•  79
    The Moral Status of Artificial Life
    Environmental Values 21 (1). 2012.
    Recently at the J. Craig Venter Institute, a microorganism has been created through synthetic biology. In the future, more complex living beings will very probably be produced. In our natural environment, we live amongst a whole variety of beings. Some of them have moral status — they have a moral importance and we cannot treat them in just any way we please —; some do not. When it becomes possible to create artificially living beings who naturally possess moral status, will this artificiality m…Read more
  • Les circonstances de la justice internationale
    Studia Philosophica 64 55-80. 2005.
    Distributive justice, like every other value, is not suspended in mid-air: its implementation depends on certain conditions, the well-known ‹circumstances of justice›. In this paper, I attempt to spell them out, first for justice proper , then for international justice. Those circumstances relate to the conceptual parts of justice and are four in number: scarcity, needs and merit, social cooperation, and authority of distribution. As far as international justice is concerned, there is a problem …Read more
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  • Devons-nous respecter le génome humain?
    Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 123 (n/a): 411. 1991.
  • La vie humaine est-elle sacrée? Euthanasie et assistance au suicide
    Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 125 (4): 359-381. 1993.
  • Y. Ch. ZARKA, "La décision métaphysique de Hobbes" (review)
    Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 121 (n/a): 110. 1989.
  • L'existence est-elle un prédicat. Signification et enjeux de la question
    Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 114 (n/a): 321. 1982.
  • Qu'est-ce qu'une personne humaine? Réflexions sur les fondements philosophiques de la bioéthique
    Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 121 (2): 173-193. 1989.
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    Human Dignity as a Component of a Long-Lasting and Widespread Conceptual Construct
    Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 11 (2): 201-211. 2014.
    For some decades, the concept of human dignity has been widely discussed in bioethical literature. Some authors think that this concept is central to questions of respect for human beings, whereas others are very critical of it. It should be noted that, in these debates, dignity is one component of a long-lasting and widespread conceptual construct used to support a stance on the ethical question of the moral status of an action or being. This construct has been used from Modernity onward to con…Read more
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    Marqués par Descartes et Locke, les philosophes de ce siècle se sont notamment intéressés à l'épistémologie devenue alors discipline philosophique fondamentale.
  •  16
    Mind-Reading for the Sake of Justice
    Substance 45 (2): 9-26. 2016.
    To read into the mind of another person has for a long time been a fantasy—and sometimes a vague possibility. In science fiction, there are stories of aliens who are able to decipher the thoughts of other beings using some type of device. When I was a boy, I remember reading a cartoon of Bibi Fricotin, in which Bibi, a young boy like me, found some glasses that allowed him to read other people’s thoughts. For a time, I was afraid when I came across adults wearing glasses. With such devices, priv…Read more
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    Le suicide est «un vol fait au genre humain»
    Revue Philosophique De Louvain 101 (1): 58-70. 2003.
  •  5
    Maine de Biran: oeuvres
    with Pierre Maine de Biran
    Vrin. 1984.
    Les textes rassembles ici marquent un tournant decisif de la philosophie biranienne: apres avoir developpe sa pensee dans les Memoires couronnes (tomes II, III, IV, VI), Maine de Biran, revenant sur ses pas, estime qu'il a laisse sans solution les problemes de la metaphysiques classiques. Il s'efforce d'y repondre a partir de son propre point de vue et elabore a cet effet ses theories de la croyance et de l'absolu: l'etre ne se reduit pas au phenomene qui le manifeste; etre, ce n'est pas etre pe…Read more
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    Defeating the Argument from Hubris
    Bioethics 27 (8): 435-441. 2013.
    Biotechnologies – synthetic biology in particular – are sometimes blamed for playing God or manifesting hubris, that is, for evincing the vicious attitude of transcending the limits of human agency. In trying to create living organisms, we would adopt an attitude that is immoral for human beings. In this article, I want to show that this blame is unwarranted. I distinguish two aspects of the argument, which claims that it is impossible for human beings to create life and immoral to attempt it. I…Read more
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    Le réalisme scientifique de Feyerabend
    Dialogue 25 (2): 267-. 1986.
    Les attaques que Feyerabend a dirigées depuis un certain temps contre les conceptions dominantes de la rationalité scientifique, celles des inductivistes et de Popper principalement, sont intimement liées à sa manière d'envisager l'opposition entre le réalisme scientifique et l'instrumentalisme, c'est-à-dire entre deux thèses concernant les rapports de la rèalité et de la connaissance scientifique. C'est ce dernier point que nous aimerions aborder ici, dans le projet d'y apporter un certain nom-…Read more
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    I. Oeuvres de Jeunesse
    with Pierre Maine de Biran
    Vrin. 2000.
    Les textes que nous reproduisons dans ce volume ont ete rediges entre 1792 et 1798. Ce sont les premiers ecrits philosophiques de Maine de Biran, jalonnant une pensee qui se forme peu a peu, avant d'aboutir a un premier resultat, le memoire intitule Influence de l'habitude sur la faculte de penser, dont la redaction commence vers la fin 1799, le sujet ayant ete mis au concours le 6 octobre par l'Institut. Tous les textes regroupes dans ce volume appartiennent a cette periode de formation, qui do…Read more
  •  17
    Les fondements de la morale de Maine de Biran
    Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 88 (4). 1983.
  •  19
    Diderot, Cabanis and Lamarck on Psycho-Physical Causality
    with Bernard Baetschi
    History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 27 (3/4). 2005.
    Modern physics was born in the 17th century and modern biology one century later. Immediately, scientifics and philosophers ask themselves what is the relationship between those two sciences and between properties of non-living and living matter. Among those scientifics and philosophers, some think that mental phenomena are of biological nature — they are materialists —, so they encounter a second problem: what is the relationship between properties of non-thinking and thinking living matter? Th…Read more
  • Mats G. HANSSON, "Human Dignity and Animal Well-being" (review)
    Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 127 (n/a): 87. 1995.
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    Lucien sève: Pour une critique de la raison bioéthique (review)
    Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 1 (4): 481-482. 1998.
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    Neuroenhancement: Much Ado About Nothing?
    American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 2 (4): 45-47. 2011.
    In their paper “Deflating the neuroenhancement bubble”, more precisely in their section entitled “How New is Neuroenhancement?”, Lucke and colleagues argue that neuroenhancement is nothing new to our epoch by demonstrating that the use of psychoactive stimulants in the 19th and 20th centuries was already common. The purpose of our comment is to show that the current bubble surrounding neuroenhancement in particular, and enhancement in general, is a recasting of an even older speculative engagem…Read more