•  351
    Have Compatibilists Solved the Luck Problem for Libertarians?
    Philosophical Inquiries 2 (2): 9-36. 2014.
    A pair of compatibilists, John Fischer (2012: ch. 6; n.d.) and Manuel Vargas (2012) have responded to a problem about luck that Alfred Mele (2005, 2006) posed for incompatibilist believers in free will and moral responsibility. They offer assistance to libertarians - at least on this front. In this paper, we assess their responses and explain why what they offer is inadequate for libertarian purposes.
  • References
    In Self-Deception Unmasked, Princeton University Press. pp. 137-144. 2001.
  • Index
    In Self-Deception Unmasked, Princeton University Press. pp. 145-148. 2001.
  •  2
    Action: Volitional Disorder and Addiction
    In Jennifer Radden (ed.), The Philosophy of Psychiatry: A Companion, Oxford University Press. 2004.
    Weakness of will has perplexed philosophers since Plato's time. This chapter places some of the literature on volitional disorders and addictions in a philosophical context dating back to Plato and Aristotle in an attempt to shed light on issues that a theorist who wishes to analyze the idea of a volitional disorder will face. Key here is the notion of the irresistability and resistability of pertinent desires, which is explored in relation to George Ainslie's work on the ability to make and adh…Read more
  •  47
    In this paper Mele and Robb defend their (1998) paper against a variety of objections and further their develop their defense of Frankfurt-style cases.
  • Introduction
    In Alfred R. Mele & Piers Rawling (eds.), The Oxford handbook of rationality, Oxford University Press. 2004.
    This chapter provides both a general overview of the book and summaries of the subsequent chapters. Questions raised include: Is debate over the norms of practical rationality a theoretical matter? How do practical considerations enter into the theoretical domain? What is the relation between reasoning and rationality? Between reasons and rationality? Between rationality and consistency? Is it irrational to have false beliefs and bizarre preferences? Is it irrational to be immoral? Are we ration…Read more
  •  2
    My Compatibilist Proposal
    In Free Will and Luck, Oxford University Press. 2006.
    This chapter defends a history-sensitive compatibilist view of free action and moral responsibility against various criticisms by compatibilists. It constructs a new argument for incompatibilism that makes vivid a problem that luck poses for compatibilism: the zygote argument. It is argued that the zygote argument is much more powerful than more familiar arguments for incompatibilism, and that, even so, compatibilism may survive the attack.
  • Libertarianism, Luck, and Control
    In Free Will and Luck, Oxford University Press. 2006.
    This chapter critically examines recent work on free will and moral responsibility by Randolph Clarke, Robert Kane, and Timothy O’Connor, in an attempt to clarify issues about control and luck that are central to the debate between libertarians and their critics. It is argued that present luck, that is, luck at the time of action, poses an as yet unresolved problem for libertarianism.
  • Free Will and Neuroscience
    In Free Will and Luck, Oxford University Press. 2006.
    This chapter argues that neuroscientist Benjamin Libet’s data do not justify his assertion that “the brain ‘decides’ to initiate [certain actions] before there is any reportable subjective awareness that such a decision has taken place,” and do not justify associated worries about free will. The data are examined in light of some recent findings about reaction times, and some familiar distinctions in the philosophy of action, for example, the distinction between decisions and desires.
  • Introduction
    In Free Will and Luck, Oxford University Press. 2006.
    This introductory chapter provides an overview of the book, defines some key terms, makes salient a serious problem luck poses for libertarianism, and provides background on the following topics: the expression “free will,” the nature of decision, the timing of actions, and agents’ abilities.
  • This chapter clarifies principles of alternative possibilities both for moral responsibility and for free action, locates the most important challenge that Frankfurt-style cases pose for libertarianism, and begins to develop an answer to that challenge.
  • Conclusion
    In Free Will and Luck, Oxford University Press. 2006.
    This chapter summarizes the compatibilist and libertarian positions developed in previous chapters. It also explores the implications for free will and moral responsibility of a pair of thought experiments featuring imagined empirical discoveries.
  • This chapter constructs a libertarian view that grants the main moral of Frankfurt-style cases, and offers a resolution of the problem of present luck. Attention to how human beings may develop from neonates who do not even act intentionally into free, morally responsible human agents proves instructive in developing the resolution.
  •  2
    In Free Will and Luck, Oxford University Press. 2006.
    This chapter develops compatibilist replies to the most popular styles of argument for incompatibilism, and concludes that these arguments leave compatibilism in the running. Differences among various kinds of compatibilism, including semicompatibilism, are examined.
  • Examines the motivational power of practical reasoning. Two views are distinguished: “the antecedent motivation theory,” according to which, in actual human beings, all motivation nonaccidentally produced by practical reasoning issuing in a belief favoring a course of action derives, at least partly, from motivation already present in the agent; and “the cognitive engine theory,” according to which, in actual human beings, some instances of practical evaluative reasoning nonaccidentally produce …Read more
  • This chapter's topic is moral motivation. It is argued – against John McDowell, David McNaughton, Thomas Nagel, and others – that no plausible cognitivist moral theory will include the strong “internalist” thesis that moral ought‐beliefs essentially encompass motivation to act accordingly or even Jonathan Dancy's more modest thesis that some such beliefs are “intrinsically motivating.” The argument features an examination of depression or listlessness. An alternative, causal view of the connecti…Read more
  • Control and Self‐Control
    In Motivation and agency, Oxford University Press. 2003.
