•  48
    The Perils of Joyful Reading: A Self-Critique
    Philosophy, Politics and Critique 1 (1): 116-119. 2024.
  •  144
    This essay examines how two seventeenth-century feminists use the language of slavery and servitude to describe and protest the domination of women and girls. From their experiences of being forcibly confined to convents at a young age, Arcangela Tarabotti and Gabrielle Suchon demonstrate how the deprivation of knowledge, the restriction and destruction of social and kinship relations, and the impediments to the exercise their free wills impose upon them forms of slavery. The language of “slaver…Read more
  •  155
    Spinoza on the Fear of Solitude
    Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 137-162. 2022.
    Spinoza is widely understood to criticize the role that fear plays in political life. Yet, in the Political Treatise, he maintains that everyone desires civil order due to a basic and universal fear of solitude. This chapter argues that Spinoza represents the fear of solitude as both a civilizing passion and as an affect that needs to be amplified and encouraged. The turbulence of social and political life makes solitude attractive, but isolation undermines the conditions of human power. Althoug…Read more
  •  123
    Spinoza's Religion: A New Reading of the Ethics by Clare Carlisle (review) (review)
    Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (4): 710-711. 2023.
    (Selection) Despite its contemplative, earnest, and, at times, disarmingly conversational tone, Spinoza's Religion is a rather provocative book. The epithets thrown at Spinoza throughout the early modern period—referring to the Theological-Political Treatise as that most "pestilential book," "forged in hell" by a godless rebel and atheist—are today badges of pride. Spinoza is celebrated among scholars and in popular culture for his uncompromising iconoclasm. He is admired for his refusal, follow…Read more
  •  126
    Spinoza and Feminism
    In Yitzhak Y. Melamed (ed.), A Companion to Spinoza, Wiley. 2021.
    Spinoza was generally silent on the topic of women. Despite Spinoza's sometimes noxious remarks on women, several feminist theorists have found resources and inspiration in his philosophy. The promising features feminist theorists have thus far identified in Spinoza's philosophy can be placed into three major categories: anti‐individualism; the conatus doctrine; anti‐dualism. Spinoza's philosophy might be understood as a unique and comprehensive form of structural analysis. Feminists are also ke…Read more
  •  120
    Endangered Life
    In Hasana Sharp & Chloë Taylor (eds.), Feminist Philosophies of Life, Mcgill-queen's University Press. pp. 272-282. 2016.
    (Selection) In her provocative introduction to the interdisciplinary collection Extinction, Claire Colebrook diagnoses posthumanism as “delusional,” “symptomatic,” and “psychotic.” Now that we live in what geologists informally call the “anthropocene” – a new epoch in which a preponderance of the earth’s systems are irreversibly altered by human activity – she claims that it is dangerous, insane even, to imagine that the traditional, “Cartesian” idea of man as master of nature is invalid. The de…Read more
  •  125
    Ethical Life After Humanism
    In Hasana Sharp & Chloë Taylor (eds.), Feminist Philosophies of Life, Mcgill-queen's University Press. pp. 67-84. 2016.
    In this essay, we aim to ground an alliance between Cynthia Willett’s theory of an ethics of eros and Hasana Sharp’s argument for a politics of renaturalization. Both approaches seek a vocabulary and practices for ethical life, which is not circumscribed by the requirement of rationality and is deeply attentive to relationships. The relations to which an ethics of eros and renaturalization must attend include social relations – the tender ministrations of mothers, lovers, and friends that sustai…Read more
  •  9
    In Hasana Sharp & Chloë Taylor (eds.), Feminist Philosophies of Life, Mcgill-queen's University Press. pp. 3-24. 2016.
  •  18
    Scholars of the seventeenth century, the Enlightenment, and Benedict de Spinoza will profit from the essays collected in The Dutch Legacy. Considered as a whole, the volume makes at least two significant contributions. First, it puts firmly to rest the still prevalent idea that Spinoza was a fundamentally lonely thinker whose ideas were sui generis, sprung from the mind of a solitary genius living in social, political, and spiritual exile. Despite the fact that Spinoza's correspondence testifies…Read more
  •  599
    “Eve’s Perfection: Spinoza on Sexual (In)Equality.”
    Journal of the History of Philosophy 50.4 (2012) 50 (4): 559-580. 2011.
