•  93
    Naturalism and the Intellectual Legitimacy of Philosophy
    Balkan Journal of Philosophy. forthcoming.
    There is a worry about the intellectual legitimacy of philosophy. Although the sciences have a progressive history, with later theories largely building on earlier ones, and a tremendous amount of agreement within the scientific community about the approximate truth of current theory, philosophy is different. We do not see a progressive history of philosophical theorizing, and there is little agreement within the philosophical community about which theories are even roughly correct. This not …Read more
  •  15
    Is Philosophical Knowledge Possible?
    In Christoph Jäger & Winfried Löffler (eds.), Epistemology: Contexts, Values, Disagreement. Papers of the 34th International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, 2011, The Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. pp. 285-304. 2007.
  •  10
    Review of Peter van Inwagen: An Essay on Free Will (review)
    Ethics 94 (4): 711-712. 1984.
  • Philosophy, science, and common sense
    In Jeroen de Ridder, Rik Peels & Rene van Woudenberg (eds.), Scientism: Prospects and Problems, Oxford University Press. 2018.
  •  259
    Where does moral knowledge come from? (review)
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 107 (2): 556-560. 2023.
  •  362
    Epistemic Justification and Reflection (review)
    Analysis 81 (4): 793-803. 2022.
    Smithies presents an account of justification that ties it to an idealized view of reflection. I argue that no such account can work. More than this, I argue that the kind of idealization which Smithies offers loses contact with the very phenomenon of reflection which he intends to illuminate. I also discuss how Smithies's view bears on the internalism/externalism controversy.
  •  281
    As George Boole saw it, the laws of logic are the laws of thought, and by this he meant, not that human thought is actually governed by the laws of logic, but, rather, that it should be. Boole’s view that the laws of logic have normative implications for how we ought to think is anything but an outlier. The idea that violating the laws of logic involves epistemic impropriety has seemed to many to be just obvious. It has seemed especially obvious to those who see propositional justification a…Read more
  •  187
    Against Strawsonian Epistemology
    In Nathan Ballantyne & David Dunning (eds.), Reason, Bias, and Inquiry: The Crossroads of Epistemology and Psychology, Oxford University Press. 2022.
    A number of philosophers have found inspiration for a distinctive approach to a wide range of epistemological issues in P. F. Strawson’s classic essay, “Freedom and Resentment.” These Strawsonian epistemologists, as I call them, argue that the epistemology of testimony, self-knowledge, promising, and resolving is fundamentally different in kind from the epistemology of perception or inference. We should not see properly formed belief on these topics as evidence-based, for such an objective per…Read more
  •  47
    Scientific Epistemology: An Introduction
    Oxford University Press, Usa. 2021.
    "This book provides an introduction to a scientifically informed approach to epistemological questions. Theories of knowledge are often motivated by the need to respond to skepticism. The skeptic presents an argument which seems to show that knowledge is impossible, and a theory of knowledge is called upon to show, contrary to the skeptic, how knowledge is indeed possible. Traditional epistemologies, however, do not draw on the sciences in providing their response to skepticism. The approach tak…Read more
  •  35
    Contemporary Theories of Knowledge
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 49 (1): 167-171. 1988.
  •  8
    Perception, Learning and the Self (review)
    Philosophical Review 94 (3): 408-411. 1985.
  • How to Refer to Artifacts
    In Eric Margolis & Stephen Laurence (eds.), Creations of the Mind: Theories of Artifacts and Their Representaion, Oxford University Press. pp. 138-149. 2007.
  • The Metaphysics of Irreducibility
    with Derek Pereboom
    In John Heil (ed.), Philosophy of Mind: A Guide and Anthology, Oxford University Press. 2003.
  •  31
    Epistemic Agency
    In Miguel Ángel Fernández Vargas (ed.), Performance Epistemology: Foundations and Applications, Oxford University Press Uk. 2016.
    Over the years, the notion of epistemic agency has played a larger and larger role in Ernest Sosa’s epistemology. In his most recent work, epistemic agency plays an absolutely central role in explaining why it is that our beliefs are subject to normative evaluation. This chapter argues that there are problems with the accounts of epistemic agency which Sosa gives at every stage of his work. More than this, there are other resources within Sosa’s epistemology which can do all the work he calls on…Read more
  •  10
    Second Thoughts and the Epistemological Enterprise
    Cambridge University Press. 2019.
