•  5293
    The Concept of Harmony in Classical Confucian Philosophy
    Philosophy Compass 3 (3): 423-435. 2008.
    This essay introduces the philosophy of harmony in Classical Confucianism. In the first part of the essay the author summarizes the concept of harmony as it was developed in various Confucian classics. In the second part, the author offers an account of the Confucian program of harmony, ranging from internal harmony in the person, to harmony in the family, the state, the international world, and finally to harmony in the entire universe.
  •  1895
    长期以来,中国学术界流行把儒家的基本思想乃至整个中国文化归结为“天人合一”,并常常把“天人合一” 的源头归结于《易经》。其实考诸中国思想史,把儒家的基本思想总结为“天人合一”,特别是把“天人合一” 的来源归结于《易经》的说法并不准确,是一种误导。《易经》的“天、地、人”三才思想较之于“天人合一”更为符合儒家思想的本旨。在儒家三才和谐的理念中,天、地、人三者各自都有自身的功能与价值。身为三才和谐结构中的积极参与者,人类拥有促进与维持宇宙和谐的重要责任。就环境哲学而言,儒家的“三才”说既不是“环境保护主义”,也不是“自然保护主义”,而且相对于大地伦理学与深层生态学等西方的整体性环境哲学而言,儒家整体性的环境哲学赋予人类在宇宙间以一个更崇高的地位和责任。
  •  1626
    Contemporary Challenges for Confucianism
    Journal of East-West Thought 1 (2): 53-68. 2012.
    Abstract: In this essay I will discuss five major challenges faced by Confucianism in recent times. Two of these challenges have been widely acknowledged, namely those of science and democracy. I believe that Confucianism's problem with science has been largely solved, even though more constructive work would further strengthen Confucianism in this regard. The problem of democracy is still being dealt with. I will examine three more major challenges. The third major challenge for Confucianism co…Read more
  •  1228
    Active Harmony and Passive Harmony
    In Li Chenyang, Hang Kwok Sai & During Dascha (eds.), Harmony in Chinese Thought: A Philosophical Introduction, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 41-56. 2021.
    This essay analyses two kinds of harmony as exemplified in Confucianism and Daoism and examines their relation with domination and freedom.
  •  705
    中国社会科学文摘 27 (5): 57-62. 2003.
    本文討論儒家思想傳統在近代和現代所面臨的五個主要的挑戰:科學,民 主,女性主義,環境主義,以及儒家自身如何生存下去的挑戰。
  •  587
    物质富裕与道德修养: 先秦儒家的富德两难问题
    with Linna Liu
    Literature, History, and Philosophy 文史哲 5 101-109. 2019.
    道德修养是否必须以物质富裕为前提? 抑或物质贫困反而是历练并检验道德修养的必要条件? 先秦儒家对此表达了两种看似矛盾的观点,我们可以将此解读为早期儒家的“富德两难”问题.对此问题可以提出四种可能的解决方案,即分别主张:(一)上述两种观点一对一错;(二)物质富裕与物质贫困 分别对应不同德性;(三)物质价值与道德价值相互独立;(四)上述矛盾命题分别针对着不同而说教对象.然而,这四种处理方案,各有其文本解释与学理上的局限性.区分个人和社会两种视角,一方面强调个人在道德选择上肩负着无法推卸的责任,另一方面从统计科学的角度看待社会整体道德水平与物质贫富之间的正相关关系,或为解释物质富裕与道德修养关系问题的有效思路.
  •  548
  •  523
    China’s Meritocratic Examinations and the Ideal of Virtuous Talents
    with Chenyang Li and Hong Xiao
    In Daniel A. Bell & Chenyang Li (eds.), The East Asian Challenge for Democracy: Political Meritocracy in Comparative Perspective, Cambridge University Press. pp. 340-362. 2013.
  •  469
    本文对文化的价值多样性进行多元的理解,集中阐述和讨论“文化的价值组合配置”(cultural configurations of values)概念。主要包括以下几个要点:(1)在世界的各种文化中,人类的价值有不同的表现形式,但其基本价值是相似的,甚至相同的。(2)人类的各种基本价值之间不但有互相促进的关系,也有相互矛盾、相互竞争、相互冲突的关系。(3)一种文化类型提供对相互冲突的价值的一种处理方式。不同的文化形成其各自的价值组合与配置。这种价值的配置与其社会环境相适应,是其文化的核心部分。文化差异性的一个重要方面就是,尽管所有文化共有这些基本价值,但是他们会给予这些价值不同的权重,形成不同的价值配置形式。(4)有时在同一个社会里,会存在若干“亚文化”,会有不同的价值配置。随着时间的推移,文化和社会都会有改变。虽然它们在价值组合配置普世化上可能永远无法达成一致,但是它们之间的共同价值为和平共处提供了基础。
  •  411
  •  410
    Michael Sandel has been one of the most powerful critics of liberalism in the past decades. His work, especially in Liberalism and the Limits of Justice, exposes some of the fundamental flaws of Rawlsian liberalism and shows the need for a community-based framework in order for us to adequately understand and appreciate the concept of the individual and just society. Confucians can endorse many of Sandel’s critiques of liberalism. From a Confucian perspective, however, Sandel’s version of commun…Read more
  •  406
    with Qingjuan Sun and Chenyang Li
    东南大学学报 22 (4): 31-40. 2020.