    This paper outlines Spinoza’s two diametrically opposed views on the question of sexual equality. In the Political Treatise, he contends that women are naturally inferior to men, and that they are unable to practice virtue. Yet, he presents an antithetical portrait of Eve in his retelling of the Fall in the Ethics. There, Eve’s nature accords perfectly with Adam’s, and their relationship might have promoted virtue in each of them. Attention to Spinoza’s version of the Fall reveals the profound i…Read more
  •  485
    This paper examines the relationship between violence and the domination of speech in Spinoza’s political thought. Spinoza describes the cost of such violence to the State, to the collective epistemic resources, and to the members of the polity that domination aims to script and silence. Spinoza shows how obedience to a dominating power requires pretense and deception. The pressure to pretend is the linchpin of an account of how oppression severely degrades the conditions for meaningful c…Read more
  •  4335
    Not all Humans, Radical Criticism of the Anthropocene Narrative
    Environmental Philosophy 17 (1): 143-158. 2020.
    Earth scientists have declared that we are living in “the Anthropocene,” but radical critics object to the implicit attribution of responsibility for climate disruption to all of humanity. They are right to object. Yet, in effort to implicate their preferred villains, their revised narratives often paint an overly narrow picture. Sharing the impulse of radical critics to tell a more precise and political story about how we arrived where we are today, this paper wagers that collective action is m…Read more
  •  839
    Generosity is not best understood as an alliance of forces, necessary for mortal beings with limited time and skills. Sociability as generosity exceeds the realm of need and follows directly from our strength of character [fortitudo] because it expresses a positive power to overcome anti-social passions, such as hatred, envy, and the desire for revenge. Spinoza asserts that generous souls resist and overwhelm hostile forces and debilitating affects with wisdom, foresight, and love. The sociabili…Read more
  •  221
    Family Quarrels and Mental Harmony: Spinoza's Oikos-Polis Analogy
    In Yitzhak Y. Melamed & Hasana Sharp (eds.), Spinoza's Political Treatise: A Critical Guide, Cambridge University Press. pp. 93-110. 2017.
    This paper develops the implications of Spinoza’s invocation in chapter 6 of the traditional analogy between the oikos and the polis. Careful attention to this analogy reveals a number of interesting features of Spinoza’s political theory. Spinoza challenges the perception that absolute monarchy offers greater respite from the intolerable anxiety of the state of nature than does democracy. He acknowledges that people associate monarchical rule with peace and stability, but asserts that it can to…Read more
  •  436
    Spinoza and the possibilities for radical climate ethics
    Dialogues in Human Geography 7 (2): 156-60. 2017.
    In this commentary, I respond to the core question of Ruddick’s paper: How does the theoretical dethroning of humanity force us to reinvent ethics? In so doing, I expand on Spinoza’s profound contribution to the radical rethinking of the subject at the level of ontology. Although Ruddick invokes Spinoza, first and foremost, as a potential resource for ethics in light of climate disruption, I conclude that those resources offer only a glimmer of how to live differently. The work of re-imagination…Read more
  •  482
    Feminism and Heterodoxy
    Philosophy Today 63 (3): 795-803. 2019.
    How could a philosopher who insists on the exclusion of women from citizenship and state office by virtue of their insuperable weakness be an inspiration for feminism? The puzzles over Spinoza’s egalitarian credentials pose a problem particularly if one understands feminism primarily or exclusively as a demand for equality with men. When feminism is seen as a subcategory of Enlightenment commitments, one may choose to see Spinoza’s misogyny as superficial and as a betrayal of the radical potenti…Read more
  •  727
    Spinoza’s Commonwealth and the Anthropomorphic Illusion
    Philosophy Today 16 (4): 833-846. 2017.
    Balibar presents Spinoza as a profound critic of " the anthropomorphic illusion. " Spinoza famously derides the tendency of humans to project their own imagined traits and tendencies onto the rest of nature. The anthropomorphic illusion yields a gross overestimation our own agency. I argue in this essay that the flip side of this illusion is our refusal to extend certain properties we reserve exclusively to ourselves. The result is that we disregard the power of social and political institutions…Read more
  •  435
    Spinoza's Political Treatise: A Critical Guide (edited book)
    Cambridge University Press. 2017.
    Spinoza's Political Treatise constitutes the very last stage in the development of his thought, as he left the manuscript incomplete at the time of his death in 1677. On several crucial issues - for example, the new conception of the 'free multitude' - the work goes well beyond his Theological Political Treatise, and arguably presents ideas that were not fully developed even in his Ethics. This volume of newly commissioned essays on the Political Treatise is the first collection in English to be…Read more
  •  31
    Feminist Philosophies of Life (edited book)
    with Chloë Taylor
    Mcgill-Queen's University Press. 2016.
