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    The ethics of morphing
    Philosophical Studies 145 (1). 2009.
    Here's one piece of practical reasoning: "If I do this then a person will reap some benefits and suffer some costs. On balance, the benefits outweigh the costs. So I ought to do it." Here's another: "If I do this then one person will reap some benefits and another will suffer some costs. On balance, the benefits to the one person outweigh the costs to the other. So I ought to do it." Many influential philosophers say that there is something dubious about the second piece of reasoning. They say t…Read more
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    Self-Bias, Time-Bias, and the Metaphysics of Self and Time
    Journal of Philosophy 104 (7): 350-373. 2007.
    This is about the metaphysics of the self and ethical egoism. It can serve as a preview for my manuscript-in-progress below.
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    This is about the rights and wrongs of bringing people into existence. In a nutshell: sometimes what matters is not what would have happened to you, but what would have happened to the person who would have been in your position, even if that person never actually exists.
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    Should We Wish Well to All?
    Philosophical Review 125 (4): 451-472. 2016.
    Some moral theories tell you, in some situations in which you are interacting with a group of people, to avoid acting in the way that is expectedly best for everybody. This essay argues that such theories are mistaken. Go ahead and do what is expectedly best for everybody. The argument is based on the thought that when interacting with an individual it is fine for you to act in the expected interests of the individual and that many interactions with individuals may compose an interaction with a …Read more