71Holbein’s Work of Art in Kristeva’s Political ThoughtSouthern Journal of Philosophy 42 (S1): 88-95. 2004.
31Introduction: On CorpsesJanus Head 12 (2): 5-9. 2011.The struggle to “adapt” to the presence of the corpse serves as the central turning point for this investigation into the theatrical encounters with the corpse in the early modern anatomy theatre. Beginning with novelist W.G. Sebald’s claim, in The Rings of Saturn, that the art of anatomy was a way of “making the reprobate body invisible,” Alvarez queries how the corpse as the central “gure of this theatrical space challenges conventional modes of theatrical looking and how the particular viewin…Read more
11Tarrying with Sexual DifferenceIn Ruthanne Crapo Kim, Yvette Russell & Brenda Sharp (eds.), Horizons of Difference: Rethinking Space, Place and Identity with Irigaray, The State University of New York Press. pp. 17-39. 2022.
1Subjectivity, Embodiment, and Meaning in Merleau-Ponty and IrigarayDissertation, The University of Memphis. 2003.Although much recent political thought, particularly that issuing from feminism and race theory, starts from the notion of embodiment, it leaves that notion uninvestigated. As a result, it tends to fall back into the very abstraction of 'the body' that it attempts to leave behind. In this thesis, I enrich existing accounts of the socio-historical situatedness of different bodies as subjects through a philosophical examination of the role of embodiment in the constitution of subjectivity. Turning…Read more
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada