I specialize in Meta-Ethics, Normative Ethics, and Business Ethics. I have competences in Philosophy of Language, Mind, and Philosophical Psychology. My most prominent interests now are in psychological ethics and ethical constructivism. I'm particularly interested in collaborating with others in projects relating to psychological ethics. I also welcome other collaborations in areas such as business ethics and Buddhist ethics.
I have a vigorous research and publication program that concentrates on analyzing and evaluating Neo-Kantian constructivism and developing a deontological account for how agents ought to prioritize their obligations. …
I specialize in Meta-Ethics, Normative Ethics, and Business Ethics. I have competences in Philosophy of Language, Mind, and Philosophical Psychology. My most prominent interests now are in psychological ethics and ethical constructivism. I'm particularly interested in collaborating with others in projects relating to psychological ethics. I also welcome other collaborations in areas such as business ethics and Buddhist ethics.
I have a vigorous research and publication program that concentrates on analyzing and evaluating Neo-Kantian constructivism and developing a deontological account for how agents ought to prioritize their obligations. In my research (as in my teaching and in my life), I am committed to seeking a better understanding of people, our values, and obligations, and to helping to develop ethical theories and practical ways to meet the challenges that face us in the world.