Durham University
Department of Philosophy
Helsinki, Finland
  • Strong Emergence and Alexander's Dictum
    In Sophie Gibb, Robin Findlay Hendry & Tom Lancaster (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Emergence, Routledge. pp. 87-98. 2019.
    Emergentists hold that higher-level phenomena are something ‘over and above’ the sum of their most basic parts. Typically, this involves the claim that emergent phenomena are both distinct from and novel with respect to the base phenomena from which they emerge, whilst nevertheless being dependent upon the base phenomena. A popular way to characterise strong metaphysical emergence is to hold that emergent entities must possess novel causal powers. Underlying this trend is a commitment to ‘Alexan…Read more
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    Micro-latency, Holism and Emergence
    In Shyam Wuppuluri & Ian Stewart (eds.), From Electrons to Elephants and Elections: Exploring the Role of Content and Context, Springer Nature. pp. 175-194. 2022.
    Drawing on resources from debates concerning the metaphysics of powers, this essay introduces a novel approach to the relationship between the more- and less-complex. Flat Holism preserves some key reductionist commitments, as it involves no radical ontological novelty, for instance, and is consistent with a one- or no-level ontology. It also, however, adopts the emergentist idea that the whole or context plays a crucial, metaphysically determinative role. The commitments of Flat Holism are expl…Read more
  • Physical Properties
    In Mihretu P. Guta (ed.), Consciousness and the Ontology of Properties, Routledge. pp. 24-38. 2019.
    Physicalism can be roughly characterised as the view that everything is physical, or that everything that is fundamental is physical, or that any non-physical entity—property, substance, fact, event, kind and what have you—is both dependent upon and fully determined by physical entities. Perhaps the greatest challenge facing physicalism is to explain how conscious experience can be accounted for within the physicalist framework. Given these rough characterisations of physicalism, before setting …Read more
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    Powerful Qualities, Zombies and Inconceivability
    Philosophical Quarterly 66 (262). 2016.
    One powerful argument for dualism is provided by Chalmers: the ‘zombie’ or conceivability argument. This paper aims to establish that if one adopts the ‘Powerful Qualities’ account of properties developed by Martin and Heil, this argument can be resisted at the first premise: the claim that zombies are conceivable is, by the lights of Chalmers’ own account of conceivability, false. The Powerful Qualities account is outlined. Chalmers’ argument, and several distinctions which underlie it, are exp…Read more
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    Dispositions and Influences
    Studies in Philosophy and Education 41 (1): 113-116. 2021.
    This short paper explores how issues concerning the metaphysics of powers/dispositions might bear on the view that formative influence in education involves instilling appropriate dispositions.
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    Strong Emergence
    Philosophica 1 (91): 5-13. 2017.
    A crucial question for both philosophy and for science concerns the kind of relationship that obtains between entities—objects, properties, states, processes, kinds and so on—that exist at apparently higher and lower ‘levels’ of reality. According to reductionism, seeming higher-level entities can in fact be fully accounted for by more fundamental, lower-level entities. Conversely, emergentists of various stripes hold that whilst higher-level entities depend in some important sense on lower-leve…Read more
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    Philosophica 92 (2). 2017.
    A summary of the papers within the Philosophica special issue on Strong Emergence.
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    Strong emergence
    Philosophica 91 (1). 2017.
    An overview of the concept of Strong Emergence, and a summary of the papers within the special issue.
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    One recently popular way to characterise strong emergence is to say that emergent entities possess novel causal powers. However, there is little agreement concerning the nature of powers. One controversy involves whether powers are single- or multi-track; that is, whether each power has only one manifestation type, or whether a single power can be directed towards a number of distinct manifestations. Another concerns how powers operate: whether a lone power manifests when triggered by the presen…Read more
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    Ontology, Modality, and Mind: Themes From the Metaphysics of E. J. Lowe (edited book)
    with Sophie Gibb and John Heil
    Oxford University Press. 2018.
    This book explores a range of traditional and contemporary metaphysical themes that figure in the writings of E. J. Lowe, whose powerful and influential work was still developing at the time of his death in 2015. Leading philosophers present new essays on topics to do with ontology, necessity, existence, and mental causation.
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    Identity and distinctness in online interaction: encountering a problem for narrative accounts of self
    with David W. Hill
    Ethics and Information Technology 17 (2): 103-112. 2015.
    This paper examines the prevalent assumption that when people interact online via proxies—avatars—they encounter each other. Through an exploration of the ontology of users and their avatars we argue that, contrary to the trend within current discussions of interaction online, this cannot be unproblematically assumed. If users could be considered in some sense identical to their avatars, then it would be clear how an encounter with an avatar could ground an encounter with another user. We theref…Read more