•  14
    Zusammenfassung Die im Dezember 2022 in Kraft getretene Erweiterung des Infektionsschutzgesetzes sieht vor, im Fall einer Pandemie knappe intensivmedizinische Ressourcen nach dem Kriterium der Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit zu priorisieren. Der Aufsatz geht der Frage nach, ob der Vorwurf, diese Regelung setze Menschen mit Behinderung einer erheblichen Diskriminierungsgefahr aus, berechtigt ist. Nach einer kurzen Darstellung des im Infektionsschutzgesetz festgelegten Zuteilungsverfahrens wird zunäc…Read more
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    Zeit, eine normative Ressource? (edited book)
    with Johannes Müller-Salo, Reinold Schmücker, and Dieter Birnbacher
    Vittorio Klostermann. 2018.
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    Recht als Sonderfall einer Normordnung
    In Eric Hilgendorf & Jan C. Joerden (eds.), Handbuch Rechtsphilosophie, J.b. Metzler. pp. 3-8. 2021.
    Das Recht verkörpert ein zentrales Prinzip der gesellschaftlichen Organisation, das historisch schon früh in Erscheinung trat und sich weltweit durchgesetzt hat. Obwohl das Recht die Lebenswirklichkeit der Individuen stark prägt, erscheint klärungsbedürftig, worin seine konstitutiven Merkmale bestehen. Eine wichtige Aufgabe der Rechtsphilosophie besteht darin zu untersuchen, was Recht ist und wie es sich von anderen Regelungssystemen unterscheidet.
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    Critical Reflection and the Limits of Parental Authority
    Journal of Applied Philosophy 39 (4): 562-580. 2021.
    Journal of Applied Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Kommunale Online-Partizipation – Wer ist gefragt?
    with Jonathan Seim
    Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 8 (1). 2021.
    Zusammenfassung: Das Internet bietet die Möglichkeit, eine beliebig große Anzahl von Personen durch unterschiedliche Formen der Deliberation und Beschlussfassung politisch einzubinden. Insbesondere im kommunalen Kontext wird die Online-Partizipation – etwa im Rahmen städtischer Bürgerhaushalte – bereits vielfach als Mittel erprobt, um die soziale Akzeptanz und Legitimität politischer Entscheidungen zu erhöhen. Die Legitimität demokratischer Verfahren hängt neben anderen Faktoren maßgeblich von d…Read more
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    Die Möglichkeit, aus einer Gemeinschaft auszutreten und sich einer anderen Gemeinschaft anzuschließen oder außerhalb jeglicher Gemeinschaft zu bleiben, stellt ein zentrales Freiheitsrecht dar. Moderne Staaten begegnen bei der Gewährung individueller Austrittsoptionen jedoch gravierenden Problemen, die sich im Wesentlichen auf ihre territoriale Verfasstheit zurückführen lassen. Im Blickpunkt des Aufsatzes steht das Konzept der Panarchie, das der belgische Ökonom Paul-Emile de Puydt Mitte des 19. …Read more
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    Separatism has become an important issue in international politics, as events like the fall of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia have demonstrated. This book investigates whether the secession of democratic states can be justified. Beginning with a critical analysis of current philosophical and people’s rights debates, the author develops his own legitimation theory. Drawing on the fundamental values of modern democracies, the author argues that a right of secession should be recognized.
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    Liberalism, Neutrality, and the Child's Right to an Open Future
    Journal of Social Philosophy 51 (1): 104-128. 2020.
    The child’s right to an open future aims at protecting the autonomy of the mature person into which a child will normally develop. The justification of state interventions into parental decisions which unduly restrict the options of the prospective adult has to address the problem that the value of autonomy is highly contested in modern pluralist societies. The article argues that the modern majority culture provides young adults with many more options than traditionalist religious communities. …Read more
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    Territory Lost – Climate Change and the Violation of Self-determination Rights
    with Wündisch Joachim
    Moral Philosophy and Politics. forthcoming.
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    Moral Expertise and Democratic Legitimacy
    Analyse & Kritik 34 (2): 275-284. 2012.
    In modern democracies, moral experts play an increasingly important role in law-making. Apart from the question of which competences characterize moral experts, their influence on the legitimacy of democratic procedures must be discussed. On the one hand, the contribution of moral experts promises to improve the quality of decision making. On the other hand, however, moral experts cannot claim to represent the will of the people. In this essay, at first a concept of the moral expert will be sket…Read more
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    Territory Lost - Climate Change and the Violation of Self-Determination Rights
    with Joachim Wündisch
    Moral Philosophy and Politics 2 (1): 83-105. 2015.
    Inhabitants of low-lying islands flooded due to anthropogenic climate change will lose their territory and thereby their ability to exercise their right to political self-determination. This paper addresses the normative questions which arise when climate change threatens territorial rights. It explores whether the loss of statehood supports a claim to territorial compensation, and if so, how it can be satisfied. The paper concludes that such claims are well founded and that they should be met b…Read more
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    Wunschkind mit Behinderung – Rechtsethische Überlegungen zur gezielten Vererbung genetischer Defekte
    Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 99 (3): 381-399. 2013.
    By the example of deafness the article examines the ethical problems that arise when preimplantation genetic diagnosis is used for the intentional heredity of genetic defects. In the first two sections the relevant rules of the German Embryo Protection Law and the motives of deaf couples to desire a handicapped child are explained. Subsequently, it is asked whether the positive selection of genetic defects can harm or otherwise wrong the future child. Moreover, a possible duty of prospective par…Read more
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    Theorists who support the legalisation of active euthanasia usually base their arguments on the principle of autonomy. In their view the wish of a severely ill person not to continue his or her life must be respected. However, some opponents of the legalisation of active euthanasia refer to the principle of autonomy as well. They are concerned that patients may be held responsible for burdening others with the provision of care. Thus family members, physicians or nurses may exert pressure on pat…Read more
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    Secession of the rich: A qualified defence
    Politics, Philosophy and Economics 13 (1): 62-81. 2014.
