Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, United States of America
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    Acute stress improves analogical reasoning: examining the roles of stress hormones and long-term memory
    with Amy M. Smith, Gregory I. Hughes, Richard S. Feinn, and Tad T. BrunyƩ
    Thinking and Reasoning 27 (2): 294-318. 2020.
    Analogical reasoning relies on subprocesses of long-term memory and problem-solving. Stress, with its accompanying hormones dehydroepiandrosterone and cortisol, has been shown to impair memo...
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    When Anger Motivates: Approach States Selectively Influence Running Performance
    with Grace E. Giles, Carlene A. Horner, Eric Anderson, and Tad T. BrunyƩ
    Frontiers in Psychology 11 555302. 2020.
    Emotional states are thought to influence athletic performance. Emotions characterized by high arousal enhance exercise performance. Extant research has focused on the valence and arousal dimensions of emotions, but not whether the motivational dimension (the extent to which the emotion engenders approach or avoidance behaviors) influences exercise performance. Two studies aimed to determine whether films and music chosen to induce approach- (i.e., anger), avoidance- (i.e., fear), and neutral-or…Read more