• Aesthetics of behaviour
    In Lisa Giombini & Adrián Kvokacka (eds.), Applying aesthetics to everyday life: methodologies, history and new directions, Bloomsbury Academic. 2023.
  • Vedere l'invisibile. Nicea e lo statuto dell'immagine, Luigi Russo ; Publisher - Aesthetica; ISBN - 9788877260406Nicea e la civiltà dell'immagine: seminario di studio, Palermo, 10 e 11 ottobre 1997; Publisher - Centro Internazionale Studi di Estetica
  • Orfeo Boselli E la "Nobiltáa" Della Scultura
    with Orfeo Boselli
    Centro Internazionale Studi di Estetica. 2002.
  • Interventi su Leon Battista Alberti
    Studi di Estetica 22 325-329. 2000.
  • Leon Battista Alberti e l’estetica
    Studi di Estetica 18 173-186. 1998.
  • Il non so che. Storia di una idea estetica (review)
    Studi di Estetica 17 289-293. 1998.
  •  23
    Decorum. An Ancient Idea for Everyday Aesthetics?
    Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 10 (2): 25-38. 2021.
    Everyday Aesthetics was born in the 21 st Century as a sub-discipline of Anglo-American Aesthetics and it has spread in the international debate. However, the contribute of historical perspective has not properly explored yet. Is it possible to trace the history of everyday aesthetics before the official birth of this discipline? I will try and give an affirmative answer by focusing on an exemplary category: that of the decorum. Using the history of ideas, I will analyse the Greek concept of pre…Read more
  • Devant l'image (review)
    Studi di Estetica 18 223-224. 1998.
  •  9
    Decorum. An Ancient Idea for Everyday Aesthetics?
    Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 11 (1): 25-38. 2021.
    Everyday Aesthetics was born in the 21 st Century as a sub-discipline of Anglo-American Aesthetics and it has spread in the international debate. However, the contribute of historical perspective has not properly explored yet. Is it possible to trace the history of everyday aesthetics before the official birth of this discipline? I will try and give an affirmative answer by focusing on an exemplary category: that of the decorum. Using the history of ideas, I will analyse the Greek concept of pre…Read more
  • Estetica e filosofia dell'arte (review)
    Studi di Estetica 20 251-252. 1999.
  • Bachtin e la satira menippea
    Studi di Estetica 11 151-172. 1995.
  •  31
    Estetica e oggetti quotidiani ?
    Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 7 (1): 119-128. 2014.
    According to Hegel and to the romantic theory, Aesthetics is a philosophy of art. However, nowadays we can experience the beauty not only with art, but also with every product . So we can query if the realm of aesthetics should hold also everyday products and how this could transform the traditional aesthetic categories.This essay aim to answer these questions. It aim furthermore to sketch the product’s theoretical foundations referring to national and international debate which have dealt with …Read more