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    with Eike-Christian Heine
    Docupedia 20. 2018.
    In den vergangenen Jahren hat sich die deutschsprachige Technikgeschichte inhaltlich und konzeptionell selbstbewusst präsentiert und ihre Position als eine eigenständige Disziplin des historischen Fächerkanons bekräftigt. Eike-Christian Heine und Christian Zumbrägel stellen zentrale Perspektiven, Begriffe und Theorien vor, die die Technikgeschichte im Laufe des 20. Jahrhunderts prägten, und benennen technikhistorische Themen, die aus zeitgeschichtlicher Perspektive besonders zukunftsträchtig ers…Read more
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    Even in the twenty-first century, myths of preindustrial forms of energy utilization are woven around watermills, waterwheels, and traditional millscapes. Along German watercourses, many grinding shops and hammer mills held on to waterwheels and delivered mechanical rather than electric power well into the twentieth century. It is not the case that the days of these “old technologies” (Edgerton 2008) were numbered as soon as hydroelectricity and “modern” hydraulic turbines appeared in the 1880s.…Read more
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    The example of Vienna’s energy supply is taken to study the system charac-teristics of preindustrial city infrastructures. In the course of the 18th century the demand for fi rewood in Vienna, the seat of the Habsburg dynasty, soared to exorbitant heights. The urban fi rewood consumption required the successive broadening of accessibility to additional ample wood-production areas on the upper course of the Danube catchment basin. This horizontal diffusion of the exploitation area, displacing de…Read more
  • Seit einigen Jahren stehen Fischliftsysteme im Zentrum wasserbaulicher Überlegungen, die um die Wiederherstellung der Gewässerdurchgängigkeit kreisen. Aktuelle Studien beschreiben diese Sonderform der Fischaufstiegsanlagen als eine neuartige und innovative Techniklösung. Allerdings gehen die Entwicklungspfade dieser Technik auf die um 1900 entwickelte Recken’sche Fischschleuse zurück. Die Auseinandersetzung mit den Konstruktionsformen vergangener Tage befördert Technik- und Umweltwissen, das vor…Read more
  • The advent of “white coal” and the rise of large dams presented a major challenge to maintaining riverine fisheries. In the early twentieth century, Anthon Landmark, a Norwegian expert on fisheries, and Johannes Oeltjen, a German hydro engineer, collaborated to erect a “high-class” fishway system at the Hemelinger dam on the Weser River in northern Germany. The fishway system—consisting of four passage facilities—was designed to assist salmon, trout, and eels to pass a newly designed dam that th…Read more
  • A Microhistory of Dams. Local Cooperatives and Small-Scale Hydro Projects during the Dam Boom in Western Germany around 1900 Before the First World War, the dam architect Otto Intze flooded extensive valleys in western Germany’s low mountain ranges in order to provide the neighboring Ruhr district with water and electricity. Intze’s biography and his giant dams are wellrepresented in historical research.However, very little is known about the early phases of the dam-building boom before 1900. Ta…Read more
  • Le saumon sur l’échelle. Les passes à poissons et les migrations piscicoles dans les rivières d’Allemagne du Nord vers 1900 La reproduction naturelle des anguilles, des saumons et des truites dépend du passage entre mer et rivière. Les passes à poissons soutiennent les animaux pendant leurs migrations pour franchir les barrages et atteindre leurs frayères. Les pêcheurs utilisent cette technique depuis le XIXe siècle dans le but de réguler les cycles de reproduction de leurs poissons commerciaux.…Read more
  • The transition into the industrial age was based on a novel usage of raw materials: Hard coal replaced wood as fuel; iron and steel became new key resources. In recent years this classical, material understanding of industrial- ization has been revised in various studies from the histories of technology and the environment. They raised awareness about paths of regional and sectoral industrialization that represented and delineated a broad panorama of different substances and materials. However, …Read more
  • The availability of ever-increasing amounts of energy are the basis of our current energy-intensive lifestyle. Accordingly, historians of energy have primarily addressed the growth in energy consumption that has lasted for about two hundred years. On the way to sustainable energy futures, it is necessary to reduce the overall energy consumption level. The article searches for historical traces of energy conservation and points out that current discussions about energy sufficiency are expressions…Read more
  • The water mill with the water wheel is still surrounded today by the myth of a pre-industrial form of energy production. In fact, these "old" drive technologies remained the most important source of energy at many streams at least until the interwar period. These "old technologies" (David Edgerton) of hydroelectric power engineering did not become obsolete with the scientificisation of turbine construction and electrification. Many watercourses in the low mountain ranges of South Westphalia were…Read more