    The secession of prosperous regions may negatively affect the redistributive scheme of an established state. As a consequence, the capacity of its welfare system to support the inhabitants of poorer regions may be significantly reduced. Some authors assert that affluent groups who opt for full political independence violate duties of solidarity. This objection to the secession of prosperous regions can be based on different views of distributive justice. Here, following a distinction that has be…Read more
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    Causal responsibility and rationing in medicine
    Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 5 (1): 113-131. 2002.
    The article addresses the issue of rationing health care services, a topic currently being hotly debated in many countries. The author argues that the aspect of causal responsibility ought to play a decisive role in the allocation of limited medical resources. Starting out from Ronald Dworkin's distinction between option luck and brute luck, the appropriate and meaningful uses of the term causal responsibility are clarified first. A discussion of the conditions which might justify giving lower p…Read more
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    Zur Legitimation territorialer Ansprüche
    Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 54 (4): 577-596. 2006.
    Der Aufsatz beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, auf welcher Grundlage sich territoriale Ansprüche, die von Staaten erhoben werden, rechtfertigen lassen. Zunächst werden vier Legitimationstheorien, die in der aktuellen Diskussion häufig vertreten werden, untersucht und aus verschiedenen Gründen zurückgewiesen. Als Basis der Rechtfertigung scheiden damit individuelle Eigentumsrechte, der Verlauf der Geschichte, die Gerechtigkeit der staatlichen Herrschaft sowie die Selbstbestimmung nationaler Gemeinsc…Read more
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    Haben wir eine Fairnesspflicht zum Rechtsgehorsam?
    Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 19. 2011.
    Eingangs wird die Pflicht zum Rechtsgehorsam näher bestimmt und die Anforde-rungen, denen ihre theoretische Begründung zu entsprechen hat, dargelegt. Anschließend wird das Fairnessprinzip ausgehend von den Formulierungen, die sich in den Arbeiten von Hart und Rawls finden, erläutert. Im nächsten Schritt wird dann seine Anwendung auf die staatliche Gemeinschaft als Grundlage einer individuellen Pflicht zum Gesetzesgehorsam betrachtet. Darauf aufbauend wird die einflussreiche Kritik, die Robert No…Read more
  • State Recognition between Justice and Efficiency
    Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 21 187-203. 2013.
    Traditionally, state recognition in international law has been based on descriptive criteria stipulated by the Montevideo Convention. However, in the last decades the international community’s response to newly created political units has increasingly been oriented at legitimacy standards. As a consequence, several entities showing the basic characteristics of a state, such as North-Cyprus or Transnistria, failed to gain recognition. In the philosophical debate, most prominently Allen Buchanan h…Read more
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    Die moralische Bedeutung politischer Grenzen
    Analyse & Kritik 25 (2): 248-258. 2003.
    In his recent book One World one of Peter Singer's main concerns is the preferential treatment of compatriots. Two aspects of Singer's theoretical reflections on this issue are critically discussed: the use of an impartiality test as basis for the justification of special duties and the resulting condemnation of partial preferences for compatriots. Subsequently, an alternative way to justify special duties is outlined and applied to the case of fellow citizens. It is argued, that partiality to c…Read more
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    The status of Kosovo – reflections on the legitimacy of secession
    Ethics and Global Politics 3 (2): 123-142. 2010.
    On 17 February 2008, the province of Kosovo formally declared its independence from Serbia. The most important normative theories of secession*choice theories and just cause theories* appear to justify the creation of a second Albanian state on the Balkans. Kosovo’s independence reflects the will of the vast majority of its inhabitants and can be seen as a remedy for grave human rights violations in the era of Slobodan Milos?evic´. Two problems, however, need to be thoroughly discussed. Firstly,…Read more
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    Liberalismus, Nationalismus und das Recht auf Selbstbestimmung
    Analyse & Kritik 27 (2): 239-258. 2005.
    In recent years theorists, such as Yael Tamir and David Miller, have proposed a liberal form of nationalism thereby combining two seemingly incompatible traditions of thought. Perhaps the most controversial element of their theories is the claim that national communities should be accorded with a right to political self-determination. In the article it is explained, firstly, why membership in a nation is seen as important for the individual’s well-being and, secondly, why statehood is deemed nec…Read more
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    In this chapter I will survey the philosophical discussion on the justification of territorial rights which has developed during the last two decades. By a territorial right I will understand a moral entitlement to exert jurisdictional power, i.e. to enact and to enforce laws, within a certain area. The theories of territorial rights which are currently debated in political philosophy can be broadly classified into four groups. In the following I will examine various forms of property theories,…Read more
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    Territorial Rights and Demographic Change
    International Theory 6 174-190. 2014.
    While the number of people is increasing rapidly on a global scale, the popula-tions of some countries, e.g. Germany or Japan, are predicted to shrink significantly. The article raises the question whether these demographic developments have any bearing on the justification of territorial rights. More specifically, it is asked whether drastically growing populations may demand declining populations to cede parts of their territo-ries. It is argued that a prima facie claim to the reallocation of …Read more
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    This article examines the neoaristotelian theories of Martha Nussbaum and Douglas Rasmussen/douglas Den Uyl. Both sides give a similar account of good human living, which emphasizes the significance of individual autonomy. But they disagree sharply on the political institutions necessary to promote human flourishing; Nussbaum formulates a,social democratic' position; Rasmussen/den Uyl hold a,liberal‘ standpoint. The article explores both lines of reasoning. It is shown that neither Nussbaum nor …Read more