• Nella filosofia moderna la coscienza e la memoria sono state considerate fattori identitari cruciali. L’articolo analizza il ruolo svolto dagli odori nella costituzione dell’identità personale, distinguendo tre livelli: corporeo , socio-culturale e personale . Da un lato, il proprio odore corporeo funge da principium individuationis. Dall’altro, gli odori costituiscono la base di una comunità chiusa ed estremamente conservatrice. Infine, il sé emerge rammentando le proprie «storie» e i ricordi s…Read more
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    Phänomenologie und Kunst / Fenomenologie a umìní
    Studia Phaenomenologica 2 (3-4): 244-246. 2002.
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    La experiencia de la alteridad olfativa
    Investigaciones Fenomenológicas: Serie Monográfica 2 77. 2010.
  • Any attempt to outline a meteorological aesthetics centered on so-called beautiful weather has to overcome several difficulties: In everyday life, the appreciation of the weather is mostly related to practical interests or reduced to the ideal of stereotypical fine weather that is conceived according to blue-sky thinking irrespective of climate diversity. Also, an aesthetics of fine weather seems, strictly speaking, to be impossible given that such weather conditions usually allow humans to focu…Read more
  • Neue Essays zur environmental aesthetics (review)
    Polylog. forthcoming.
  • Komparative Ästhetik (review)
    Polylog 10 206-207. 2004.
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    Kunst und Sein (review)
    Studia Phaenomenologica 7 566-567. 2007.
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    Kraft der Dinge. Phänomenologische Skizzen
    Studia Phaenomenologica 16 591-594. 2016.
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    Ikonische Realpräsenz und fotografischer Realismus
    In Sergej Seitz, Anke Graneß & Georg Stenger (eds.), Facetten Gegenwärtiger Bildtheorie: Interkulturelle Und Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 171-189. 2018.
    Die Ikonen der Ostkirche werden theologisch als „Sinnbilder im realistischen Sinne des Wortes“ gedeutet. Damit verbunden ist ein sog. sakramentaler Realismus, demgemäß das Urbild im materiellen Bild real präsent und wirksam ist. Vor der Erfindung der Fotografie spielte die mimetische Wirklichkeitsnähe bei der Heiligendarstellung kaum eine Rolle; von den ‚jüngsten‘ Heiligen gibt es aber sowohl Fotografien als auch traditionell gemalte Bilder. Der Status dieser Fotos und ihr Einfluss auf die Ikone…Read more
  • Der Aufsatz von Mâdâlina Diaconu thematisiert in grundsätzlicher Weise die Möglichkeiten und Dimensionen einer interkulturellen Ästhetik auch in methodischer Hinsicht. Sie verbindet ihre Überlegungen mit Reflexionen zum Begriff der Kultur und der Möglichkeit des »Inter« im Rahmen der Inter-kulturalität.
  • Constantin Noica is widely believed to be one of the most original and prominent Romanian thinker of the last fifty years. In 1998, a year after his death, his book De dignitete Europae appeared in German translation. In it Noica tackles the classical philosophy of culture as morphology in Frobensius and Spengler, suggesting an interpretation of European historical cultural epochs from the viewpoint of linguistic-morphological forms: the Middle Ages correspond to the noun, the Renaissance to the…Read more
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    Atingerea. Proiectul unei Estetici Tactile
    Studia Phaenomenologica 1 (1-2): 121-135. 2001.
  • Ein Plädoyer für die vita contemplativa (review)
    Polylog 31 105-108. 2014.
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    'Eine weite Wohnung unter freiem Himmel'? Zu einer Ästhetik der Sinnesgärten
    Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 45 (2): 156-172. 2008.
    ‘Eine weite Wohnung unter freiem Himmel’? On the Aesthetics of Gardens of the Senses Although the common experience of nature and gardens engages all the senses, historical analysis of garden theory shows a clear tendency to reduce green spaces to their imagery and to take the visual arts as the model for garden design. A counter-tendency to this primacy of vision has, however, lately emerged -- namely, gardens of the senses or healing gardens, which accentuate also the tactile and olfactory qua…Read more
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    Feministische Phänomenologie und Hermeneutik (review)
    Studia Phaenomenologica 5 385-388. 2005.
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    Arnold Berleant’s enlargement of the scope of aesthetics to environments and social relationships opens the way for associations with approaches from other human and social sciences. One possible term of comparison is Hartmut Rosa’s theory of modernity, which applies the concept of resonance to various fields, including nature and art. At the beginning, their aims appear to be different and their alternatives slightly different: engagement stresses the continuity between the embodied self and th…Read more
  • Die Philosophie in Österreich – mit fremdem Blick (review)
    Polylog 31 93-95. 2014.
  • Eloge der Schönheit (review)
    Polylog. 2010.
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    Das Mich der Wahrnehmung. Eine Autopsie (review)
    Studia Phaenomenologica 11 381-385. 2011.
  • Die Kunst als Herberge der Globalisierung? (review)
    Polylog. forthcoming.
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    Collectors, Collecting and Non-collectibles. Between Everyday Aesthetics and Aestheticism
    Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 11 (1): 134-150. 2021.
    Collecting goes beyond art collecting and seems to meet a more general need. Although it originally aided survival and has predecessors in the animal world, the gesture of collecting has complex motivations. After exploring the collector’s psychology and the behavioural differences between collectors and spectators, this paper analyses the logic of collecting and its principles: order, variation, attractive and meaningful display, the control of contingency, processuality and growth, seriality, …Read more