Marquette University
Department of Philosophy
PhD, 1995
Conway, Arkansas, United States of America
Areas of Specialization
17th/18th Century Philosophy
  •  6
    L'autorité d'un canon philosophique. Le cas Descartes by Delphine Antoine-Mahut (review)
    Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (2): 322-323. 2024.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:L'autorité d'un canon philosophique. Le cas Descartes by Delphine Antoine-MahutFred AblondiDelphine Antoine-Mahut. L'autorité d'un canon philosophique. Le cas Descartes. Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 2021. Pp. 356. Paperback, €13.00.Henri Gouhier once asked, "Après le mort de Descartes, qu'est-ce que le cartésianisme?" to which he replied, "C'est la philosophie de Descartes vue par ses disciples" (La vocation de…Read more
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    Millar on Slavery
    Journal of Scottish Philosophy 7 (2): 163-175. 2009.
    John Millar's The Origin of the Distinction of Ranks is best known for its first chapter in which Adam Smith's favorite student traces the social status of women as it changed at various historical stages. Millar's concern is strictly with description and explanation. In the less discussed final chapter he examines the authority of a master over his servants. His treatment of slavery differs from the account of the rank of women in several notable ways, most significantly, perhaps, by including …Read more
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    On Splitting the Atom
    History of Philosophy Quarterly 40 (3): 222-236. 2023.
    Among the French Cartesians of the second half of the seventeenth century, Géraud de Cordemoy stands out as the most radical. He was one of the first to argue that Cartesian metaphysics imply occasionalism, and he was alone in arguing that those same metaphysical commitments lead to atomism. This paper addresses the second of these positions. Following a discussion of what is taken to be the strongest version of his argument for atomism, consideration will turn to an objection against Cordemoy, …Read more
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    A message from the stars -- A dispute over buoyancy -- Inertia, Empiricism, and spots on the sun -- Science and religion -- Troubles in Rome: 1615-1616 -- Mathematics and the book of nature -- Showdown -- Matter and motion.
  • He has created a schism in philosophy" : the Cartesianism of Géraud de Cordemoy
    In Steven Nadler, Tad M. Schmaltz & Delphine Antoine-Mahut (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Descartes and Cartesianism, Oxford University Press. 2019.
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    This volume consists of papers originally presented at the international conference "Occasionalism: History and Problems," held in Venice in 2015; it contains twelve chapters, nine of which are in English, three in French. In their introduction, the editors describe occasionalism as a theory that was viewed by Medieval Christian philosophers as a "dangerous and treacherous" threat, only later to be "proudly asserted" in the post-Descartes era. This raises the question of to what degree this tran…Read more
  •  10
    Perception and Reality: A History from Descartes to Kant (review)
    Review of Metaphysics 50 (4): 928-930. 1997.
    John Yolton describes this collection of nine essays as "a kind of a sequel" to his 1984 book Perceptual Acquaintance from Descartes to Reid. Four of the chapters have previously appeared in print, and most can stand on their own, presuming little or no familiarity with previous chapters. Indeed, the title is somewhat misleading, for the material is not presented in chronological fashion, and there is little attention given to Leibniz and none to Spinoza--not what one would expect to find in a h…Read more
  •  21
    Bernard Lamy, Empiricism, and Cartesianism
    History of European Ideas 44 (2): 149-158. 2018.
    ABSTRACTBernard Lamy is frequently included among the Cartesian Empiricists of the second half of the seventeenth century. He has also been described as an Augustinian who dabbled in Cartesianism. While acknowledging that there are both empiricist and Augustinian elements in his thought, I argue that it ought not be forgotten that there are central components of his philosophy that are both anti-empiricist and in opposition to Augustine. My aim in this paper, though, is not critical; I hope to s…Read more
  •  84
    Descartes’s First Meditation employs a series of arguments designed to generate the worry that the senses might not provide sufficient evidence to justify one’staking as certain one’s beliefs about the way the world is. As the meditator considers what principle describes the conditions under which it is possible to attain certain knowledge, one after another doubt-generating device is ushered in, until at last he finds himself like someone caught in a whirlpool, able neither to stand firm nor to…Read more
  •  4
    Malebranche and the Cartesian Problem of the Unconscious
    Dissertation, Marquette University. 1995.
    Nicolas Malebranche is often thought of as an ardent disciple of Cartesianism. Yet he parts ways with Descartes on a number of important points, one of the most important of which concerns the question of whether mind is able to affect body. It is clear from his letters to Elisabeth that Descartes believed that minds have it within their power to move bodies; Malebranche, on the other hand, denies this, not because mind and body are separate substances--the most frequent criticism of Descartes' …Read more
  • Review (review)
    Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 10 369-370. 1995.
  •  19
    Individual identity in Descartes and Spinoza
    Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 10 69-92. 1994.
  • Kelly and McDowell on perceptual content
    Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy 7. 2002.
