•  208
    Does Homotopy Type Theory Provide a Foundation for Mathematics?
    British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. 2016.
    Homotopy Type Theory is a putative new foundation for mathematics grounded in constructive intensional type theory that offers an alternative to the foundations provided by ZFC set theory and category theory. This article explains and motivates an account of how to define, justify, and think about HoTT in a way that is self-contained, and argues that, so construed, it is a candidate for being an autonomous foundation for mathematics. We first consider various questions that a foundation for math…Read more
  •  145
    Psillos has recently argued that van Fraassen’s arguments against abduction fail. Moreover, he claimed that, if successful, these arguments would equally undermine van Fraassen’s own constructive empiricism, for, Psillos thinks, it is only by appeal to abduction that constructive empiricism can be saved from issuing in a bald scepticism. We show that Psillos’ criticisms are misguided, and that they are mostly based on misinterpretations of van Fraassen’s arguments. Furthermore, we argue that Psi…Read more
  •  21
    Correction to: How Quantum is Quantum Counterfactual Communication?
    with Jonte R. Hance and John Rarity
    Foundations of Physics 51 (2): 1-3. 2021.
    A correction to this paper has been published: doi:10.1007/s10701-021-00450-z
  •  618
    Identity and discernibility in philosophy and logic
    Review of Symbolic Logic 5 (1): 162-186. 2012.
    Questions about the relation between identity and discernibility are important both in philosophy and in model theory. We show how a philosophical question about identity and dis- cernibility can be ‘factorized’ into a philosophical question about the adequacy of a formal language to the description of the world, and a mathematical question about discernibility in this language. We provide formal definitions of various notions of discernibility and offer a complete classification of their logica…Read more
  •  197
    Homotopy Type Theory is a proposed new language and foundation for mathematics, combining algebraic topology with logic. An important rule for the treatment of identity in HoTT is path induction, which is commonly explained by appeal to the homotopy interpretation of the theory's types, tokens, and identities as spaces, points, and paths. However, if HoTT is to be an autonomous foundation then such an interpretation cannot play a fundamental role. In this paper we give a derivation of path induc…Read more
  •  107
    Among the most interesting features of Homotopy Type Theory is the way it treats identity, which has various unusual characteristics. We examine the formal features of “identity types” in HoTT, and how they relate to its other features including intensionality, constructive logic, the interpretation of types as concepts, and the Univalence Axiom. The unusual behaviour of identity types might suggest that they be reinterpreted as representing indiscernibility. We explore this by defining indiscer…Read more
  •  344
    How Quantum is Quantum Counterfactual Communication?
    with Jonte R. Hance and John Rarity
    Foundations of Physics 51 (1): 1-17. 2021.
    Quantum Counterfactual Communication is the recently-proposed idea of using quantum physics to send messages between two parties, without any matter/energy transfer associated with the bits sent. While this has excited massive interest, both for potential ‘unhackable’ communication, and insight into the foundations of quantum mechanics, it has been asked whether this process is essentially quantum, or could be performed classically. We examine counterfactual communication, both classical and qua…Read more
  •  155
    This chapter discusses the plausibility of the criticism against the thesis that external factors causally influence cognition and that they are, consequently, partly constitutive of cognition. The discussion should not be taken as implicitly proposing that the opposite theory is true, although the works of Adams and Aizawa suggest that they are defending internalism. This can be attributed to the fact that systems are, by definition, bounded; one must make assumptions about systems in developin…Read more
  •  60
    Quantum probability, choice in large worlds, and the statistical structure of reality
    with Don Ross
    Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (3): 305-306. 2013.
    Classical probability models of incentive response are inadequate in where the dimensions of relative risk and the dimensions of similarity in outcome comparisons typically differ. Quantum probability models for choice in large worlds may be motivated pragmatically or metaphysically: statistical processing in the brain adapts to the true scale-relative structure of the universe
  •  21
    Road to reality with Roger Penrose (edited book)
    with Stuart Presnell, Gordon McCabe, Michał Eckstein, and Sebastian J. Szybka
    Copernicus Center Press. 2015.
    Where does the road to reality lie? This fundamental question is addressed in this collection of essays by physicists and philosophers, inspired by the original ideas of Sir Roger Penrose, the English mathematical physicist and philosopher of science. The topics range from black holes and quantum information to the very nature of mathematical cognition itself. *** Librarians: ebook available on ProQuest and EBSCO [Subject: Philosophy, Physics, Mathematics, Cosmology]
  •  213
    Could wavefunctions simultaneously represent knowledge and reality?
    with Jonte Hance and John Rarity
    Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations 9 (3): 333-341. 2022.
    In discussion of the interpretation of quantum mechanics the terms ‘ontic’ and ‘epistemic’ are often used in the sense of pertaining to what exists, and pertaining to cognition or knowledge respectively. The terms are also often associated with the formal definitions given by Harrigan and Spekkens for the wavefunction in quantum mechanics to be ψ-ontic or ψ-epistemic in the context of the ontological models framework. The formal definitions are contradictories, so that the wavefunction can be ei…Read more
  •  42
    Materialism: A Historical and Philosophical Inquiry
    with Robin Gordon Brown
    Routledge. 2019.
    "The doctrine of materialism is one of the perennial and most controversial ideas in the arts and sciences. Throughout history it has aroused strong passions, and in the Sixteenth and Twentieth centuries was a doctrine over which people were persecuted and killed. Yet it has been equally aligned with empirical, enlightened and tolerant thinking. This book explores the fascinating and important philosophy of materialism in an engaging and thought-provoking way. Opening with an overview of the ide…Read more
  •  99
    There has recently been a good deal of controversy about Landauer's Principle, which is often stated as follows: The erasure of one bit of information in a computational device is necessarily accompanied by a generation of kT ln 2 heat. This is often generalised to the claim that any logically irreversible operation cannot be implemented in a thermodynamically reversible way. John Norton (2005) and Owen Maroney (2005) both argue that Landauer's Principle has not been shown to hold in general, an…Read more
  •  415
    Social machines are systems formed by material and human elements interacting in a structured way. The use of digital platforms as mediators allows large numbers of humans to participate in such machines, which have interconnected AI and human components operating as a single system capable of highly sophisticated behavior. Under certain conditions, such systems can be understood as autonomous goal-driven agents. Many popular online platforms can be regarded as instances of this class of agent. …Read more
  •  61
    Studies A, B, and C merger
    Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A. forthcoming.
  •  47
    Materialism:A Philosophical Inquiry
    with Robin Gordon Brown
    Routledge. 2019.
    The doctrine of materialism is one of the most controversial in the history of ideas. For much of its history it has been aligned with toleration and englightened thinking, but it has also aroused strong, often violent, passions among both its opponents and proponents. This book explores the deelopment of materialism in an engaging and thought-provoking way and defends the form it takes in the twenty-first century.
  •  104
  •  103
    In defence of ordinary objects and a naturalistic answer to the special composition question
    with Jonas M. Waechter
    In Javier Cumpa & Bill Brewer (eds.), The Nature of Ordinary Objects, Cambridge University Press. 2018.
  •  51
  •  40
    Measuring complexity
    with Karoline Wiesner
    Complexity is heterogenous, involving nonlinearity, self-organisation, diversity, adaptive behaviour, among other things. It is therefore obviously worth asking whether purported measures of complexity measure aggregate phenomena, or individual aspects of complexity and if so which. This paper uses a recently developed rigorous framework for understanding complexity to answer this question about measurement. The approach is two-fold: find measures of individual aspects of complexity on the one h…Read more
  •  67
    Scientism with a Humane Face
    In Jeroen de Ridder, Rik Peels & Rene van Woudenberg (eds.), Scientism: Prospects and Problems, Oxford University Press. 2018.
    Scientism is usually thought of as sinful, but it can be redeemed for our salvation. Scientism should not be dogmatic, nor should it ignore the actual limitations to current science. Other modes of inquiry deserve epistemic respect, and scientists should not be deferred to about matters beyond their expertise. However, limits should not be placed on what science can study and we cannot say in advance what the limits of future science will be. Where science conflicts with common sense, religion, …Read more
  •  112
    An Apology for Naturalized Metaphysics
    In Matthew H. Slater & Zanja Yudell (eds.), Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Science: New Essays, Oxford University Press. 2017.
  •  20
    In Praise of Specialization
    Philosophers' Magazine 53. 2015.
  •  59
    The Foundations of Structuralism and the Metaphysics of Relations
    In Anna Marmodoro & David Yates (eds.), The Metaphysics of Relations, Oxford University Press Uk. 2016.