•  4
    Monique Roelofs argues that some of the aesthetic power of art is traceable to the way that works address their audiences, promising the creation of cultural community. Such communities become exclusionary when modes of address presume and perpetuate social hierarchies. This paper explores this notion in works where moral and aesthetic precepts seem to conflict and whose address induces attitudes that one would reject in “reality” but that are required for the full appreciative grasp of a narrat…Read more
  •  54
    Nicola Perullo's Taste as Experience draws on the author's philosophical background and his experience as a professor of aesthetics at a culinary institute. He aims to understand the experience of taste, analyzing it into three 'modes of access': pleasure, knowledge, and indifference. His perspective, influenced by Dewey, illuminates various elements of taste, eating, and drinking.
  •  11
    Response to Currie and Robson, “Authenticity and Implicature”
    Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 81 (3): 392-395. 2023.
  •  338
    Aesthetics and Gender (edited book)
    The Polish Journal of Aesthetics. 2016.
    Combining aesthetic theory with gender analysis opens a large and diverse territory to explore. Both familiar issues in the philosophy of art and new, expanded questions about the influence of culture on imagination and identity have become subjects of feminist research. Film, literature, graphic arts, advertising, and the legacies of history all contribute to the forces that shape self-image, desire, behavior, and social role – as well as the ability to imagine possibilities for change. This is…Read more
  •  17
    Foreword to Beauty Unlimited
    In Peg Brand Weiser (ed.), Beauty Unlimited, Indiana University Press. 2013.
    Whatever approach one favors, the relationships between the most abstract and disembodied sense of beauty and the physical, erotic sense are clearly harder to sever than many philosophers have previously realized. The soul may be glad to forget its connection with the body, as Santayana put it, but that gladness indicates that the connection is there to be forgotten in the first place. And often it is not so much forgotten as reshaped and transfigured. Such transformations are explored here with…Read more
  •  2
    Gendered Concepts and Hume's Standard of Taste
    In Peg Zeglin Brand Weiser & Carolyn Korsmeyer (eds.), Feminism and Tradition in Aesthetics, Pennsylvania State University Press. pp. 49-65. 1995.
    Feminist scholarship has awakened us to the suspicion that such reliance on "common human nature" renders philosophical concepts not neutral and universal, as Hume believed, but heavily inflected by models of ideal masculinity that inform discussions of human nature. One purpose of this essay is to extend this line of thought by elucidating the idea of gendered concepts. By this phrase I refer to concepts that, lacking any obvious reference to males or females, or to masculinity or femininity, n…Read more
  •  7
    Aesthetics: Feminism's Hidden Impact
    Apa Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy 13 (1): 8-11. 2013.
    I suspect that feminism in general has had an impact on philosophy at large that is seldom explicitly recognized as such, insofar as it has prompted the field to consider topics that previously were only scantily recognized for their philosophical interest.
  •  48
    Feminist Aesthetics
    with Peg Weiser
    Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2021.
    Overview essay of the field of feminist aesthetics updated Winter, 2021.
  •  13
    Special Issue of Hypatia
    with Hilde Hein
    Hypatia 48 (4). 1990.
    This special issue was the first philosophy journal issue in English devoted to feminist perspectives in aesthetics. It was prompted by more than two decades of feminist scholarship in all academic disciplines that challenged the operations of gender in research and theory, prompting widespread examination of disciplinary assumptions and methods, new understandings of the histories of fields and their classic texts, and refinement of awareness of how scholarship retains gender bias. An expanded …Read more
  •  15
    Making Believe: Philosophical Reflections on Fiction
    Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 46 (1): 90-91. 1987.
  •  85
    Alexander Nehamas calls beauty a ‘promise of happiness’ and claims that it is an object of love. While this approach appealingly places beauty at the center of both artistic passion and everyday life, it also renders it riskily personal. This discussion raises two main questions to Nehamas. The first question regards the role of happiness in the concept of beauty, for many beautiful artworks seem to acknowledge the inevitability of sorrow rather than its opposite. The second question concerns ho…Read more
  •  259
    On the "aesthetic senses" and the development of fine arts
    Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 34 (1): 67-71. 1975.
  •  146
    Hume and the foundations of taste
    Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 35 (2): 201-215. 1976.
