•  418
    Recanati on the Semantics/pragmatics Distinction
    Critica 38 (112): 35-68. 2006.
    One of the hottest philosophical debates in recent years concerns the nature of the semantics/pragmatics divide. Some writers have expressed the reserve that this might be merely terminological, but in my view it ultimately concerns a substantive issue with empirical implications: the scope and limits of a serious scientific undertaking, formal semantics. In this critical note I discuss two arguments by Recanati: his main methodological argument --viz. that the contents posited by what he calls …Read more
  •  167
    Norms of Fiction-Making
    British Journal of Aesthetics 53 (3): 339-357. 2013.
    I provide a variation on ideas presented by Walton and Currie, elaborating the view that fictive utterances are characterized by a specific form of illocutionary force in the family of directives – a proposal or invitation to imagine. I make some points on the relation between the proposal and the current debates on intentionalist and conventionalist views, and I discuss interesting recent objections made by Stacie Friend to the related, but crucially different, Gricean view of such force advanc…Read more
  •  22
    Intuiciones y contenidos no-conceptuales
    In Tobies Grimaltos & Julián Pacho (eds.), La naturalización de la filosofía: problemas y límites, Editorial Pre-textos. pp. 109. 2005.
    Este trabajo propone y defiende una posición racionalista moderada sobre el conocimiento a priori en general y el filosófico en particular, intermedia entre el racionalismo radical y el naturalismo radical. Por racionalismo radical entiendo la tesis de que la justificación de las respuestas a las cuestiones centrales de la filosofía depende sólo de métodos filosóficos de investigación – argumentos intuitivamente válidos que parten de premisas intuitivamente verdaderas, siendo las intuiciones en …Read more
  •  13
    Critica discussion of Pasquale Frascolla, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Introduzione alla lettura, Carocci, Roma, 2000, 322 pp.
  •  248
    This critical review of John Perry’s recent compilation of his work (Perry (1993) is mainly devoted to surveying the path leading towards a certain rapprochement between philosophers with Fregean inclinations and philosophers attracted by the picture of thought and meaning brought out by Direct Reference theorists like Donnellan, Kaplan, Kripke, Putnam, and, of course, Perry himself, by taking advantage of the suggestions in the postscripts to very well-known and deservedly influential articles.
  •  381
    Castañeda, Perry and Lewis argued in the 1960’s and 1970’s that thoughts about oneself “as oneself” – de se thoughts – require special treatment, and advanced different accounts. In this paper I discuss Ernest Sosa’s approach to these matters. I first present his approach to singular or de re thought in general in the first section. In the second, I introduce the data that need to be explained, Perry’s and Lewis’s proposals, and Sosa’s own account, in relation to Perry’s, Lewis’s, and his own vi…Read more
  •  135
    Pursuing Meaning, by Emma Borg
    Mind 122 (486). 2013.
    This is a review of Emma Borg's Pursuing Meaning
  •  41
    En este comentario se ofrece una explicación alternativa a la que dio Guillermo Hurtado en su diagnóstico de la filosofía analítica actual en general y de su ejercicio en el mundo latinoamericano, y, por consiguiente, se concluye con una muy diferente apreciación de los méritos de la filosofía analítica. This note provides an alternative explanation to the one offered by Guillermo Hurtado in his diagnostics of present-day Analytic Philosophy and its practice in the Latin-American world, and as a…Read more
  •  216
    Homophonic Prejudices
    Critica 40 (120): 67-84. 2008.
    I critically discuss some aspects of Mark Sainsbury's Reference without Referents, from an otherwise sympathetic viewpoint. My objections focus on the adequacy of the truth-conditional framework that Sainsbury presupposes. I argue that, as semantic theories, truth-conditional accounts are both too ambitious, and too austere to be fully explanatory, and that both problems have consequences for an account of reference. The latter problem has to do with the difficulties to capture in a truth-condit…Read more
  •  71
    Token-Reflexivity and Indirect Discourse
    The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 6 37-56. 2000.
    According to a Reichenbachian treatment, indexicals are token-reflexive. That is, a truth-conditional contribution is assigned to tokens relative to relational properties which they instantiate. By thinking of the relevant expressions occurring in “ordinary contexts” along these lines, I argue that we can give a more accurate account of their semantic behavior when they occur in indirect contexts. The argument involves the following: (1) A defense of theories of indirect discourse which allows t…Read more
  •  59
    Relativism, vagueness and what is said
    In G. Carpintero & M. Koelbel (eds.), Relative Truth, Oxford University Press. pp. 129. 2008.