    [0] In a recent issue of _EJAP_, Sean Kelly [1998] defended the position that perceptual content is non-conceptual. More specifically, he claimed that John McDowell's view that concepts involved in perception can be understood as expressible through the use of demonstratives is ultimately untenable. In what follows, I want to look more closely at Kelly's position, as well as suggest possible responses one could make on McDowell's behalf
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    Newtonian vs. Newtonian: Baxter and MacLaurin on the Inactivity of Matter
    Journal of Scottish Philosophy 11 (1): 15-23. 2013.
    In my essay I look at the specifics of the dispute between the Scottish metaphysician Andrew Baxter and the mathematician Colin MacLaurin in an attempt to identify the source or sources of their contradictory, yet in both cases Newtonian, positions regarding occasionalism. After some general introductory remarks about each thinker, I examine the metaphysical implications that Baxter sees as following from Newton's concept of vis inertiæ. Following this, I look at MacLaurin's commitment to the ro…Read more
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    Epistemic vagueness?
    Think 8 (22): 47-50. 2009.
    The barn/barn façade thought experiment is familiar to most epistemologists. It is intended to present a counterexample to certain causal theories of knowledge; in it, a father driving through the countryside with his son says, ‘That's a barn’ while pointing to a barn. Unbeknownst to the father, however, a film crew is working in the area, and it has constructed several barn façades. While the father did correctly point to a barn when he made his assertion, he could have just as easily pointed t…Read more
  •  184
    Descartes’s First Meditation employs a series of arguments designed to generate the worry that the senses might not provide sufficient evidence to justify one’staking as certain one’s beliefs about the way the world is. As the meditator considers what principle describes the conditions under which it is possible to attain certain knowledge, one after another doubt-generating device is ushered in, until at last he finds himself like someone caught in a whirlpool, able neither to stand firm nor to…Read more
  •  33
    Malebranche and Knowledge of the Soul
    American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 73 (4): 571-581. 1999.
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    Heretics Everywhere
    Philosophy and Theology 22 (1-2): 49-76. 2010.
    By carefully considering Galileo’s letters to Castelli and Christina, we argue that his position regarding the relationship between Scripture and science is not only of historical importance, but continues to stand as a perspective worth taking seriously in the context of contemporary philosophical debates. In particular, we contend that there are at least five areas of contemporary concern where Galileo’s arguments are especially relevant: (1) the supposed conflict between science and religion,…Read more
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    Berkeley, Archetypes, and Errors
    Southern Journal of Philosophy 43 (4): 493-504. 2005.
  •  13
    Overview: Vagueness
    Philosophy Now 25 20-21. 1999.
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    James Beattie, Practical Ethics, and the Human Nature Question
    Journal of Scottish Philosophy 10 (1): 1-12. 2012.
    This article begins by examining James Beattie's conception of speculative ethics, which he regards as the study of the foundation and nature of virtue. This leads to a discussion of the moral sense, or conscience, which Beattie claims is part of the nature of every rational being and which is designed to lead us to a virtuous life. Given this, I ask why Beattie thought himself warranted, or even needed, to dispense practical ethical advice. Answering this involves looking at Beattie's views on …Read more
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    François lamy, occasionalism, and the mind-body problem
    Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (4). 2008.
    There is a long-standing view that Malebranche and his fellow occasionalists accepted occasionalism to solve the problem of interaction between immaterial souls and extended bodies. Recently, however, scholars have shown this story to be a myth. Malebranche, Geulincx, La Forge, and Cordemoy adopted occasionalism for a variety of reasons, but none did so because of a need to provide a solution to a perceived mind-body problem. Yet there is one Cartesian for whom the “traditional” reading is large…Read more
  •  43
    Yolton, John W. Perception and Reality: A History from Descartes to Kant (review)
    Review of Metaphysics 50 (4): 928-929. 1997.
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    Hutcheson, Perception, and the Sceptic's Challenge
    British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (2): 269-281. 2012.
    Francis Hutcheson's theory of perception, as put forth in his Synopsis of Metaphysics, bears a striking similarity to that of John Locke. In particular, Hutcheson and Locke both have at the centre of their theories the notion of ideas as representational entities acting as the direct objects of all of our perceptions. On first consideration, one might find this similarity wholly unremarkable, given the popularity of Locke's Essay. But the Essay was published in 1689 and the Synopsis in 1742, and…Read more
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    Causality and Human Freedom in Malebranche
    Philosophy and Theology 9 (3-4): 321-331. 1996.
    In that it holds God to be the only true efficient cause, Malebranche’s occasionalism would seem to deny human freedom and to make God responsible for our sins. I argue that Malebranche’s occasionalism must be considered within its Cartesian framework; once one understands what it is to be an occasional cause in this context, Malebranche can be seen as saving a place for human freedom, and he can consistently hold that we are morally responsible for our actions.
  •  96
    If a statue and lump of clay have the same life-histories, are they numerically identical?