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    The Soul of Historiography
    Journal of the Philosophy of History 13 (2): 257-280. 2019.
    This paper argues for a new version of holism about historiography. The argument starts with an analogy with Aristotle’s conceptions of soul and character. The aim is to overcome the central problem critics have identified in Ankersmit’s holism about historical representations: it is not clear how a posited holistic entity can make a difference to a work of history. The solution offered in this paper is that there are two – modally distinct – dimensions of content in works of history. One compri…Read more
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    Ankersmit’s Leibnizism
    Journal of the Philosophy of History 12 (3): 391-409. 2018.
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    Montaillou and the history of possibilities
    Dissertation, University of Warwick. 2017.
    This thesis develops a reading of Montaillou, un village occitan de 1294 à 1324 by Emmanuel LeRoy Ladurie in parallel with a theory of possibilities in history. It is argued that possibilities are fundamentally involved in the semantics of sociological concepts, in the nature of historical judgements, and in the way actions feature in historiography. The thesis addresses a variety of literature in historiography, sociological theory, the philosophy of social science, and the philosophy of histor…Read more
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    Nuts and Bolts, Bells, Whistles, and Rust in the Social Sciences
    Philosophy of the Social Sciences 47 (6): 472-480. 2017.
    Here I discuss the philosophical contributions to Analytical Sociology and Social Mechanisms, a collection of essays edited by Pierre Demeulenaere. I begin by introducing the idea of a social mechanism and showing that it has already had an impact within empirical analytical sociology. I then discuss some examples of the philosophical work offered in Demeulenaere’s collection in support of this analytical “movement” in the social sciences. I argue that some of these examples demonstrate thin sch…Read more
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    Leibniz and the Philosophical Criticism of Historiography
    Journal of the Philosophy of History 11 (1): 59-82. 2017.