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    This untranslatability which is not one
    Paragraph 38 (2): 174-188. 2015.
    Translatability in natural languages today supports, and can only be understood in the context of, economic globalization, and the universalization of market logic. ‘Untranslatability’, as it is most often construed, does not provide a critical alternative to this logic: it bolsters it. A different account of untranslatability is required: this essay seeks to provide such. It finds in passages in Marx and in Derrida's Monolinguisme de l'autre, and in different translations of those texts, an unt…Read more
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    « Marranes que nous sommes »?
    Rue Descartes 66 (4): 44. 2009.
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    Terrible ethics -- The ethic of terror -- Phares; or, divisible sovereignty -- The logic of sovereignty -- A Sadean community -- Materia in the critique of autonomy -- Three women, three bombs -- Distracted republic.
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    On the Nature of Marx's Things traces to Marx's earliest writings a Lucretianpractice that Lezra calls necrophilological translation.
  • Corpora caeca : discontinuous sovereignty in The prince
    In Filippo Del Lucchese, Fabio Frosini & Vittorio Morfino (eds.), The radical Machiavelli: politics, philosophy and language, Brill. 2015.
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    Instituciones defectivas: un protocolo para la república
    with Paula Cucurella
    Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 71 43-63. 2023.
    Este ensayo se pregunta por qué el concepto de institución —omnipresente, fundamental, la marca que distingue a la sociedad humana de agrupaciones animales no humanas: jaurías, matanzas, rebaños, colmenas, exaltaciones— es tan difícil de definir; introduce el concepto de instituciones defectivas; ofrece definiciones de institución, defecto y republicanismo en registros filológicos, filosóficos, económicos y sociológicos; y enfatiza el problema estructural de ofrecer definiciones de estos término…Read more
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    Lucretius's shadow is long and extends across the Humanities. Bringing together essays by scholars at the top of their field, this book examines the relationship between Lucretius and modernity. Nuanced and passionate, these essays offer an account of what is at stake when we claim Lucretius for modernity.
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    Du Rien-Pour-Nous Que La Mort: Derrida Épicure
    Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 4 (2): 131-140. 2021.
    Le séminaire “La vie la mort” de Derrida opère, comme d’avance motivé par ses suites et comme contresigné par ce nom qui n’apparaît pas—le nom d’Épicure—un virage vers un matérialisme non productif, non représentationnel, dépourvu en quelque sorte de statut ontologique, voire non ontologisable, triomphant, normatif, voué à une économie de la cause. Nietzsche, lecteur antagonique d’Épicure (Lettre à Ménécée: “Accoutume-toi à considérer que la mort n'est rien pour nous”)—constitue son écran-substi…Read more
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    Thinking with Balibar: A Lexicon of Conceptual Practice (edited book)
    with Ann Laura Stoler and Stathis Gourgouris
    Fordham University Press. 2020.
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    The Schema of Institution in advance
    Philosophy Today. forthcoming.
  • This dissertation addresses the relation between the definitions of reading that function formally within the texts of Cervantes, Shakespeare and Descartes, and the historical and epistemological narratives that have traditionally served to explain or to replace that function. It argues that the non-coincidence of formal and semantic categories is a constitutive aspect of Measure for Measure, Don Quixote, and Descartes' Second Meditation, and that this non-coincidence arises at moments when ques…Read more
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    Untranslating Machines: A Genealogy for the Ends of Global Thought
    Rowman & Littlefield International. 2017.
    This book explores the interrelated subjects of philosophy of translation and the critique of globalization. Taking a specifically deconstructive-Marxist approach, Lezra examines the concept of translation through the lens of political philosophy, political economy and comparative literature.
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    One Badiou? Parodies of Philosophy
    Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 30 (1): 1-16. 2022.
    Alain Badiou’s Seminar: The One – Descartes, Plato, Kant (1983-1984) inaugurates "The Seminar, " the collection of transcribed and edited seminars that Badiou chose for publication from the sessions he held over his career. To its place opening "The Seminar" other, perhaps more important functions should be added, however. The Seminar: The One serves, with the companion seminar on the Infinite (1984-1985), as a bridge between Badiou’s Theory of the Subject (1982) and the work for which he is bes…Read more
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    The Schema of Institution
    Philosophy Today 66 (2): 385-404. 2022.
    Regress threatens throughout Lyotard’s Differend, especially where the argument appears to make normative ethical or political claims. How a term, a case or an example “links onto” a phrase serves as a way of examining how instituting can be non-regressively grounded, and with what consequences for abstract political subjectivity. The essay offers an alternative to liberal philosophical and jurisprudential schemata of political institution.
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    History as tragedy
    History of European Ideas 44 (7): 960-969. 2018.
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    In readings that link works of Cervantes, Shakespeare, and Descartes with current debates in philosophy, psychoanalysis, and literary and cultural criticism, the author reassesses the grounds of literary and philosophical history as a materialist practice of eventful reading.
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    In Ann Laura Stoler, Stathis Gourgouris & Jacques Lezra (eds.), Thinking with Balibar: A Lexicon of Conceptual Practice, Fordham University Press. pp. 211-229. 2020.
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    A Dictionary of Untranslatables: A Philosophical Lexicon (edited book)
    with Emily Apter, Barbara Cassin, and Michael Wood
    Princeton University Press. 2014.
    A one-of-a-kind reference to the international vocabulary of the humanities This is an encyclopedic dictionary of close to 400 important philosophical, literary, and political terms and concepts that defy easy—or any—translation from one language and culture to another. Drawn from more than a dozen languages, terms such as Dasein (German), pravda (Russian), saudade (Portuguese), and stato (Italian) are thoroughly examined in all their cross-linguistic and cross-cultural complexities. Spanning th…Read more