My Survey Responses

Survey Prompt Response
A priori knowledge Accept: yes
Abstract objects Lean towards: Platonism
Aim of philosophy Lean towards: understanding
Analytic-synthetic distinction Accept: yes
Belief or credence Accept: credence
Cosmological fine-tuning Lean towards: brute fact
Epistemic justification Lean towards: externalism
Experience machine Accept: no
External world Lean towards: non-skeptical realism
Footbridge Lean towards: don't push
Free will Accept: compatibilism
Gender Lean towards: social
God Accept: atheism
Kant Lean towards: two worlds
Logic Accept: non-classical
Mental content Lean towards: internalism
Meta-ethics Lean towards: moral realism
Mind Lean towards: physicalism
Mind uploading Lean towards: death
Moral judgment Lean towards: cognitivism
Moral motivation Lean towards: internalism
Moral principles Accept: moral generalism
Morality Lean towards: naturalist realism
Newcomb's problem Accept: two boxes
Normative ethics Lean towards: consequentialism
Philosophical methods Accept a combination of answers:
  • Accept conceptual analysis
  • Accept conceptual engineering
  • Accept formal philosophy
  • Accept empirical philosophy
  • Accept intuition-based philosophy
  • Accept linguistic philosophy
  • Lean against experimental philosophy
Philosophical progress Accept: a lot
Plato Accept: knowledge only of forms
Political philosophy Lean towards: egalitarianism
Proper names Lean towards: Millian
Race Lean towards: social
Science Accept: scientific realism
Spacetime Lean towards: substantivalism
Teletransporter Accept: death
Time Lean towards: A-theory
Trolley problem Agnostic/undecided
True contradictions Lean towards: possible but non-actual
Truth Lean towards: epistemic
Vagueness Accept: semantic
Well-being Lean towards: objective list