Marlboro, Vermont, United States of America
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    Symbolic Exchange and Death
    with Jean Baudrillard
    SAGE. 1993.
    'This is easily Baudrillard's most important work. It is a key intervention in the debates on modernity and postmodernity and the site of his postmodern turn. Anyone who wants to understand the complexity and provocativeness of Baudrillard's richest period must read this text' -Douglas Kellner.
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    Longitudinal relationship of low leisure satisfaction but not depressive symptoms with systemic low-grade inflammation in dementia caregivers
    with R. Von Känel, B. T. Mausbach, P. J. Mills, J. E. Dimsdale, T. L. Patterson, S. Ancoli-Israel, M. G. Ziegler, M. Allison, and E. A. Chattillion
    Objectives.This study aimed to further elucidate the biobehavioral mechanisms linking dementia caregiving with an increased cardiovascular disease risk. We hypothesized that both elevated depressive symptoms and a behavioral correlate of depression, low leisure satisfaction, are associated with systemic inflammation.Method.We studied 121 elderly Alzheimer's disease caregivers who underwent 4 annual assessments for depressive symptoms, leisure satisfaction, and circulating levels of inflammatory …Read more