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    Trekk ved Freges logisisme: Begrep, logisk objekt og Aksiom V
    Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 48 (3-4): 243-257. 2013.
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    Civic Education and the Reasonable Religious Citizen
    Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 20 (3). 2017.
    El propósito de este artículo es refutar las objeciones de Marc Ramsey a los principios de educación cívica del liberalismo político. Argumento que Ramsey malinterpreta la distinción entre la esfera pública y la esfera privada que emana del liberalismo político, y que su opinión de que, cuando es escrutado, el liberalismo político deriva en un liberalismo comprehensivo o de la «autonomía» carece de fundamento. La relevancia del tema es que la educación de acuerdo con el liberalismo político es m…Read more
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    Frege’s Unquestioned Starting Point: Logic as Science
    In Gisela Bengtsson, Simo Säätelä & Alois Pichler (eds.), New Essays on Frege: Between Science and Literature, Springer. pp. 23-46. 2018.
    Frege’s conception of science includes three features: a science is applicable to other sciences, or even to itself, a science consists of a more or less rigid system of judgements and a science presupposes elucidations, illustrative examples and a “catch on” among scientists. Together, I label these three features “The scientific Picture”. Both logic and mathematics are included among the sciences and are covered by the scientific picture. As I understand Frege, this picture guides his logical …Read more
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    The politics of dissensus and political liberalism
    Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (8): 837-854. 2017.
    An emerging branch of political theory, ‘the politics of dissensus’, starts out from the premise that in order to understand the politics of constitutional democracies, one needs to focus on parliamentary politics, which compromises both institutional settings and debates. Politics takes place among adversaries, and dissensus and argumentation pro et contra is the rule. The focus on the conditions for consensus in contemporary democratic theory accordingly misses the essence of politics. The pol…Read more