10Imagination in Inquiry: A Philosophical Model and its ApplicationsLexington Books. 2022.Imagination in Inquiry investigates the nature, kinds, component elements, functions, scope, and uses of the imagination that are at work in inquiry. It develops a homeostatic model and discusses its applications in various branches of philosophy, from the philosophy of science and the philosophy of technology to ethics and aesthetics.
15This paper asks: What is philosophy and what are some current challenges and future prospects for pursuing and teaching it? What role can and should students’ imagination, interests, and circumstances play in addressing these challenges and prospects? It argues, first, that there are at least six senses of the term “philosophy”: the personal, social, branch of inquiry, theory, school of thought, and wise sayings senses; second, that a variety of stimuli contribute to motivate philosophy in all o…Read more
19The tanner lectures on human values, VIII : ed. Sterling M. McMurrin , xi+ 333 pp., £30.00 (review)History of European Ideas 10 (4): 484-485. 1989.
Los negocios y la sociedad global(Fondo Editorial de la Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. 2007.
39The Philosophy of William James (review)Review of Metaphysics 59 (1): 173-174. 2005.Philosophy and philosophies are personal-motivating their practitioners and shaping their lives-and impersonal-appealing to general reasons and attempting to formulate comprehensive worldviews. Professor Gale's book addresses both these aspects of William James's philosophy in their mutual tensions.
17Globalization and latin american thoughtIn Susana Nuccetelli, Ofelia Schutte & Otávio Bueno (eds.), A Companion to Latin American Philosophy, Wiley-blackwell. 2009.This chapter contains sections titled: Philosophical and Scientific Approaches to Globalization in Latin America and Abroad The Philosophy of Liberation, Globalization, and Oppression The Philosophy of Liberation, Globalization, and Interculturalism Globalization, Philosophy, the Other Humanities, and the Sciences in Latin America A Working Characterization of Globalization Amazonian Development and Its Socio‐Ecological Consequences Dealing with Globalization Issues in Latin America Virtues and …Read more
7Contemporary moral controversies in business (edited book)Oxford University Press. 1989.Designed for use in business ethics courses, this text provides a comprehensive selection of essays on various ethical controversies supplemented with excerpts from relevant court cases. Iannone places the readings in the context of moral theory, encouraging students to apply theoretical principles to specific moral controversies. The wide range of controversies covered includes product liability, sexual harassment, whistle-blowing, labor negotiations, insider trading, and mergers. The use of no…Read more
10Philosophical Ecologies: Essays in Philosophy, Ecology, and Human Life (edited book)Humanity Books. 1999.No Marketing Blurb
22Contemporary moral controversies in technology (edited book)Oxford University Press. 1987.As space satellites orbit the earth on a regular basis and scientists find more sophisticated ways to splice genes, we are all faced with the responsiblity of reconciling the lengths to which technology must comply with morality. This book presents a variety of moral controversies of concern in this day and age of technological advancement. The contributors study a wide range of relevant topics such as: current technological development and the ethical inquiries it prompts; risk-cost benefit ana…Read more
38Dictionary of World PhilosophyRoutledge. 2001.The _Dictionary of World Philosophy_ covers the diverse and challenging terminology, concepts, schools and traditions of the vast field of world philosophy. Providing an extremely comprehensive resource and an essential point of reference in a complex and expanding field of study the _Dictionary_ covers all major subfields of the discipline. Key features: * Cross-references are used to highlight interconnections and the cross-cultural diffusion and adaptation of terms which has taken place over …Read more
Central Connecticut State UniversityProfessor
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