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    Virtue Ethics Between East and West in Consumer Research: Review, Synthesis and Directions for Future Research
    with Nils Christian Hoffmann, Ludger Heidbrink, and Stefan Hoffmann
    Journal of Business Ethics 165 (2): 255-275. 2020.
    This literature review systematically synthesizes studies that link consumer research to differences and similarities in virtue ethics between the East and the West, with a focus on early Chinese and ancient Greek virtue ethics. These two major traditions provide principles that guide consumer behavior and thus serve as a background to comparatively explain and evaluate the ethical nature of consumer behavior in the East and the West. The paper first covers Eastern and Western theoretical and no…Read more
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    Global standards and the philosophy of consumption: Toward a consumer‐driven governance of global value chains
    with Ludger Heidbrink, Johannes Brinkmann, and Stephen Arthur LeMay
    Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 34 (1): 280-294. 2024.
    This study delves into the significant ethical criteria in the context of global standards. It addresses the moral wrongdoings and adverse side effects associated with global value chains as discussed in the business ethics literature. The methodology involves theoretical application and synthesis. The study employs ethical principles from deontology, consequentialism, and political cosmopolitanism to establish normative criteria such as “injustice and harm to others” and “bad outcomes.” It furt…Read more
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    Eine der frühesten Schriften des jungen Karl Marx — die Dissertationsschrift „Differenz der demokritischen und epikureischen Naturphilosophie“ — legt wichtige Fundamente für das gesamte Marx’sche Denken. In der Dissertationsschrift versucht Marx anhand des Vergleichs der antiken Naturphilosophien Demokrits und Epikurs grundlegende Erkenntnisse der theoretischen und praktischen Philosophie in einem komplexen, von Hegel inspirierten ontologischen System zu verbinden. Aus dieser kritischen Synthese…Read more
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    The Moral Supply Chain, Phronêsis, and Management Education
    with Stephen A. LeMay
    Teaching Ethics 19 (2): 255-276. 2019.
    In recent years there has been an increased interest in the research dedicated to the ethics and morality of supply chains. The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) dominates the literature on supply chain ethics in management education. The objective of this paper is to develop some propositions to complement and look more broadly and differently at these management concepts. Supplementing these concepts with the fundamental questions on the meaning of ‘what a moral supply chai…Read more