    John MacFarlane has formulated a version of truth-relativism, and argued for its application in some cases – future contingents, knowledge attributions and epistemic modals among them. Mark Richard also defends a version of relativism, which he applies to vagueness-inducing features of the semantics of gradable adjectives. On MacFarlane’s and Richard’s characterization, truth-relativist claims posit a distinctive kind of context-dependence, the dependence of the evaluation of an assertion as tru…Read more
  •  646
    Accommodating Presuppositions
    Topoi 35 (1): 37-44. 2016.
    In this paper I elaborate on previous criticisms of the influential Stalnakerian account of presuppositions, pointing out that the well-known practice of informative presupposition puts heavy strain on Stalnaker’s pragmatic characterization of the phenomenon of presupposition, in particular of the triggering of presuppositions. Stalnaker has replied to previous criticisms by relying on the well-taken point that we should take into account the time at which presupposition-requirements are to be c…Read more
  •  23
    Editorial: Philosophy and Cognitive Neuroscience
    Dialectica 57 (1): 3-6. 2003.
    Editorial comment on the relations between philosophy and cognitive science
  •  109
    Contexts as Shared Commitments
    Frontiers in Psychology 6. 2015.
    Contemporary semantics assumes two influential notions of context: one coming from Kaplan (1989), on which contexts are sets of predetermined parameters, and another originating in Stalnaker (1978), on which contexts are sets of propositions that are “common ground”. The latter is deservedly more popular, given its flexibility in accounting for context-dependent aspects of language beyond manifest indexicals, such as epistemic modals, predicates of taste, and so on and so forth; in fact, properl…Read more
  •  527
    Assertion and the semantics of force-markers
    In Claudia Bianchi (ed.), the semantics/pragmatics distinction, Csli. pp. 133--166. 2004.
    In recent work, Williamson has defended a suggestive account of assertion. Williamson claims that the following norm or rule (the knowledge rule) is constitutive of assertion, and individuates it: (KR) One must ((assert p) only if one knows p) Williamson is not directly concerned with the semantics of assertion-markers, although he assumes that his view has implications for such an undertaking; he says: “in natural languages, the default use of declarative sentences is to make assertions” (op. c…Read more
  •  92
    Foundational Semantics I: Descriptive Accounts
    Philosophy Compass 7 (6): 397-409. 2012.
    Descriptive semantic theories purport to characterize the meanings of the expressions of languages in whatever complexity they might have. Foundational semantics purports to identify the kind of considerations relevant to establish that a given descriptive semantics accurately characterizes the language used by a given individual or community. Foundational Semantics I presents three contrasting approaches to the foundational matters, and the main considerations relevant to appraise their merits.…Read more
  •  111
    Se presentan propuestas recientes en tres ámbitos de la filosofía del lenguaje en que se están haciendo contribuciones significativas: el fenómeno de la vaguedad; la distinción entre semántica y pragmática, y el uso de semánticas “bidimensionales” para tratar problemas generados por las tesis de “referencia directa”. Hace unos años existia una percepción de la pérdida por la filosofia del lenguaje, en favor de la filosofia de la mente, del lugar central ocupado en la tradición analítica -una per…Read more
  •  760
    A presuppositional account of reference fixing
    Journal of Philosophy 97 (3): 109-147. 2000.
    The paper defends a version of Direct Reference for indexicals on which reference-fixing material (token-reflexive conditions) plays the role of an ancillary presupposition
  •  10
    Frascolla on Tractarian Logical Pictures of Facts
    Dialectica 59 (1): 87-97. 2005.
    This is a critical review of Pasquale Frascolla's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Introduzione alla lectura.
  •  236
    Gaskin's ideal unity
    Dialectica 64 (2): 279-288. 2010.
    Critical notice of Richard Gaskin's "The Unity of the Proposition" (OUP 2008).
  •  5
    25 años de Naming and Necessity: Presentación
    Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 13 (3): 413. 1998.
  •  291
    Fictional singular imaginings
    In Robin Jeshion (ed.), New Essays on Singular Thought, Oxford University Press. pp. 273--299. 2010.