    The primary purpose of this chapter is to show that data generated in well‐known experiments by physiologist Benjamin Libet can be used to support the idea that an independently plausible thesis about the connection between motivational strength and intentional action leaves ample room for self‐control. Aspects of Libet's interpretation of his data are criticized, but Libet's work does give us a sense of how much time might elapse between the acquisition of a desire to do something straightaway …Read more
  • Introduction
    In Motivation and agency, Oxford University Press. 2003.
    Provides a preview of the book's four main parts: “Motivation and Action”; “Motivation and Normativity”; “Strength and Control” ; and “Decision, Agency, and Belief.” The chapter also identifies popular theses in motivational psychology, identifies a central element of the causal theory of agency to be defended, and explains why behavioral flexibility is a mark of motivation.
  • Motivational Strength
    In Motivation and agency, Oxford University Press. 2003.
    Develops an account of the motivational strength of the desires most closely associated with intentional actions. The motivational strength of a desire is distinguished from such things as the agent's evaluation of what she desires and the affective quality of a desire. The general idea that desires differ in motivational strength is defended against a variety of objections, including the objection that the idea is vacuous because the only measure of motivational strength is what the agent does.…Read more
  • Deciding
    In Motivation and agency, Oxford University Press. 2003.
    This chapter's aim is threefold: to articulate and defend an account of what it is to decide to do something; to defend the thesis that there are genuine instances of deciding so understood; and to shed light on how decisions are to be explained. This chapter defends the idea that to decide to do something is to perform a momentary mental action of forming an intention to do it. Actively forming an intention is distinguished from passively acquiring one, and the bearing of reasons and motivation…Read more
  • Motivation and Desire
    In Motivation and agency, Oxford University Press. 2003.
    Introduces some terminology and important distinctions. Terms defined include “action–desire,” “motivational base,” and “motivation‐encompassing attitudes.” Among the distinctions drawn are: occurrent vs. standing desires, intrinsic vs. extrinsic desires, and desires vs. intentions. Other topics examined include direction of fit and the connection between motivation and desire.
  • Investigates the connection between motivation and reasons for action. It begins with a sketch of Donald Davidson's influential version of the view that reasons for action are states of mind. It then undermines some criticisms of a broadly Davidsonian view of action explanation, including objections by Rosalind Hursthouse and T. M. Scanlon. Finally, it builds a theoretical bridge between work on its central topic by two groups of theorists: those guided primarily by a concern with the evaluation…Read more
  •  2
    Goal‐Directed Action
    In Motivation and agency, Oxford University Press. 2003.
    Argues for a constraint on a proper theory of motivation – namely, that proper motivational explanations of goal‐directed actions are causal explanations. The chapter criticizes the thesis that acceptable teleological explanations of actions are not causal explanations and it offers a solution to a problem that deviant causal chains pose for a causal theory of action.
  •  2
    Drawing on work in cognitive and social psychology, this chapter explains the bearing of motivationally biased beliefs on the project of producing an account of motivational explanation. It is argued that the core of ordinary motivational explanations is the following compound feature: motivation‐constituting items make a causal contribution to the explanandum that helps to explain the explanandum at least partly by revealing an agreeable feature, from the perspective of the agent's desires, eit…Read more
  • Human Agency Par Excellence
    In Motivation and agency, Oxford University Press. 2003.
    Rebuts an objection David Velleman has raised against what he calls “the standard story of human action.” It is argued that the objection is misguided. The chapter reinforces the significance of various aspects of the causal theory of human agency developed in this book and shows more fully and explicitly how that theory applies to the upper range of human action, or what may be regarded as human action par excellence.
  • Offers an analysis of a paradigmatic species of motivational attitude, one that essentially encompasses motivation to act, as action–desires and intentions do. It is argued that attitudes of this kind have, essentially, a functional connection to intentional action that beliefs lack. A subsidiary thesis is that so‐called “negative actions” do not undermine the analysis offered because, in fact, they divide into non‐actions and positive actions misdiagnosed as negative ones. The main support for …Read more
  •  103
    Mental Causation (edited book)
    with John Heil
    Clarendon Press. 1993.
    Common sense and philosophical tradition agree that mind makes a difference. What we do depends not only on how our bodies are put together, but also on what we think. Explaining how mind can make a difference has proved challenging, however. Some have urged that the project faces an insurmountable dilemma: either we concede that mentalistic explanations of behavior have only a pragmatic standing or we abandon our conception of the physical domain as causally autonomous. Although each option has…Read more
  •  55
    Rationality and the Good: Critical Essays on the Ethics and Epistemology of Robert Audi (edited book)
    with Mark Timmons and John Greco
    Oxford University Press. 2007.
    For over thirty years, Robert Audi has produced important work in ethics, epistemology, and the theory of action. This volume features thirteen new critical essays on Audi by a distinguished group of authors: Fred Adams, William Alston, Laurence BonJour, Roger Crisp, Elizabeth Fricker, Bernard Gert, Thomas Hurka, Hugh McCann, Al Mele, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Raimo Tuomela, Candace Vogler, and Timothy Williamson. Audi's introductory essay provides a thematic overview interconnecting his views i…Read more
  •  36
    Revisiting Neuroscientific Skepticism about Free Will
    The Harvard Review of Philosophy 30 95-108. 2023.
    Benefiting from recent work in neuroscience, this paper rebuts a pair of neuroscience-based arguments for the non-existence of free will. Well-known neuroscientific experiments that have often been cited in support of skepticism about free will are critically examined. Various problems are identified with attempts to use their findings to support the claim that free will is an illusion. It is argued on scientific grounds that certain assumptions made in these skeptical arguments are unjustified—…Read more