    This volume collects ten previously published papers, together with two papers which are new to this volume. At least since Descartes, epistemologists have often worried about total skepticism: their epistemological theorizing is designed to offer a reply to the radical skeptic, showing how knowledge of the physical world is possible. The essays in this volume have a different focus. Skeptical worries are presented, and, in some cases, responded to, but the source of the worries is quite diff…Read more
  • Philosophical Naturalism
    In Herman Cappelen, Tamar Gendler & John Hawthorne (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Methodology, Oxford University Press. 2016.
    This article focuses on naturalistic approaches to philosophical methodology. It begins with an overview of naturalism, its relationship with views about the a priori, and the implications of a philosopher’s commitment to naturalism for proper method in philosophy. It then considers the disagreement among naturalists about the tenability of the a priori/a posteriori distinction with respect to naturalism, before turning to a discussion of the use of science to address philosophical questions. It…Read more
  •  4
    What Philosophy Might Be
    In Knowledge and its place in nature, Oxford University Press. 2002.
    The investigation carried out in this book is an example of a thoroughly empirical philosophical project. It is argued that this naturalistic conception of philosophy is continuous with much of the philosophical work of the past, although it does not leave philosophy entirely as it was. A conception of philosophy as empirical enterprise is presented and defended.
  •  209
    The metaphysics of irreducibility
    Philosophical Studies 63 (August): 125-45. 1991.
    During the 'sixties and 'seventies, Hilary Putnam, Jerry Fodor, and Richard Boyd, among others, developed a type of materialism that eschews reductionist claims.1 In this view, explana- tions, natural kinds, and properties in psychology do not reduce to counterparts in more basic sciences, such as neurophysiology or physics. Nevertheless, all token psychological entities-- states, processes, and faculties--are wholly constituted of physical entities, ultimately out of entities over which microph…Read more
  •  2
    Critics of naturalistic epistemology often argue that any account of knowledge that is descriptive thereby loses its ability to account for epistemic normativity. This chapter presents an account of epistemic normativity that flows from the descriptive account of knowledge as a natural kind presented in Ch. 2. Epistemic norms are argued to be hypothetical imperatives, contingent on having desires of any sort at all. Epistemic norms are thus universal, even if only hypothetical.
  •  2
    In some views, knowledge cannot exist except against the background of certain social practices. Thus, in Davidson's view, there are no beliefs, and thus no knowledge, except in creatures that use and interpret language. In other views, such as Brandom's, belief, and thus knowledge, cannot exist except in creatures that have a social practice of giving and asking for reasons. Finally, there are views in which it is possible to have beliefs without social practices, but it is not possible to have…Read more
  •  3
    Philosophical investigations in general, and epistemological investigations in particular, typically begin with conceptual analysis. It is argued that an analysis of our concept of knowledge is no more relevant to epistemology than an analysis of our concept of gold would be relevant to the proper conduct of chemistry, for knowledge, like gold, is a natural kind. The role of intuition in philosophical theory construction is discussed, and a naturalistic account of the practice of appealing to in…Read more
  •  4
    Cognitive ethologists regularly attribute intentional states, such as belief, to non‐human animals. More than this, they regularly talk about such animals having knowledge. It is argued that this talk of knowledge is not merely a façon de parler: talk of knowledge in these theories does causal and explanatory work. Knowledge, in this view, is reliably produced true belief. It is argued that this is what we have all been talking about all along when we use the term ‘knowledge’.
  •  3
    Some have argued that knowledge, or human knowledge, requires some sort of reflection, usually on the reasonableness of one's beliefs. It is argued that there is no such requirement, either for knowledge in general, or even for human knowledge. Reflection is not always an epistemically good thing; when it is epistemically valuable, what is valuable about it is already explained by a reliability requirement on knowledge. Knowledge does not require reflection of any sort.
  •  14
    The Metaphysical Status of Knowledge
    Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 43 (1): 77-92. 2008.
  •  24
    Knowledge and Its Place in Nature
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 71 (2): 403-410. 2002.
  •  17
    Beliefs, Kinds and Rules: A Comment on Kornblith's Knowledge and Its Place in Nature
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 71 (2): 411-419. 2005.
  •  16
    The Impurity of Reason
    Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 81 (1): 67-89. 2000.
    Laurence BonJour has defended the view that we have an a priori intellectual capacity to understand the nature of proper reason. This view is critically examined in detail and a naturalistic alternative is proposed and defended according to which our understanding of proper reasoning requires a posteriori support.
  •  51
    Hilary Kornblith, Knowledge and Its Place in Nature (review)
    Philosophical Review 115 (2): 246-251. 2006.
  •  30
    Naturalizing Epistemology
    Philosophy of Science 55 (1): 152-153. 1988.
  •  22
    Précis of Virtues of the Mind
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 60 (1): 169-177. 2000.