    Much of the history of Western ethical thought has revolved around debates about what constitutes a good life, and claims that a good life is achievable only by certain human beings. In Feminist Philosophies of Life, feminist, new materialist, posthumanist, and ecofeminist philosophers challenge this tendency, approaching the question of life from alternative perspectives. Signalling the importance of distinctively feminist reflections on matters of shared concern, Feminist Philosophies of Life …Read more
  •  1237
    Animal Affects: Spinoza and the Frontiers of the Human
    Journal for Critical Animal Studies 9 (1-2): 48-68. 2011.
    Like any broad narrative about the history of ideas, this one involves a number of simplifications. My hope is that by taking a closer look Spinoza's notorious remarks on animals, we can understand better why it becomes especially urgent in this period as well as our own for philosophers to emphasize a distinction between human and nonhuman animals. In diagnosing the concerns that give rise to the desire to dismiss the independent purposes of animals, we may come to focus on a new aspect of wh…Read more
  •  42
    Spinoza’s Theological-Political Treatise: A Critical Guide (review)
    The Leibniz Review 21 175-183. 2011.
    Despite his importance in philosophical canon, as the editors of the volume under consideration observe, contemporary philosophers without a religious education are not in a great position to examine, for example, Spinoza's analysis of scripture, which comprises a substantial portion of his Theological-Political Treatise. Nevertheless,interest in Spinoza is growing and there is increased willingness to work through questions like "whether the apostles wrote their epistles as apostles and prophet…Read more
  •  447
    “Nemo non videt”: Intuitive Knowledge and the Question of Spinoza's Elitism
    In Smith Justin & Fraenkel Carlos (eds.), The Rationalists, Springer/synthese. pp. 101--122. 2011.
    Although Spinoza’s words about intuition, also called “the third kind of knowledge,” remain among the most difficult to grasp, I argue that he succeeds in providing an account of its distinctive character. Moreover, the special place that intuition holds in Spinoza’s philosophy is grounded not in its epistemological distinctiveness, but in its ethical promise. I will not go as far as one commentator to claim that the epistemological distinction is negligible (Malinowski-Charles 2003),but I do arg…Read more
  •  55
    Editors’ Introduction
    Symposium 11 (2): 229-230. 2007.
    In her beautiful prose poem, Eros the bittersweet, Ann Carson describes the "trajectory of eros" as one that "moves from the lover toward the beloved, then ricochets back to the lover himself and the hole in him unnoticed before. Who is the real subject of love poems? Not the beloved. It is that hole." Carson continues, "Reaching for an object beyond himself, the lover is provoked to notice that self and its limits. For a new vantage point, which we might call self-consciousness, he looks back a…Read more
  •  345
    Violenta imperia nemo continuit diu
    Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 34 (1): 133-148. 2013.
    In what follows, I will substantiate the argument that there are at least two senses in which Spinoza’s principles support revolutionary change. I will begin with a quick survey of his concerns with the problem of insurrection. I will proceed to show that if political programs can be called revolutionary, insofar as freedom is their motivation and justification, and insofar as freedom implies an expansion of the scope of the general interest to the whole political body, Spinoza ought to be calle…Read more
  •  19
    Spinoza and the Specters of Modernity (review)
    Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 15 (2): 231-233. 2011.
  •  32
    Louis Althusser and the Traditions of French Marxism (review) (review)
    Journal of Speculative Philosophy 20 (4): 328-330. 2006.
    Lewis's history of the party produces a conceptual thread that helps one to understand Althusser's philosophy as an intervention into long-standing debates about the nature of knowledge with respect to social relations. His presentation of this history comprises a highly readable and lucid account that aptly summarizes and condenses an intellectual tradition, especially with respect to what might broadly be called its politico-epistemological inquiries. Most generally, he identifies a thread of …Read more
  •  24
    Between Hegel and Spinoza: A Volume of Critical Essays (edited book)
    with Jason E. Smith
    Bloomsbury Studies in Philosophy. 2012.
    Recent work in political philosophy and the history of ideas presents Spinoza and Hegel as the most powerful living alternatives to mainstream Enlightenment thought. Yet, for many philosophers and political theorists today, one must choose between Hegel or Spinoza. As Deleuze's influential interpretation maintains, Hegel exemplifies and promotes the modern "cults of death," while Spinoza embodies an irrepressible "appetite for living." Hegel is the figure of negation, while Spinoza is the thinke…Read more
  •  20
    Spinoza’s Theological-Political Treatise (review)
    The Leibniz Review 21 175-183. 2011.