  •  11
    6 Memory’s Kitchen: In Search of a Taste
    In Eva Kit Wah Man & Jeffrey Petts (eds.), Comparative Everyday Aesthetics: East-West Studies in Contemporary Living, Amsterdam University Press. pp. 125-138. 2023.
  •  2
    with Hilde Hein
    Hypatia 5 (2): 1-6. 1990.
  •  8
    with Peggy Zeglin Brand
    Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 48 (4): 277-280. 1990.
  •  4
    Marianna Torgovnick, The Visual Arts, Pictorialism, and The Novel: James, Lawrence, and Woolf
    Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 44 (4): 412-413. 1986.
  •  6
    Norma Broude and Mary D. Garrard, eds., The expanding discourse: Feminism and art history
    Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 51 (4): 628-629. 1993.
  •  27
    Gender and Genius: Towards a Feminist Aesthetics (review)
    Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 49 (4): 383-384. 1991.
  •  45
    Making Sense of Taste: Food and Philosophy
    Cornell University Press. 1999.
    Taste, perhaps the most intimate of the five senses, has traditionally been considered beneath the concern of philosophy, too bound to the body, too personal and idiosyncratic. Yet, in addition to providing physical pleasure, eating and drinking bear symbolic and aesthetic value in human experience, and they continually inspire writers and artists. In Making Sense of Taste, Carolyn Korsmeyer explains how taste came to occupy so low a place in the hierarchy of senses and why it is deserving of gr…Read more
  •  19
    Gut appreciation: possibilities for aesthetic disgust
    Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 3 186-199. 2013.
    Although the arousal of disgust is now widely acknowledged to be an appropriate response to certain works of art, controversy remains regarding whether to consider this emotion an actual zone of appreciative enjoyment. This paper presents several solutions to the so-called paradox of aversion and argues for a brand of aesthetic disgust that produces an experience that can be savored despite its difficult and unpleasant qualities.
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    The Principles of Aesthetics
    Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 41 (4): 443-448. 1983.
  •  205
    Comment: Kolnai’s Disgust
    Emotion Review 6 (3): 219-220. 2014.
    In his The Meaning of Disgust, Colin McGinn employs elements of the phenomenological theory of disgust advanced by Aurel Kolnai in 1929. Kolnai’s treatment of what he calls “material” disgust and of its primary elicitors—putrefying organic matter, bodily wastes and secretions, sticky contaminants, vermin—anticipates more recent scientific treatments of this emotion as a mode of protective recoil. While Nina Strohminger charges McGinn with neglecting such scientific studies, we here attempt to sh…Read more
  •  3367
    Visceral Values: Aurel Kolnai on Disgust
    In Carolyn Korsmeyer & Barry Smith (eds.), Visceral Values: Aurel Kolnai on Disgust, Open Court Publishing Company. pp. 1-23. 2004.
    In 1929 when Aurel Kolnai published his essay “On Disgust” in Husserl's ]ahrbuch he could truly assert that disgust was a "sorely neglected" topic. Now, however, this situation is changing as philosophers, psychologists, and historians of culture are turning their attention not only to emotions in general but more specifically to the large and disturbing set of aversive emotions, including disgust. We here provide an account of Kolnai’s contribution to the study of the phenomenon of disgust, of …Read more
  •  118
    On Disgust
    with Aurel Kolnai and Barry Smith
    Open Court. 2003.
    The problem of disgust has until recently been neglected in the scientific literature. In comparison to the scientific (psychological and metaphysical) interest that has been applied to hatred, anxiety, and similar phenomena, disgust — although a common and important factor in our emotional life — has been unexplored, or it has been viewed as a “higher degree of dislike,” as “nausea,” or as a phenomenon of the “repression of urges.” We here show how the feeling of disgust possesses a unique and …Read more
  •  37
    Ruins, Monuments, and Memorials: Philosophical Perspectives on Artifacts and Memory (edited book)
    with Jeanette Bicknell and Jennifer Judkins
    Taylor & Francis. 2019.
    This collection of newly published essays examines our relationship to physical objects that invoke, commemorate, and honor the past. The recent destruction of cultural heritage in war and controversies over Civil War monuments in the US have foregrounded the importance of artifacts that embody history. The book invites us to ask: How do memorials convey their meanings? What is our responsibility for the preservation or reconstruction of historically significant structures? How should we respond…Read more
  • Feminism and Tradition in Aesthetics (edited book)
    Penn State Press. 2010.