•  13
    This article contains a discussion and edition of two questions on the eternity of the world in Galfridus de Aspall’s Questiones super De celo et mundo (book I), viz. his question of whether the world is generable and perishable speaking about proper generation (i.e., generation from pre-existent matter) (q. 99) and his question of whether it was Aristotle’s intention to argue that the world began in some way (q. 100). These questions are preserved in the mss. Cambridge, Peterhouse 157, ff. 17va…Read more
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    This article gives a survey of the use of the "Auctoritates Aristotelis" in the "Quaestiones super librum De caelo et mundo" of Peter of Auvergne.
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    My contribution focuses on three different stages in the reception of the translatio vetus of Aristotle’s De sensu: the translatio vetus itself, various commentaries on the translatio vetus attributed to Adam of Buckfield, and the so-called “Oxford gloss” on De sensu, a corpus of marginal and interlineary glosses that is present in many of the manuscripts containing the translatio vetus. First, I give some general information on the translatio vetus of De sensu, on the commentaries attributed to…Read more
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    This text contains an interview with Andrea Aldo Robiglio, who became professor op medieval and renaissance philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy in 2010.
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    Edition and Discussion of the Oxford Gloss on De sensu 1
    Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 75 197-281. 2008.
    About fourteen manuscripts of the translatio vetus of Aristotle’s De sensu contain a corpus of marginal and interlinear scholarly glosses on this work. These notes most probably originated in the Oxford schools around the middle of the 13th century. This contribution contains an edition and discussion of the « Oxford gloss » on De sensu 1, for which recensio 1 of Adam of Buckfield’s commentary on De sensu is the main source.
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    The Relation Between the Condemnations of 1277 and Peter of Auvergne's Questions on De caelo
    Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 91 (2): 223-238. 2015.
    In this contribution I investigate the relation between Peter of Auvergne’s questions on Aristotle’s cosmological work De caelo and the condemnations of 1277. First I give a short survey of Peter’s life and work and of two sets of quaestiones on De caelo that are ascribed to him: the CEK-questions and the WP-questions. Then I briefly discuss the condemnations of 1277 and their relation to De caelo. Finally, I discuss in detail the shifts in doctrine between the CEK- and the WP-questions. I argue…Read more
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    This contribution contains an edition and discussion of four of Peter of Auvergne’s questions on Metaphysica XII, which deal with the first mover, its relation to the primum mobile and, indirectly, with the proper movers of the celestial orbs. First I present some information on Peter’s questions on the Metaphysica and on the manuscripts I have used for the edition of book XII, questions 8-11. Secondly, I briefly discuss Aristotle’s Metaphysica XII, 6-8, the interpretations of this text by Avice…Read more
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    Sporen van en naar filosofie en filosoferen in het Vlaamse secundair onderwijs
    Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 110 (1): 113-137. 2018.
    Traces of and tracks towards philosophy and philosophizing in Flemish secondary education At present philosophy has only a minor place in the Flemish secondary education curriculum. In the first part of the article, I defend the view that philosophy deserves a place as an autonomous subject in the final two years of secondary school. I sketch the content of such a philosophy course and I propose a didactical model for this course. The second part of the article discusses social tendencies that e…Read more
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    During more than a century scholars have argued that the translatio vetus of De sensu can be dated to the first decade of the 13th century or to the 12th century. My investigation of the manuscripts which contain the translatio vetus of De sensu and my survey of the earliest references to De sensu in the Latin West reveals that there is no evidence that this translation was made during the 12th century. The absence of De sensu in 12th century manuscripts and the absence of references to De sensu…Read more
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    Peter of Auvergne on the Unicity of the World
    Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 68 (1): 111-141. 2001.
    In his Quaestiones supra librum De Caelo et Mundo which are preserved in the manuscripts Vienna, Dominikanerkonvent 150/120, fols. 47ra-68va and Paris, Bibliothèque Mazarine 3493, fols. 95ra-136rb, Peter of Auvergne deals with the question of whether there is one world or whether there can be many worlds 24). Peter raises this question because Aristotle refutes the existence and possibility of a plurality of worlds in De Caelo I, 8-9. I shall first discuss the three sets of questions on De Caelo…Read more
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    During more than a century scholars have argued that the translatio vetus of De sensu can be dated to the first decade of the 13th century or to the 12th century. My investigation of the manuscripts which contain the translatio vetus of De sensu and my survey of the earliest references to De sensu in the Latin West reveals that there is no evidence that this translation was made during the 12th century. The absence of De sensu in 12th century manuscripts and the absence of references to De sensu…Read more
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    Paragraph Three Ferrandus Hispanus on Ideas
    with Guy Guldentops
    In Carlos G. Steel, Gerd van Riel, Caroline Macé & Leen van Campe (eds.), Platonic ideas and concept formation in ancient and medieval thought, Leuven University Press. pp. 32--51. 2004.
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    A Comprehensive Bibliography On Peter Of Auvergne
    Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 42 53-79. 2000.
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    Dante in zijn filosofische context
    Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 75 (2): 281-282. 2013.
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    Scholastic Explanations of Why Local Motion Generates Heat
    Early Science and Medicine 8 (4): 336-370. 2003.
    Several medieval commentators on De caelo II, 7 investigate the question of whether local motion causes heat. I analyse the theories of Averroes, Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas, Peter of Auvergne, John of Jandun, John Buridan and Nicole Oresme and two anonymous theories. Although all of these authors agree that local motion generates heat, each of them presents his own explanation of the heating effect of motion. Averroes, Thomas Aquinas, John of Jandun and John Buridan argue that motion is th…Read more