Jeffery Aubin

Cegep St-Lawrence
  •  22
    Jeffery Aubin | : Les Diuinae institutiones de Lactance sont souvent citées lorsqu’il s’agit d’analyser le passage du mot religio de la langue latine à la pensée du christianisme. On ne doit toutefois pas lire ce texte du ive siècle de notre ère avec la conception moderne du mot religion. Les sociologues du xxe siècle ont élaboré des définitions de la religion à partir de l’opposition sacré/profane, mais cette dichotomie n’est toutefois pas une catégorie interprétative valide dans l’ouvrage de L…Read more
  •  14
    The double etymology of religio found in Antiquity has generated much discussion. Between the proposition of Cicero and that of Lactantius, we find the ambivalent position of Augustine. The modern analysis of these passages, which is influenced by criteria of linguistics, was centered around the true origin of the word and its true meaning. However, Augustine is neither here nor there. This article uses a rhetorical analysis of these etymologies and considers them as proof in the argumentation. …Read more
  • The atomistic theory, in the argument against astrology in Book VIII of the Recognitiones, corresponds very little to the thought of Epicurus, even though the writer of the novel claims to refute him. Scholars explain this discrepancy as a misunderstanding of Greek philosophy by the author of the Recognitiones. However, the theory refuted in Book VIII shares many similarities with the cosmology of the Syrian philosopher Bardaisan. The latter gives an important place to atoms and it is possible t…Read more