Minh-Hoang Nguyen

Phenikaa University
  •  224
    We propose the theory of ecomindsponge to focus on examining the human information processing system in relation to the Earth’s ecosphere. This can help in the quest of knowing where we stand in this Universe and the basic mechanisms of how we interact with the natural environment.
  •  679
    On September 3, 2022, Retraction Watch reported that four articles published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) had been retracted on the same day (02 September 2022). More notable is that all four articles were co-authored by a preeminent researcher on the molecular mechanisms of oxygen regulation – Gregg Semenza. Semenza shared The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2019 with William Kaelin and Peter Ratcliffe for “their discoveries of how cells sense and adapt to…Read more
  •  129
    The development of language can be considered the second major innovation of humankind after the use of fire. It significantly improves communication efficiency and enables abstract conceptual thinking among humans. Although human language is learned through socially mediated interactions, humans might not be capable of complex language usage without biological evolutions.
  •  92
    Many human decisions and behaviors in daily life entail a cost-benefit analysis. From selecting what to eat for dinner to determining the career to pursue, we more or less assess the cost and benefit of each choice. Given the frequent occurrences of cost-benefit thinking in our minds, some intriguing questions arise: how do the cost-benefit thinking processes emerge? How does the brain function to generate such thoughts? Although these inquiries have yet to be thoroughly answered, scientists are…Read more
  •  133
    Are the most concerning consequences of light and noise pollution detrimental to human health? In my opinion, light and noise pollution may be causing a greater worry at the societal level by widening the gap between human generations living in cities and nature.
  •  240
    In modern days, we often feel stressed due to various types of disturbances from the surrounding environment, from the noisy sounds from transportation to the artificial light disturbance at night. Some may think of being relieved if they become isolated from the world to get rid of all those annoyances. They might be correct, as scientists have found that the sensory deprivation tank – a floatation tank that provides restricted environmental stimulation therapy (REST) – can be helpful for physi…Read more
  •  118
    The crab that hoaxes for a mate
    SM3D Portal. 2022.
    If you have ever given up pursuing your crush because you think that your rival’s appearance is more good-looking and his gesture is more romantic than you, the fiddler crab can teach you a valuable lesson.
  •  838
    Thinking without language
    SM3D Portal. 2022.
    Can we think without language? Two researchers from the University of Nevada – Christopher L. Heavey and Russell T. Hurlburt – think the answer is yes. The idea that humans can think without language is also supported by Evelina Fedorenko, a neuroscientist at MIT’s McGovern Institute, and Rosemary Varley, a neuroscientist at University College London.
  •  102
    The strangers you trust
    SM3D Portal. 2022.
    When we were teenagers, most of us might have been told by our parents, “don’t trust strangers”. On other occasions, our parents encouraged our confidence by saying: “trust yourself”. These statements seem reasonable, but what would we do if we faced someone resembling us so much at first sight? Would we be able to trust them?
  •  115
    Chimpanzees, drinking buddies?
    SM3D Portal. 2022.
    If someone tells you a chimpanzee can be a better drinker than you, will you believe that?
  •  125
    Biodiversity loss is happening at an unprecedented rate, and invasive species are one of the main contributors to the global biodiversity decline. Invasive species are alien (non-native) organisms that become overpopulated and cause environmental harm to the native environment. For example, a recent global meta-analysis shows that 30 invasive predator species have been linked to the extinction or endangerment of 738 vertebrate species, accounting for 58% of all bird, mammal, and reptile extincti…Read more
  •  750
    Academia is a competitive environment. Early Career Researchers (ECRs) are limited in experience and resources and especially need achievements to secure and expand their careers. To help with these issues, this book offers a new approach for conducting research using the combination of mindsponge innovative thinking and Bayesian analytics. This is not just another analytics book. 1. A new perspective on psychological processes: Mindsponge is a novel approach for examining the human mind’s inf…Read more
  •  765
    Bayesvl: an R package for user-friendly Bayesian regression modelling
    VMOST Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 64 (1): 85-96. 2022.
    Compared with traditional statistics, only a few social scientists employ Bayesian analyses. The existing software programs for implementing Bayesian analyses such as OpenBUGS, WinBUGS, JAGS, and rstanarm can be daunting given that their complex computer codes involve a steep learning curve. In contrast, this paper introduces a new open software for implementing Bayesian network modelling and analysis: the bayesvl R package. The package aims at providing an intuitive gateway for beginners of Bay…Read more
  •  178
    This short communication piece uses the data sets provided by Baas, Boyack & Ioannidis (2021), released on October 20, 2022 (retrieved on March 28, 2022).
  •  282
    Based on the properties and mechanism of serendipity presented in former chapters, this chapter discusses how to create an environment for higher serendipity encounters and attainment possibilities. We examine four types of environments with different navigational and useful information concentration combinations. Building a pro-serendipity culture will help create environments that value and supports serendipity across fields. Additionally, we also address the notion that serendipity is a skill…Read more
  •  719
    After employing the mindsponge mechanism and 3D information process of creativity to explain the serendipity process in previous chapters, we realize that it may be helpful to delve into the relations between serendipity and the formulation of new values and information connections through non-linear processes. Thus, this chapter summarizes some preliminary attempts to use non-linear information processes to explain serendipity. We also briefly mention the benefits of information exchange among …Read more
  •  207
    To validate the new theory of serendipity that we have presented, the case of “floppy-eared-rabbit” with Dr. Lewis Thomas and Dr. Aaron Kellner was used as an example. We go through each important stage in the story and explain the events in terms of serendipity’s conditionality, survival motives, and information process. The characteristics of serendipity gain and loss phenomena are also interpreted in a similar manner.
