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    Autonomía, vida y bioética
    with Antonio Casado da Rocha
    Ludus Vitalis 16 (30): 213-216. 2008.
  • Organismo y organización en la biología teórica: ¿Vuelta al organicismo?
    with Jon Urrezola
    Ludus Vitalis 15 3-38. 2007.
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    This monographic issue contains a long article bringing together the Lullius Lectures delivered by Professor Sandra Mitchell during the Xth Conference of the Society of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science in Spain, that took place in Salamanca (16-19 November, 2021). The publication of her Lectures is complemented by six original articles that address and examine different aspects of Sandra Mitchell’s contributions to the philosophy of science. In this introduction to the monograph, th…Read more
  • Diccionario Interdisciplinar Austral
    Instituto de Filosofía - Universidad Austral. 2017.
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    Sobre la noción de información genética: semántica y excepcionalidad (On the notion of genetic information: semantics and exceptionality)
    with Tomás Garcia Azkonobieta
    Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 19 (2): 209-230. 2010.
    La noción de información genética es central para la biología, aunque no puede decirse que su estatus teórico esté claro. En este artículo se repasa brevemente la historia de su uso, y se consideran los diferentes problemas que la noción suscita para la comprensión de la evolución y del desarrollo.
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    Pere Alberch: Originator of EvoDevo
    with John O. Reiss, Ann C. Burke, Charles Archer, Miquel De Renzi, Hernán Dopazo, Emily A. Gale, J. Richard Hinchliffe, Laura Nuño de la Rosa Garcia, Chris S. Rose, Diego Rasskin-Gutman, and Gerd B. Müller
    Biological Theory 3 (4): 351-356. 2008.
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    Pere Alberch: Originator of EvoDevo
    with John O. Reiss, Ann C. Burke, Charles Archer, Miquel De Renzi, Hern an Dopazo, Emily A. Gale, J. Richard Hinchliffe, Chris S. Rose, and Diego Rasskin-Gutman
    Biological Theory 3 (4): 351-356. 2008.
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    Life as emergence: The roots of a new paradigm in theoretical biology
    with Julio Fernandez and Alvaro Moreno
    World Futures 32 (2): 133-149. 1991.
    (1991). Life as emergence: The roots of a new paradigm in theoretical biology. World Futures: Vol. 32, Creative Evolution in Nature, Mind, and Society, pp. 133-149
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    La crítica kantiana legó una doble herencia a la biología decimonónica: su noción de ciencia basada en el mecanicismo newtoniano configuró epistemológicamente la teoría de la evolución darwinista, mientras que su comprensión de los organismos se tradujo en una morfología teleológica. En este artículo planteamos dos cuestiones en torno la relación entre las ideas de Kant y Darwin: 1) si Kant habría considerado a Darwin el Newton de la biología, a lo que, con matices, respondemos afirmativamente; …Read more
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    Organismo y organización en la biología teórica¿ Vuelta al organicismo
    with Jon Umerez
    Ludus Vitalis 14 (26): 3-38. 2006.
    ABSTRACT. This paper contemplates Organicism and its relation with molecular and evolutionary biology. We explore whether twentieth-first century biology is returning to positions held at the beginning of the twentieth century and then abandoned. The guiding line is a history of theoretical biology in which we distinguish three periods: 1. The 20s-30s, and the Theoretical Biology Club (Needham, Woodger, and Waddington, among others); 2. An intermediate period in the 60s-70s, in which, in s…Read more
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    Darwinism Evolving (review)
    Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 11 (1): 233-234. 1996.
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    The work of Pere Alberch is crucial to study the early stages of evo-devo. In particular, it illustrates very persuasively why developmental systems have so much to say about the course of evolutionary change. In addition to an important empirical work, he elaborated a stimulating framework of theoretical ideas on biological form, morphological variation, and how developmental processes establish possible evolutionary paths previous to the action of natural selection. In this framework, the stud…Read more
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    Canguilhem and the Logic of Life
    Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science 4 47. 2018.
    In this paper we examine aspects of Canguilhem’s philosophy of biology, concerning the knowledge of life and its consequences on science and vitalism. His concept of life stems from the idea of a living individual, endowed with creative subjectivity and norms, a Kantian view which “disconcerts logic”. In contrast, two different approaches ground naturalistic perspectives to explore the logic of life and the logic of the living individual in the 1970s. Although Canguilhem is closer to the second,…Read more
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    Auto-organización y autopoiesis
    In Etxeberria Arantza & Bich Leonardo (eds.), Diccionario Interdisciplinar Austral, Instituto De Filosofía - Universidad Austral. 2017.
    El prefijo “auto” en autoorganización y autopoiesis se refiere a la existencia de una identidad o agencialidad implicada en el orden, organización o producción de un sistema que se corresponde con el sistema mismo, en contraste con el diseño o la influencia de carácter externo. La autoorganización (AO) estudia la manera en la que los procesos de un sistema alcanzan de forma espontánea un orden u organización complejo, bien como una estructura o patrón emergente, bien como algún tipo de finalidad…Read more
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  • Autonomía, vida y bioética
    with Antonio da Rocha
    Ludus Vitalis 16 213-216. 2008.
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    Informed consent in biobanking and genetic research
    with Antonio Casado da Rocha
    Arbor 184 (730). 2008.
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    This paper contemplates Organicism and its relation with molecular and evolutionary biology. We explore whether twentieth-first century biology is returning to positions held at the beginning of the twentieth century and then abandoned. The guiding line is a history of theoretical biology in which we distinguish three periods: 1. The 20s-30s, and the Theoretical Biology Club (Needham, Woodger, and Waddington, among others); 2. An intermediate period in the 60s-70s, in which, in spite of th…Read more