•  102
    Governing with the wiggle of a Mustache
    Light Millenium (Fall 2005). 2005.
    I. Mustache Truth is like the universe. Most individuals only know parts.
  •  161
    Uzun Görüş
    G Yayinevi. 2017.
    Bu kitabi olusturan yazilar 2007 ile 2017 yillari arasinda Texas eyaletinde yazildi. Degisik ag sayfalarinda yayinlandilar. Kaybolmalarinin onune gecmek icin bir araya getirilmelerinin ve okuyuculara sunulmalarinin uygun olabilecegini dusundum. Iyi okumalar!
  •  1546
    ALPAMYSH: Central Asian Identity under Russian Rule
    Assn for the Advancement Of. 1989.
    Various disciplines and area studies might benefit from this investigation, aside from the obvious Central Asian and Soviet studies. The artificial separation of "areas" and disciplines, that have not existed during the evolution of the subject matter, cannot yield complete understanding. Given the restrictions imposed by the Soviet censorship and bureaucracies who control collections of materials and published works, documentation is not exhaustive. It is anticipated that subsequent research sh…Read more
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    Carrie/European University Institute. 2005.
    1. How do human organizations, as designed by humans, govern polities? Current web-site analyses indicate that the medical-sites register the heaviest use. Humans are concerned with their health in a variety of iterations. If you will, it is the choice of the marketplace. But, humans must tend to the business of life. The humans live in communities, which necessarily choose definitions for their polities. Polities cannot exist without explicitly appointed and generally known socio-legal laws. In…Read more
  •  252
    Bagimsiz Yasam Istegi
    Carrie/European University Institute. 2012.
    Universite’nin gorevi nedir? Su tanim’i yapabiliriz: dusunceleri birlestirip,ilerletmek. Dusunceleri birlestirmek ve ilerletmek neden gereklidir? Bir atilim’a gecmek icin, yer alacak olaylarin onceden ve kapsamli olarakdusunulmesi gerekir. Dusunceler, bir atilimin baslangicidir ve yalniz universite icinde gelismez.Dusunceler bir yonetim'e katilim birimi icinde gelkisebilecegi gibi, arkadastopluluklari icinde de yer alabilir. Ayrica, bir tek kisi'ce de olusturulup birkitap icinde dunya'ya sunula…Read more
  •  1490
    Central Asian Monuments (edited book)
    ISIS Press. 1992.
    The historical and literary Monuments of Central Asia are the repositories of civilization, culture and aesthetic tastes of their creators and their milieu over millennia. Though some existed in manuscript, a large portion survived dozens of centuries as part of the oral tradition. After printing press licenses were wrestled by the Central Asians from the Russian government during the 19th century, many were collected by the Central Asians and others, and published. The Monuments have proved to …Read more
  •  425
    Central Eurasia in the Middle Ages. Studies in Honour of Peter B. Golden, ed. István Zimonyi & Osman Karatay, Harrassowitz Verlag (Wiesbaden, 2016). Almost all institutions talk about ‘vision.’ All proudly display a sentence or two about this ‘vision’ on their premises. In the lobby of a swimming pool construction company it is possible to discover the statement: “Our philosophy is to have children splash happily in each one of our pools.” One wonders if the swimming pool company intends to sup…Read more
  •  360
    Dusuncelerin Kokenleri
    with Hb Paksoy
    European University Institute. 2006.
    Bir sure once, “Tarih’in sona erdigi” ileri surulmus idi. Soguk Savas cercevesinde ele alinan bir dusunce olup, ilgili “carpismanin” sona ermesi ile bundan boyle karsilastirmali tarih yazilmasina gerek kalmadigini, kazananlarin gorusunun tek gecerli gercek oldugunu vurguluyordu. Ya da oyle gosterilmesi isteniyordu. “Turk Tarihi, Toplumlarin Mayasi, Uygarlik (1990)” ve “Kutluk Veren Bilgi Ve 26 Agustos’a Giden Yol (2000)” yazilarimda, Kutluk Veren Bilgi nitelikleri uzerinde gorus belirtmis i…Read more
  •  282
    Humans on Mars and Beyond
    Create Space. 2012.
    The purpose of this collection is not to discuss the technologies required for the round trip. Nor is it to discuss the ‘inevitability’ of human quest to explore. Instead, the focus is on politically ‘what will happen’ when the humans reach Mars.
  •  388
    All of the South Plains archetypes listed above are all drawn from real flesh-and- bones type of individuals. Moreover, all were men of action. The archetypes of the Turkish Oral Narrative generally have a longer historical background, and, as their tales attest, are compelled to take action against real or perceived injustices. In most cases, the Turkish archetypes primarily function as teachers or teaching tools, continually adapting to changing conditions and periods.
  •  233
    Uzaysal Yonetim Beklerken
    Carrie/European University Institute. 2008.
    Ele alinabilecek deyim ne olursa olsun, en once o deyim’in kimliginin goz onune alinmasi gerekir. Bir Deyim’in kimligini belirleyen veriler nelerdir? Deyim’I kullanan kisinin kimligi, ozellikle bu islem icinde en onde gelir. Oyle ise, kisi’nin kimliginin ne gibi etkenler ile olustugunun ele alinmasi kacinilmaz. En once goz onune alinmasi gerekli sorular arasindan ornekler: a) deyim yaratan ya da kullanan kisinin ana dili nedir? b) ne gibi ve derinlikteki egitimden gecmistir? c) bu egitimin sonuc…Read more
  •  430
    In a given polity, interactions between the Governed and the Governing Strata are symbiotic. The Governed desire, and indeed need, infrastructure services organized. If such basic foundations are not provided, the economic activity so deeply cherished by both groups cannot be realized. The Governing Strata cannot function without the Governed. After all, without the Governed, there will not be a polity; hence nothing to govern. Regardless of the politico-economic system in effect, this co-depen…Read more