    In a series of papers, Robin Jeshion has forcefully criticized both Donnellan's and Evans’ claims on the contingent a priori, and she has developed an “acquaintanceless” account of singular thoughts as an alternative view. Jeshion claims that one can fully grasp a singular thought expressed by a sentence including a proper name, even if its reference has been descriptively fixed and one’s access to the referent is “mediated” by that description. But she still wants to reject “semantic instrumen…Read more
  •  274
    Editorial Introduction: History of the Philosophy of Language
    In Manuel García-Carpintero & Max Kölbel (eds.), The Continuum companion to the philosophy of language, Continuum International. pp. 1. 2012.
    The chapter draws a very rough (and rather idiosyncratic) map of the terrain of the contemporary scene in the philosophy of language, as it was set out in the work of Frege, Russell and the early Wittgenstein – the presupposed common background, taught to beginners in the discipline, for the themes to be further explored from a present-day perspective in the rest of the book. The chapter outlines some core issues as they are presented in the insightful systematic articulation of Frege’s and Russ…Read more
  •  130
    Bivalence and what is said
    Dialectica 61 (1). 2007.
    On standard versions of supervaluationism, truth is equated with supertruth, and does not satisfy bivalence: some truth-bearers are neither true nor false. In this paper I want to confront a well-known worry about this, recently put by Wright as follows: ‘The downside . . . rightly emphasized by Williamson . . . is the implicit surrender of the T-scheme’. I will argue that such a cost is not high: independently motivated philosophical distinctions support the surrender of the T- scheme, and sugg…Read more
  • Por la “quineación” de los qualia cartesianos
    Análisis Filosófico 19 (2): 101-142. 1999.
    Dennett provides a much discussed argument against qualia, at least when conceived as philosophers like Block, Chalmers, Loar and Searle do. My goal in this paper is to vindicate Dennett´s argument, construed in a certain way. As I will present it, the argument supports the claim that qualia are constitutively representational. More specifically, against Block and Chalmers the argument supports the claim that the radical distinction between phenomenal and information-processing consciousness the…Read more
  •  32
    On behalf of Millian views on the meaning of proper names, Mark Textor offers in 'Knowledge Transmission and Linguistic Sense' a suggestive critical discussion of an argument for Fregean views due to Richard Heck (1995). IWhat exactly Heck's argument is, however, is not very clear, as witnessed by Byrne & Thau's (1996) efforts at reconstructing it and Heck's (1996) reply to which is not terribly illuminating. After presenting a form of a Fregean view and a Heckian argument for it, the paper arg…Read more
  •  35
    Davidson, correspondence truth and the frege-Gödel—church argument
    with Manuel Pérez Otero
    History and Philosophy of Logic 19 (2): 63-81. 1998.
    This paper argues for a conditional claim concerning a famous argument—developed by Church in elucidation of some remarks by Frege to the effect that the bedeutung of a sentence is the sentence’s truth-value—the Frege–Gödel–Church argument, or FGC for short. The point we make is this :if, and just to the extent that, Arthur Smullyan’s argument against Quine's use of FGC is sound, then essentially the same rejoinder disposes also of Davidson's use of FGC against ‘correspondence’ theories of truth…Read more
  •  286
    A genealogical notion
    Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 30 (1): 43-52. 2011.
    After a critical examination of several attempts to characterize the Analytic tradition in philosophy, in the book here discussed Hanjo Glock goes on to contend that Analytic Philosophy is “a tradition that is held together both by ties of influence and by a family of partially overlapping features”. Here I question the need to appeal to a “family resemblance” component, arguing instead (in part by drawing on related attempts to characterize art, art genres and art schools) for a genealogical ch…Read more
  •  17
    Estado de la cuestión: Filosofía del lenguaje
    Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 20 (2): 223-238. 2010.
    Se presentan propuestas recientes en tres ámbitos de la filosofía del lenguaje en que se están haciendo contribuciones significativas: el fenómeno de la vaguedad; la distinción entre semántica y pragmática, y el uso de semánticas “bidimensionales” para tratar problemas generados por las tesis de “referencia directa”. Hace unos años existia una percepción de la pérdida por la filosofia del lenguaje, en favor de la filosofia de la mente, del lugar central ocupado en la tradición analítica -una per…Read more
  •  176
    Constructing the World by Chalmers, David J.: Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012, pp. xxvi + 494, £30.00 (review)
    Australasian Journal of Philosophy 92 (2): 388-391. 2014.
    Review of Chalmers' "Constructing the World"