22Reason and the Good in Plato’s RepublicIn David Keyt & Christopher Shields (eds.), Principles and Praxis in Ancient Greek Philosophy: Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy in Honor of Fred D. Miller, Jr, Springer Verlag. pp. 135-158. 2024.Let me begin with some of the background worries that motivate the paper. First, for years I have been working on the relation of the Timaeus to the Republic guided by this triple analogy: as the demiurge is to the cosmos, so the philosopher-ruler is to the polis, so reason is to the soul or individual. The key claim is Tim. 29e: the demiurge is good and so wants to make everything it makes like it itself is, i.e., good, as good as possible. I take the demiurge to be reason idealized, so I infer…Read more
7Plato: PsychologyIn Christopher Shields (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Ancient Philosophy, Wiley-blackwell. 2003.This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Phaedo Middle Period Dialogues Later Dialogues References and Recommended Reading.
66Platonism and Naturalism: The Possibility of Philosophy by Lloyd P. GersonJournal of the History of Philosophy 59 (2): 328-329. 2021.Lloyd Gerson has a vision of what Platonism is. Those who see things differently may find his vision bewildering. In Platonism and Naturalism, to his credit, his vision is synoptic and impressively focused on critical passages and issues, especially in Plato's metaphysics and epistemology, though ethics also receives much attention. Leaving aside the introduction and chapter 1, chapters 2–6 are devoted to Plato and comprise two-thirds of the work. Chapters 7, "Aristotle the Platonist," 8, "Ploti…Read more
35Plato, Platonists, PlatonismPlato Journal 16 21-30. 2016.The paper examines different approaches to key metaphysical and conceptual claims in Plato’s dialogues. It explores how different readers of Plato, beginning with Aristotle, make sense of the status of and the relations between some of the key Forms developed in different dialogues, to include the Form of the Good.
1Studies in Plato's Theory of KnowledgeDissertation, University of California, Berkeley. 1985.In this thesis I offer a reconstruction of some of the foundations of Plato's Theory of Knowledge. This effort is based upon two Platonic theses: Thought is Language and The objects of different faculties of the soul are distinct. The thesis is an investigation of the inter-relation of these two claims. I argue that the former does not prompt Plato to abandon the latter, the so-called Two Worlds hypothesis of the Republic, but rather serves as a justification of that hypothesis. In the first cha…Read more
70Meaning, Relation, and Existence in Plato’s Parmenides (review)Ancient Philosophy 10 (1): 131-135. 1990.
Chapter two. Socratic metaphysics?In Allan Jay Silverman (ed.), The Dialectic of Essence: A Study of Plato's Metaphysics, Princeton University Press. pp. 28-48. 2002.
1ConclusionIn Allan Jay Silverman (ed.), The Dialectic of Essence: A Study of Plato's Metaphysics, Princeton University Press. pp. 285-298. 2002.
13AbbreviationsIn Allan Jay Silverman (ed.), The Dialectic of Essence: A Study of Plato's Metaphysics, Princeton University Press. 2002.
7Plato's Cratylus: The Naming of Nature and the Nature of NamingIn Julia Annas (ed.), Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy: Volume X: 1992, Clarendon Press. pp. 25-71. 1992.
IntroductionIn Allan Jay Silverman (ed.), The Dialectic of Essence: A Study of Plato's Metaphysics, Princeton University Press. pp. 1-12. 2002.
20Commentary on Sauvé MeyerProceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 29 (1): 70-74. 2014.This short comment on Professor Sauvé Meyer’s paper attempts to draw attention to two issues that influence our understanding of Divine responsibility in the Timaeus. The first concerns the question of the literalness of the argument. If there is no creation, per much of the ancient tradition of commentators on the Timaeus, then there can be no divine responsibility. The second is the Timaeus’ account of the origin of non-human animals. Since they come from ‘fallen humans,’ and since they are ne…Read more
64Ancient Self-Refutation: The Logic and History of the Self-Refutation Argument from Democritus to Augustine. By Luca Castagnoli (review)Ancient Philosophy 32 (2): 458-461. 2012.
1NotesIn Allan Jay Silverman (ed.), The Dialectic of Essence: A Study of Plato's Metaphysics, Princeton University Press. pp. 311-366. 2002.
Chapter three. The emergence of formsIn Allan Jay Silverman (ed.), The Dialectic of Essence: A Study of Plato's Metaphysics, Princeton University Press. pp. 49-103. 2002.
1Chapter five. Forms and languageIn Allan Jay Silverman (ed.), The Dialectic of Essence: A Study of Plato's Metaphysics, Princeton University Press. pp. 137-181. 2002.
AppendixIn Allan Jay Silverman (ed.), The Dialectic of Essence: A Study of Plato's Metaphysics, Princeton University Press. pp. 299-310. 2002.
58Plato’s IndividualsPhilosophical Review 106 (3): 470. 1997.Plato's Individuals is rich and rewarding. McCabe's reading will compel us to examine anew the presuppositions we bring to the enterprise of understanding Plato. Her devotion to showing that her thesis is found almost everywhere in the corpus is noteworthy. At times she also seems to strain to assimilate modern and Platonic concerns. If one can accept that Plato's tripartite soul goes over into something we might recognize as the problem of personal identity, it can only be because we are writin…Read more
Index LocorumIn Allan Jay Silverman (ed.), The Dialectic of Essence: A Study of Plato's Metaphysics, Princeton University Press. pp. 379-386. 2002.
Chapter six. Not-beingsIn Allan Jay Silverman (ed.), The Dialectic of Essence: A Study of Plato's Metaphysics, Princeton University Press. pp. 182-217. 2002.
BibliographyIn Allan Jay Silverman (ed.), The Dialectic of Essence: A Study of Plato's Metaphysics, Princeton University Press. pp. 367-378. 2002.
PrefaceIn Allan Jay Silverman (ed.), The Dialectic of Essence: A Study of Plato's Metaphysics, Princeton University Press. 2002.
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