  •  180
    While we cannot ensure the occurrence of serendipity due to its nature of unexpectedness, we can try to prepare the optimal conditions to improve the possibility. This chapter first describes two types of unexpected information: within or from beyond one’s perceivable range. Next, we describe four stages of the serendipity attainment process: navigation, noticing, evaluation, and implementation. On this basis, we discuss six scenarios in the order of serendipity encounter and attainment probabil…Read more
  •  154
    Investment in science has led human civilization to many achievements in science and technology, including military weapons. War – the worst scenario of a conflict – always leads to deaths and devastation. Weapons do not destroy things and kill people by themselves, but they are used and controlled by the hands of humans. No matter how advanced they are, they are still tools that serve humans’ interests. Conflicts need to be resolved through humane approaches aided by science and technology deve…Read more
  •  1012
    Covid-19 vaccines production and societal immunization under the serendipity-mindsponge-3D knowledge management theory and conceptual framework
    with Quan-Hoang Vuong, Tam-Tri Le, Viet-Phuong La, Huyen Thanh Thanh Nguyen, Manh-Toan Ho, and Van Quy Khuc
    Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9 22. 2022.
    Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19), tremendous efforts have been made by scientists, health professionals, business people, politicians, and laypeople around the world. Covid-19 vaccines are one of the most crucial innovations that help fight against the virus. This paper attempts to revisit the Covid-19 vaccines production process by employing the serendipity-mindsponge-3D creativity management theory. Vaccine production can be considered an information process and cl…Read more
  •  81
    I try to imagine whether any of my publications finished in 2022 will still be referenced in 2042(?!). That is when I’m 47...
  •  114
    Recently, I have noticed increasing media voices about the Western dominance over the world’s scientific literature. Some questions relevant to my research pursuit arise.
  •  273
    The rapidly declining biosphere integrity, representing one of the core planetary boundaries, is alarming. One of the most widely accepted measures to halt the rate of biodiversity loss is to maintain and expand protected areas that are effectively managed. However, it requires substantial finance derived from nature-based tourism, specifically visitors from urban areas. Using the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) on 535 Vietnamese urban residents, the current study examined how their biodiver…Read more
  •  165
    Các lý thuyết tâm lý xã hội thường cần rất nhiều thời gian, hàng nhiều thập niên, để học giới có thể tìm kiếm bằng chứng hoặc kiểm tra tính vững chắc của hệ thống logic lập luận. Xét một cách tương đối, 3D nói riêng và hệ thống “serendipity-mindsponge-3D” (SM3D) nói chung được coi là còn rất mới. Tuy vậy, những ứng dụng và bằng chứng ban đầu phần nào cho thấy hiệu quả khá rõ nét và có tính chất khích lệ.
  •  321
    In line with conservation social scientists, I contend that understanding how people adapt and change their attitudes and behaviors towards biodiversity concepts is crucial for tackling biodiversity loss through building an eco-surplus culture in urban areas. My argument can be defended by various studies that have confirmed the positive relationships between interactions with nature and attitudes towards biodiversity and the biophilia hypothesis.
  •  151
    Those who believe in the simplistic trust model between politics and science unintentionally (or intentionally) omit the fact that there exists something called cultural value systems and norms, which govern the formation, growth and demise of a group. These elements are so critical that by setting them aside, we risk entering total disagreements whenever difficult problems arise. One such serious problem is the climate crisis and the need for building the eleventh cultural value as proposed by …Read more
  •  175
    I advocate that money has two fundamental meanings: 1) pursuing perceived freedom and 2) enhancing perceived impact. To support my points, I developed a framework regarding an individual’s subjective spheres of influence based on the Mindsponge mechanism to illustrate how individuals perceive what they can influence and what can influence them.
  •  215
    I developed a framework regarding an individual’s subjective spheres of influence based on the Mindsponge mechanism and Mindsponge-related studies to illustrate how individuals perceive what they can influence and what can influence them. In fact, this idea has germinated in my mind since I asked the question: “what are beyond Mindsponge?” The framework is expected to help explain how people interact with the world around them, how groups are formed, and how societies operate, which can be valua…Read more
  •  140
    We propose an approach of treating information as an intermediate (or medium). The intermediate can be thought of as an information particle. That particle has three main properties.
  •  149
    The serendipity-based creativity process in their conceptual development papers has been particularly appealing for me due to its power to harness unexpectedly useful information as a strategic advantage in business operations, technological innovations, and scientific discoveries. Their metaphor for the serendipity process resembles the radar technology for detecting fast-flying objects. Nonetheless, others refer to it as "lightning strikes". So I call it a serendipity strike.