Domenic Marbaniang

Central India Theological Seminary
Hong Kong Baptist University
  •  2
    Beyond the Shadows and Other Essays
    Domenic Marbaniang. 2014.
    Beyond the Shadows and Other Essays is a collection of over 70 articles by Domenic Marbaniang on themes ranging from History, Indiology, Philosophy, Religion, to Theology, Language, Society, and Biblical Exposition.
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    Essays and Poems on Jesus Christ in Flesh.
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    Secularism in India: A Historical Analysis
    Domenic Marbaniang. 2009.
    Secularism in India SECULARISM IN PRE-COLONIAL PERIOD Secularism in India is not something totally new. Its roots can be found in a history that traces back ...
  • Corruption: Roots, Challenges, Solutions
    Domenic Marbaniang. 2013.
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    Outline of Theology
    Domenic Marbaniang. 2012.
    This is a handy booklet that gives a quick glance at the major doctrines of Christianity. Doctrines such as Bibliology, Theology Proper, Christology, Pneumatology, Trinity, Creation, Anthropology, Angelology and Demonology, Atonement, Soteriology, Ecclesiology, and Eschatology are neatly adumbrated with scriptural references. It is a great tool for pastoral teachers as well as teachers and students of theology in seminaries.
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    Explorations Of Faith explores the world of faith invited to in the eleventh chapter of the book of Hebrews. The first edition, first made available on and Google Books, is here updated with Faith-aphorisms gleaned from the breath-taking exploration of the book. Hebrews 11 has been a favorite chapter of innumerable men and women of faith who draw inspiration from the lives of these great warriors, still when Christ had not come to us in the fullness of times. But, they lived with an …Read more
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    Hermeneutics of Religion
    Domenic Marbaniang. 2012.
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    INTRODUCTION Philosophy of science is a study of the general nature of scientific practice, explanations, theories, and the relation of scientific knowledge ...
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    ... belief that every creature is a manifestation of God pantheism – belief that everything is divine phenomena – (Kantian) reality-as-it-appears polytheism ...
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    This book, containing excerpts from the author's book Secularism in India and other articles and papers, answers the questions: What is the meaning of secularism? Where did secularism originate? What were the main landmarks in the history of the development of secularism? and How did secularism come to be one of the most dominating concepts of modern society?
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    Essays on political theology and philosophy.
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    Interreligious dialogue for social harmony and peace is a crucial topic in our times. Comparative religious studies helps to facilitate the peace building process. This book looks at a few comparative themes in some of the Karmic and Abrahamic faiths. Karmic religions include Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism that have one central connecting theme, the concept of karma. Similarly, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are connected through the story of Abraham. So, they are called Abrahamic re…Read more
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    Theology of Revelation
    Domenic Marbaniang. 2017.
    The book is a study of the theology of revelation in the writings of seven modern theologians, viz, Charles Hodge, Karl Barth, Emil Brunner, Harold DeWolf, Millard J. Erickson, J. Rodman Williams, and Donald G. Bloesch. It also includes a concluding chapter by the author on the theology of revelation.
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    This book gives latest research updates on ancient Hinduism. It surveys the Pre-vedic religion of ancient India as found in the Indus Valley or Harappan civilization, then takes a dip into the world of Vedas to discover the religion of that age. The book uncovers astounding facts about ancient Hinduism.
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    The cosmological argument, while considered to be deductive by some of its propounders, is not considered fool-proof by others. However, given the fact that causality is intrinsic to our thinking, reasoning towards ultimate causality remains significant. Andrew Loke capitalizes on this in his recent book.
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    Sometimes philosophers have been misunderstood. It could be because the philosopher's communication was vague. It could also be because the philosopher didn't use Ockham's razor and multiplied terms unnecessarily forcing reviewers to impose the razor, with the result that what needs to be cut is not cut and what was essential is taken out of the equation. This article cites two cases, one of the Indian thinker M.M. Thomas and other of Peter Van Inwagen, who claimed that their thoughts were misre…Read more
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    Christian Mission in the Midst of Violence (review)
    Journal of the Contemporary Christian 6. 2014.
    The 2013 FOIM (Fellowship of Indian Missiologists) Conference was hosted at Punalur, Kerala. 12 papers from this conference were compiled and published in Christian Mission in the Midst of Violence under the editorship of Dr. Joy Thomas SVD, director of Ishvani Kendra of Pune and Secretary of FOIM and Dr. Siga Arles, director of the Centre for Contemporary Christianity of Bangalore.
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    The book is a study of the theology of revelation in the writings of seven modern theologians, viz, Charles Hodge, Karl Barth, Emil Brunner, Harold DeWolf, Millard J. Erickson, J. Rodman Williams, and Donald G. Bloesch. It also includes a concluding chapter by the author on the theology of revelation.
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    Anatomy of Religious Violence
    Basileia 1 (1): 24. 2008.
    Religious violence is a function of deep philosophical and psychological belief-behavior. This article explores the issue in light of Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, and Psychology of evil.
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    Explorations of Faith
    Google Books. 2009.
    Introduction he eleventh chapter of Hebrews has been one of the most inspiring chapters of faith in the Bible throughout the history of Christianity. ...
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    This book gives an introduction to the various theological perspectives regarding revelation. It includes a survey of the views of liberal, evangelical, Calvinist, and Charismatic theologians. The author presents his succinct view in the last chapter.
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    Perspectives on Indian Secularism
    Google Books. 2009.
    Perspectives on Indian Secularism condemned it and wished to make a clean sweep of it. Almost always it seemed to stand for blind belief and reaction, ...
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    Gospel and Culture: Areas of Conflict, Consent, and Conversion
    Journal of the Contemporary Christian 6 (1): 07-17. 2014.
    Culture and Religion have fundamental differences. Culture is related to nature, while religion emphasizes on authority and revelation. Culture naturally is more dynamic, while culture religionised is stagnant and conservative.
  •  2019
    Epistemics of Divine Reality: An Argument for Rational Fideism
    Dissertation, ACTS Academy of Higher Education. 2007.
    Epistemic approaches towards understanding ultimate reality proceed chiefly via the rational, the empirical, and the fideistic way, each yielding a theological view consistent to the approach chosen. Rational theologies tend to be ultimately monist in nature, while empirical theologies are pluralistic, e.g. polytheism. Fideism has its dangers as well where blind faith only hampers scientific research. However, Indian philosophy has suggested few criteria for verifying a source of authoritative t…Read more
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    The Corrosion of Gold In Light of Modern Christian Economics
    Journal of the Contemporary Christian 5 (1): 61-76. 2013.
    One of the important assets that Gutenberg’s printing press gifted to modern political economies is the ability to print paper money. The common man usually thinks that paper money is the real money, while in fact it is only a promissory note promising the bearer of the note the payment of the same amount (in coins, if not in gold) by the Reserve Bank. In the past, however, governments did deny such payment in exchange of the notes and one government even made the holding of gold by the citizen…Read more
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    God and Politics in Secular India
    Journal of the Contemporary Christian. forthcoming.
    The church is separate from the state. Thus, historically, it is seen that even though a government wasn’t secular, God was secular. He didn’t drag religion into politics, but silently did intervene to administer temporal justice and order in the world (i.e. temporal justice in relation to temporal authority). With regard to the church, it doesn’t seem that God is interested in an organized religion at all. Christianity had nothing to do with an external temple. Each Christian is the temple of G…Read more