    针对价值抉择难题存在不同的解决模式,以比较的视野检视几种有代表性 的模式,可以更加直观地展示它们的优缺点,从相对意义上凸显出当下存在的更为有效的 解决方案。 首先是罗蒂的自我实现与公民同胞等量齐观模式,此模式过于依赖个人与社 会两个领域的简单区分,同时也低估了不同诉求之间的张力;其次是伯林的不同价值体系 非此即彼模式,此模式夸大了不同价值体系的截然对立,错误地认为互有张力的价值不能 在同一价值体系里共存;最后是更具可行性的儒道互补模式,此模式重新解读儒道互补, 通过价值配置的方式解决了不可通约价值之间的张力问题,它允许多元价值体系的共存 和互补,从而有助于相辅相成地达成个人生活与社会的和谐。
  •  312
    At two fronts I defend my 1994 article. I argue that differences between Confucian jen ethics and feminist care ethics do not preclude their shared commonalities in comparison with Kantian, utilitarian, and contractarian ethics, and that Confucians do care. I also argue that Confucianism is capable of changing its rules to reflect its renewed understanding of jen, that care ethics is feminist, and that similarities between Confucian and care ethics have significant implications
  •  308
    Harmony in Chinese Thought: A Philosophical Introduction (edited book)
    with Sai Hang Kwok and Dascha Düring
    Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 2021.
    He (和), or harmony, has traditionally been a central concept in Chinese thought, and to this day continues to shape the way in which people in China and East Asia think about ethics and politics. Yet, there is no systematic and comprehensive introduction of harmony as has been variously articulated in different Chinese schools. This edited volume aims to fill this gap. The individual contributions elaborate the conceptions of harmony as these were exemplified in central Chinese schools of though…Read more
  •  282
    with Chenyang Li and Hong Xiao
    中山大学学报 54 (1): 111-117. 2014.
    This paper explores the connections between being Chinese in various senses and the study of Chinese philosophy.
  •  271
    Declare the Independence of Confucianism from the State
    Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture 32 7-16. 2019.
    Since antiquity, Confucians have sought to work with the state in order to implement their philosophy through state sponsorship. And yet, whenever Confucians have sought state sponsorship, naturally the government has adopted Confucian philosophy selectively to serve its own purposes and thus compromised the integrity of Confucianism. Throughout Chinese history, countless Confucian officials attempted to help rulers to do the right thing. They often failed when their advice went against the fund…Read more
  •  264
    Shifting perspectives: Filial morality revisited
    Philosophy East and West 47 (2): 211-232. 1997.
    Does morality require the filial obligation of grown children toward their aged parents? First, problems with some accounts of filial morality that have been put forth in recent years in the West are examined (Jane English, Jeffrey Blustein, and others), and then it is shown how Confucianism provides a sensible alternative perspective
  •  258
    Chinese Metaphysics as a Fruitful Subject of Study
    with Chenyang Li and Franklin Perkins
    Journal of East-West Thought 4 (4): 71-86. 2014.
    The study of Chinese philosophy in the English-speaking world has largely focused on ethical and political theories. In comparison, Chinese metaphysics—here understood primarily as theories regarding the nature, components, and operating principles of reality—has been far less researched and recognized. In this essay, we examine various meanings of “metaphysics” as it has been used in denoting a branch of philosophy and make the case that metaphysics is an important part of Chinese philosophy. W…Read more
  •  257
    感謝《鵝湖月刊》給我機會討論拙作《比較的時代 ——中西視野中的儒家哲學前沿問題》(以下簡稱《比較的時代》),也很感謝李明書、李健君、張麗麗三位年輕有為的學者認真討論我在書中提出的一些問題。 三位學者都認識到這裏討論的「比較哲學」是通過比較來研究哲學,而不僅僅是比較已經存在的相同和不同的哲學思想。 在我看來, 單純地比較不同的哲學思想基本上是哲學史的工作。 而通過運用比較的方法做哲學則是哲學本身的工作,是建構性的原創性的工作。 說我們的時代是一個比較的時代,是說我們處於一個以比較為特徵來研究和建構哲學思想的時代。 通過比較來做哲學,就是要通過研究不同的哲學流派和不同的哲學思想,來進而建構新的哲學思想,以回答時代向我們提出的問題。在這個方面,我個人的看法是,今天的儒家哲學研究已經進入了一個不可迴避、不可逆轉的比較的時代。 這是一件大好事。 這樣的研究使我們有更廣闊的視野,使我們有更多、更豐富的思想資源,也使我們更可能有效地回答時代提出的問題。 這裡我分別對三位學者提出的問題做出回應。
  •  245
    Chinese Diaspora as People of Their Own Countries and Chinese Philosophy as World Philosophy
    with Chenyang Li and Hong Xiao
    Chinese Studies 漢学研究 2 63-84. 2013.
    In this essay, we will follow Tang Junyi’s lead in exploring issues related to Chinese diaspora and Chinese philosophy. While we largely endorse Tang’s call for overseas Chinese to establish themselves in their adopted lands, we will argue for a more nuanced view on the identity of Chinese people outside China: they are not marginalized individuals scattered out of “homeland” China, rather they are people legitimately established in their own respective countries. In this connection, we will als…Read more
  •  217
    In this essay I attempt to articulate a Confucian idea of gender equality from a perspective of yin-yang philosophy.